Republican showing Racism


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Accusing him of raising taxes when he actually cut taxes for 90% of Americans?

Calling him a socialist?

Tea Bag Rallies now? After 8 years of the GOP doubling the debt?

Texas talking about Seceding?

Not even 100 days into Obama's presidency? Come on guys. We didn't want to cry racism before it was clear that is what it was, but now its getting rediculous.

The Media didn't care what Bush did in his first 100 days, did they? He had already set a record for vacation days at this time. :lol:

Seriously, the GOP and their attacks are starting to come off as pathetic. Is it possible that they have a hard time with a black running the country?

Because God forbid that a God-fearing “Merican should have to accept a black man as their president and commander-in-chief. Without even allowing time for any of his policies to work or fail and within the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency, the Governor of Texas is hinting at secession of his state for reasons that are unclear. I think we all know what “states’ rights” is code for here. The last time Southerners starting bleating about “oppression” and “states’ rights” was during the battle to desegregate.

From Teabags to Treason in Texas: Beck & Perry Call for Secession - Jack & Jill Politics
Everyone knows to say anything bad about a black person is racism.
What do any of their complaints about Obama have to do with racism?

None that I can see.

They're partisans, certainly, but that doesn't make them racists.
Accusing him of raising taxes when he actually cut taxes for 90% of Americans?

Calling him a socialist?

Tea Bag Rallies now? After 8 years of the GOP doubling the debt?

Texas talking about Seceding?

Not even 100 days into Obama's presidency? Come on guys. We didn't want to cry racism before it was clear that is what it was, but now its getting rediculous.

The Media didn't care what Bush did in his first 100 days, did they? He had already set a record for vacation days at this time. :lol:

Seriously, the GOP and their attacks are starting to come off as pathetic. Is it possible that they have a hard time with a black running the country?

Because God forbid that a God-fearing “Merican should have to accept a black man as their president and commander-in-chief. Without even allowing time for any of his policies to work or fail and within the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency, the Governor of Texas is hinting at secession of his state for reasons that are unclear. I think we all know what “states’ rights” is code for here. The last time Southerners starting bleating about “oppression” and “states’ rights” was during the battle to desegregate.

From Teabags to Treason in Texas: Beck & Perry Call for Secession - Jack & Jill Politics

What the fuck is the internet ?
Everyone knows to say anything bad about a black person is racism.

No. We're noticing a huge difference here. The way the right wing of this country is ready to secede over obama's radical agenda!!!!!!

Are they/you insane, or is it that he's black and that is the real bug up your butt.

And boy has the press done a 180 on how they report or what? All of the sudden they are being watchdogs again.

Bush wouldn't have gotten away with all that he did if the press was on him like they are on obama.

First 100 days my ass. Just keep waiting for him to fail. You'll be waiting 8 years. Then you can blame what Jeb Bush does on Obama's socialism. :eusa_liar:
What do any of their complaints about Obama have to do with racism?

None that I can see.

They're partisans, certainly, but that doesn't make them racists.

Seceding from the union? These southern politicians aren't going to come out and call him a N*&#$( you know.

I heard a black guy explaining this on NPR. I can't remember all the examples he used, but it is very odd the way the GOP is attacking Obama.

But I will admit, it wasn't much better when it was Clinton.

But damn, ready to secede after the guys only been in office for 100 days? Rediculous.

'We will be called haters, and we are,' Phillip Dennis, a Texan resident, told one such rally.
'We are haters of big-spending politicians. We will be called racists, and we are – we are members of the human race,' he said as the silent crowd broke out into cheers.
Later he added: 'The conservative sleeping giant is awake. He is awake, and he is hungry... We will not go gently into socialism – at least not here in Texas.'

An unpublished report by the Department of Homeland Security this week warned that the country faces a growing threat from right-wing extremists angry at the state of economy and the election of a black president.

You haven't heard one thing about people being mad that we have a black president. Let me ask you Editec, do you think they don't exist? Where are they?

My guess is they are the people at rallies like the tea bag rally.
One can intuit that they are motivated by racism, but making that claim without supporting evidence of their overt racism makes you look like a hysteric.

Remember that plenty of the sons of the South have wanted to secede from the union while White Presidents were in office, too.

Their desire to break from the union MIGHT, but doesn't have to be, based on the current president's race.
What do any of their complaints about Obama have to do with racism?

None that I can see.

They're partisans, certainly, but that doesn't make them racists.

I agree with Editec. None of those statements, either in isolation or as a group, indicate any racism.

I suspect that you'd see the exact same thing happening if Obama were a white president.

It may be that some making these statements have racist motivation, who knows, but the statements are just political and not racist.
The left is much more obsessed over color than the right has ever been.

Remember, it was the right who introduced abolition. Not the left. Remember, it was the right who insisted that the color of a man's skin had nothing to do with anything. Not the left.

The left, however, embraces eugenics, segregation and affirmative action.

I think it's pretty obvious which group has a "bug up their butt" about color. couldn't be that people disagree with him.....or that they think what he is doing is must be racisim.....fucking hell....
What do any of their complaints about Obama have to do with racism?

Absolutely nothing, he's just a broken record; stuck in a track; unworthy of being pushed to the next track. His song goes something like this:


I'd put him on ingore if it weren't for the intertainment value.
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Accusing him of raising taxes when he actually cut taxes for 90% of Americans?

Calling him a socialist?

Tea Bag Rallies now? After 8 years of the GOP doubling the debt?

Texas talking about Seceding?

Not even 100 days into Obama's presidency? Come on guys. We didn't want to cry racism before it was clear that is what it was, but now its getting rediculous.

The Media didn't care what Bush did in his first 100 days, did they? He had already set a record for vacation days at this time. :lol:

Seriously, the GOP and their attacks are starting to come off as pathetic. Is it possible that they have a hard time with a black running the country?

Because God forbid that a God-fearing “Merican should have to accept a black man as their president and commander-in-chief. Without even allowing time for any of his policies to work or fail and within the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency, the Governor of Texas is hinting at secession of his state for reasons that are unclear. I think we all know what “states’ rights” is code for here. The last time Southerners starting bleating about “oppression” and “states’ rights” was during the battle to desegregate.

From Teabags to Treason in Texas: Beck & Perry Call for Secession - Jack & Jill Politics

See SB, this is why race relations are so strained. It's impossible for anyone white to criticize anyone of color without someone calling racism. It sets up a hostile environment, it erodes trust, it creates division. It's how the Left, with no real response, tried to shout down the Right. If you can vilify your opponent no one will listen to them and the tactic has worked very well for the Left for years.

It's sad to me that the people who claim to have the high ground on open-mindedness can't seem to be open to hearing anything except what they already agree with and feel the need to silence other voices.
One can intuit that they are motivated by racism, but making that claim without supporting evidence of their overt racism makes you look like a hysteric.

Remember that plenty of the sons of the South have wanted to secede from the union while White Presidents were in office, too.

Their desire to break from the union MIGHT, but doesn't have to be, based on the current president's race.

The last time a GOVERNOR suggested it, was during segregation.

And I love suggesting they might be protesting so loudly because the President is black, because it points out how rediculous they are being. If not because of racism, why are they being so outragious? Where were they the last 8 years if they care so much about spending?

I think it has to do with him being black.

For example, they are STILL talking about his birth certificate. To this day, I don't even know if that story is true. I bet it is bullshit. How come no one ever questioned McCain's citizenship? He wasn't born in America either. But its ok because he's white.

Read between the lines.
Accusing him of raising taxes when he actually cut taxes for 90% of Americans?

Calling him a socialist?

Tea Bag Rallies now? After 8 years of the GOP doubling the debt?

Texas talking about Seceding?

Not even 100 days into Obama's presidency? Come on guys. We didn't want to cry racism before it was clear that is what it was, but now its getting rediculous.

The Media didn't care what Bush did in his first 100 days, did they? He had already set a record for vacation days at this time. :lol:

Seriously, the GOP and their attacks are starting to come off as pathetic. Is it possible that they have a hard time with a black running the country?

Because God forbid that a God-fearing “Merican should have to accept a black man as their president and commander-in-chief. Without even allowing time for any of his policies to work or fail and within the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency, the Governor of Texas is hinting at secession of his state for reasons that are unclear. I think we all know what “states’ rights” is code for here. The last time Southerners starting bleating about “oppression” and “states’ rights” was during the battle to desegregate.

From Teabags to Treason in Texas: Beck & Perry Call for Secession - Jack & Jill Politics

See SB, this is why race relations are so strained. It's impossible for anyone white to criticize anyone of color without someone calling racism. It sets up a hostile environment, it erodes trust, it creates division. It's how the Left, with no real response, tried to shout down the Right. If you can vilify your opponent no one will listen to them and the tactic has worked very well for the Left for years.

It's sad to me that the people who claim to have the high ground on open-mindedness can't seem to be open to hearing anything except what they already agree with and feel the need to silence other voices.

Just pay attention to the outlandish claims coming from the right.

He wasn't born in America, he's a socialist, a muslim, a terrorist,

It is sad to me that people don't smack down the GOP when they make these outlandish claims.

And it has been 100 days and I haven't mentioned anything about racism. Now it is becoming obvious. The right is attacking this president like no other before. Only 100 days in and the dirty south is ready to impeach/secede from the union?

PS. Race relations are not strained. And where they are, it is because of people like the Texas governor and Sarah Palin and the West Virginia people who are sick of people with the name "hussaine", or people who want to insist this is a christian nation.

I bet you anything that people who say America is a christian nation, also believe that America is a WHITE nation too. Why not? Didn't white people come settle in America first? So then it must be a white nation, just like we are a christian nation because they founded the place.

Do you see my point? Of course you don't.
Accusing him of raising taxes when he actually cut taxes for 90% of Americans?

Calling him a socialist?

Tea Bag Rallies now? After 8 years of the GOP doubling the debt?

Texas talking about Seceding?

Not even 100 days into Obama's presidency? Come on guys. We didn't want to cry racism before it was clear that is what it was, but now its getting rediculous.

The Media didn't care what Bush did in his first 100 days, did they? He had already set a record for vacation days at this time. :lol:

Seriously, the GOP and their attacks are starting to come off as pathetic. Is it possible that they have a hard time with a black running the country?

Because God forbid that a God-fearing “Merican should have to accept a black man as their president and commander-in-chief. Without even allowing time for any of his policies to work or fail and within the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency, the Governor of Texas is hinting at secession of his state for reasons that are unclear. I think we all know what “states’ rights” is code for here. The last time Southerners starting bleating about “oppression” and “states’ rights” was during the battle to desegregate.

From Teabags to Treason in Texas: Beck & Perry Call for Secession - Jack & Jill Politics

See SB, this is why race relations are so strained. It's impossible for anyone white to criticize anyone of color without someone calling racism. It sets up a hostile environment, it erodes trust, it creates division. It's how the Left, with no real response, tried to shout down the Right. If you can vilify your opponent no one will listen to them and the tactic has worked very well for the Left for years.

It's sad to me that the people who claim to have the high ground on open-mindedness can't seem to be open to hearing anything except what they already agree with and feel the need to silence other voices.

Just pay attention to the outlandish claims coming from the right.

He wasn't born in America, he's a socialist, a muslim, a terrorist,

It is sad to me that people don't smack down the GOP when they make these outlandish claims.

And it has been 100 days and I haven't mentioned anything about racism. Now it is becoming obvious. The right is attacking this president like no other before. Only 100 days in and the dirty south is ready to impeach/secede from the union?

PS. Race relations are not strained. And where they are, it is because of people like the Texas governor and Sarah Palin and the West Virginia people who are sick of people with the name "hussaine", or people who want to insist this is a christian nation.

I bet you anything that people who say America is a christian nation, also believe that America is a WHITE nation too. Why not? Didn't white people come settle in America first? So then it must be a white nation, just like we are a christian nation because they founded the place.

Do you see my point? Of course you don't.

I know what your point is I just don't agree. Republicans always attack Democrats, and vice versa.

I think some introspection is in order, SB. You use the phrase "dirty south" and have another thread about southerners accents. I think you have a bias that could use some looking at. You're referring to a lot of Americans in a very negative way and it seems to be as mindlessly baseless as any bias I've ever heard of.
One can intuit that they are motivated by racism, but making that claim without supporting evidence of their overt racism makes you look like a hysteric.

Remember that plenty of the sons of the South have wanted to secede from the union while White Presidents were in office, too.

Their desire to break from the union MIGHT, but doesn't have to be, based on the current president's race.

The last time a GOVERNOR suggested it, was during segregation.

And I love suggesting they might be protesting so loudly because the President is black, because it points out how rediculous they are being. If not because of racism, why are they being so outragious? Where were they the last 8 years if they care so much about spending?

I think it has to do with him being black.

For example, they are STILL talking about his birth certificate. To this day, I don't even know if that story is true. I bet it is bullshit. How come no one ever questioned McCain's citizenship? He wasn't born in America either. But its ok because he's white.
Read between the lines.

LMAO...that is such a lie

my lord, you do really live under a rock, not only was mccain asked, but he showed his BC and other supporting documents to verify his eligibility unlike your lying hack president obama
Pretty much everyone is "racist" in the sense that they do prefer their own race. But only whites ever get hammered for this. If blacks do it, they're applauded for it.

What if there were a word besides "racist" to describe people who didn't mean harm to other races but wanted to defend their own?

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