Republican National Campaign staffer and Senate and Trump aide found guilty of possessing child pornography


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
As usual the Republican party loves criminals, hates law abiding citizens. This degenerate was a
  1. Republican National Campaign staffer,
  2. a Republican Senate staffer,
  3. a Trump aide,
  4. Keynote speaker at anti-abortion march for life
All staples of the Republican party.

They (Republicans) love crime and criminals, the more deviant the better.

You'll see them giving their support on social media, and perhaps here as well.


Last edited:
As usual the Republican party loves criminals, hates law abiding citizens. This degenerate was a
  1. Republican National Campaign staffer,
  2. a Republican Senate staffer,
  3. a Trump aide,
  4. Keynote speaker at anti-abortion march for life
All staples of the Republican party.

They (Republicans) love crime and criminals, the more deviant the better.

You'll see them giving their support on social media, and perhaps here as well.


At least he didn't send "selfies" to children like former congressman and Hilda's best friend's husband WEINER.
As usual the Republican party loves criminals, hates law abiding citizens. This degenerate was a
  1. Republican National Campaign staffer,
  2. a Republican Senate staffer,
  3. a Trump aide,
  4. Keynote speaker at anti-abortion march for life
All staples of the Republican party.

They (Republicans) love crime and criminals, the more deviant the better.

You'll see them giving their support on social media, and perhaps here as well.


The trump supporters and qanon people believe that trump was elected to rid our nation of pedophiles and put them in prison.

Yet we keep reading articles about people who work for him are busted with child porn or are pedophiles.

He even had a long time friend who was a pedophile and had his own island to take children to and abuse.
Stepped right in it Marc...
Stepped into what exactly? Please expound.
Shit, Marc. Ya stepped in your own shit. Seems DEMOCRATS are just as offensive as REPUBLICANS and yet you left that part out of your partisan rant.
Surely you knew when you posted this thread that Your bias was going to come back and bite you in the ass, and it did.
Think before you slander...
As usual the Republican party loves criminals, hates law abiding citizens. This degenerate was a
  1. Republican National Campaign staffer,
  2. a Republican Senate staffer,
  3. a Trump aide,
  4. Keynote speaker at anti-abortion march for life
All staples of the Republican party.

They (Republicans) love crime and criminals, the more deviant the better.

You'll see them giving their support on social media, and perhaps here as well.


they say the same about the democrats marc.....both sides are a lot alike....
I thought that this thread was about Matt Gaetz for a moment. Maybe they can share a cell on the nonce wing ?
Matt Gaetz is going to get what's coming to him.

Then that pedo-supporting Republican scumbag in Ohio is about to get exposed once the Netfilx documentary drops.

The world will see and know exactly what the Republican Party stands for.
I thought that this thread was about Matt Gaetz for a moment. Maybe they can share a cell on the nonce wing ?
Matt Gaetz is going to get what's coming to him.

Then that pedo-supporting Republican scumbag in Ohio is about to get exposed once the Netfilx documentary drops.

The world will see and know exactly what the Republican Party stands for.
Gym ?
As usual the Republican party loves criminals, hates law abiding citizens. This degenerate was a
  1. Republican National Campaign staffer,
  2. a Republican Senate staffer,
  3. a Trump aide,
  4. Keynote speaker at anti-abortion march for life
All staples of the Republican party.

They (Republicans) love crime and criminals, the more deviant the better.

You'll see them giving their support on social media, and perhaps here as well.


Hunter had pedo porn on his laptop...Why is he walking around Scot free?

Oh, that's right, double standards.
Outta the park, Mr. Oddball.
It's only a crime when called conservative...... get's bagged. Ol Marc isn't feeling too well these days after all the posts about 250 lb Bruthas punching out old ladies on the sidewalk and the dismal showing of the black intellect in the standard deviation spread of IQ test scoring. See his theory about being held back by whitey goes out the window when the statistics on IQ start showing up because it doesn't favor the whites either. So Ol Marc here gloms on to any spectacular news item he can desperately find in order to change the subject from ... Bruthas punch out 75 year old women and Bruthas is kinda stooopid " Hey look! they caught a white guy with porn! ".....

He thinks it will make the other things go away.

Stepped right in it Marc...
Stepped into what exactly? Please expound.
Hey.... why don't you go find a frail old Asian woman to punch out?
You would, but you are probably afraid she will whoop your ass.
She can't already broke her face with your brave ( shades of a mighty Zulu Warrior facing down a lion! ) Brutha-Punch....! really kicked that old woman's ass good..... I hope she learned her lesson.

Then....OH then! she had the goddamed nerve to get up and try to walk away but Dude! You took care of that too~!

And her sister? WTF? Did that bitch think she was gonna get away with it? NOOOOOOO......SUPERBRUTHA to the Rescue! AAAAATACK!

In short we as a society are vey lucky to have Big Strong black men who are willing to put themselves in harms way to get rid of the Dangerous OLD WOMEN who though they appear to be small and frail are really extremely tough and very powerful! I mean a black man would never think of attacking someone weaker right? They are far too intelligent for that shit. ( What we talkin' 86...or even 87!! right ??? I mean wow!!) We are all in your debt .... yes we are!

Thank goodness you can stand in for the likes of this piece of shit right here....we know you're not anything at all like him.
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As usual the Republican party loves criminals, hates law abiding citizens. This degenerate was a
  1. Republican National Campaign staffer,
  2. a Republican Senate staffer,
  3. a Trump aide,
  4. Keynote speaker at anti-abortion march for life
All staples of the Republican party.

They (Republicans) love crime and criminals, the more deviant the better.

You'll see them giving their support on social media, and perhaps here as well.


If true arrest them. Arrest everyone around them that knew about it. See how easy that is. Now what about Hunter.

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