Republican poll watchers in Georgia cover their license plates

ARMED. With guns

What kinds bullshit ya gonna throw now?
What's the state law concerning concealed carry?

and, according to your article: "The two armed individuals left the Mesa ballot drop box after Maricopa County law enforcement responded, according to the elections officials. "

two people had firearms, and left when law enforcement arrived.
ARMED. With guns

What kinds bullshit ya gonna throw now?

"According to state laws, anyone who is 18 years old and above is allowed to open carry in the state of Arizona. It is illegal to give or sell to anyone below the age of 18 any firearm, ammunition, or toy gun, which may discharge explosives and other dangerous gun-related materials."
What's the state law concerning concealed carry?

and, according to your article: "The two armed individuals left the Mesa ballot drop box after Maricopa County law enforcement responded, according to the elections officials. "

two people had firearms, and left when law enforcement arrived.
First you said they weren’t armed and now you admit they were.

The Black Panthers were NOT armed and you freaked out

These fuckers are
Then why are today's repugs flying Confederate and even Nazi flags? Why are they so upset about Confederate monuments to traitors being taken down? Why aren't blacks flocking to back repug candidates?
/——-/ They are your infiltrators. Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources
What are democrats trying to erase history? Those statutes were put up by democrats to honor those who fought to continue slavery and divide the nation.
And your wish has come true. Blacks are leaving the democrat plantation. 'End of an Era': GOP Erodes Black Support Away from Democrats
First you said they weren’t armed and now you admit they were.

The Black Panthers were NOT armed and you freaked out

These fuckers are
First you said they weren’t armed and now you admit they were.
You posted a link, showing TWO were, and when law enforcement arrived, they left.

Per state law, they didn't need to.

The Black Panthers were NOT armed and you freaked out
They were, but with billy clubs, not firearms.

(Armed doesn't always mean firearms)
You posted a link, showing TWO were, and when law enforcement arrived, they left.

Per state law, they didn't need to.

They were, but with billy clubs, not firearms.

(Armed doesn't always mean firearms)
And yet the Black Panthers (all three of them) were not armed and you fuckers still freak out about it
Afraid of being identified while intimidating voters, these Republican poll watchers break the law by covering their license plates. They now know they're being watched themselves.


Like a well-off, Lexus-owning person not stopping at a stop sign crowded by delinquents... yes, OMG, they broke the law, but we all know why... they would have been dumb to stop.

We all know people who identify as republican are at risk from rioters.. especially at polling stations.

Hey, why don't you try it out yourself... where a MAGA hat in public leftists at your local hangout.. see how that goes.
Why did they hide their own license plates if they can’t figure out who they are based on them?

See, license plates tell you whose car it is. Did you not know that?

The entire point of these poll watchers is to doxx voters. Why else are they out there?
How does a poll watcher doxx a voter?

Be specific, Simp.

Election theft should be punishable by death.... a long, drawn out demise with much suffering.... like being dragged behind a pickup for a few miles.

Then we need to teach our children to shit on the carcass before it's taken to the incinerator.
Yep Tump should be swinging from the highest tree as we speak.
And yet he's doing back flips in your primitive little bird brain.... kinda sad.
Lol, is he now there retard? Seems as though he he not in the Whitehouse but out doing his little bits in front of other retard lovers like you. Lol, he is the biggest loser of the century. He lost the ele tio. Because he is a loser lime every retard liser that follows him. Especially those ultra retards sitting in jail because of Jan 6th. Hundreds upon hundreds of lovers sitting and rotting in jail. Good stuff very entertaining!
Lol, is he now there retard? Seems as though he he not in the Whitehouse but out doing his little bits in front of other retard lovers like you. Lol, he is the biggest loser of the century. He lost the ele tio. Because he is a loser lime every retard liser that follows him. Especially those ultra retards sitting in jail because of Jan 6th. Hundreds upon hundreds of lovers sitting and rotting in jail. Good stuff very entertaining!
You means the ones that should be out on bail? You support people who are shitting on the Constitution and the American citizen.

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