Republican Impeachment Report: Dems Have No Evidence On President Trump, No Crimes Committed

The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
The law itself required the Pentagon to investigate the Ukraine to ensure the funds would not go towards corruption. The Pentagon investigation took 3 months, and in June 2019 the Pentagon gave the A OK to release the aid money... No corruption in sight.
The Commander In Chief is who is in Charge of Foreign Policy and Foreign Aide. He can delegate that authority for a time, or rescind that authority at will as part of his rights and privileges in concordance with The Executive Branch being a CO-EQUAL Branch of Government.

Let me ask you a question: Were you born a DemNazi Commie, or were you dropped on your head and became one? Does the metal plate in your head cause you problems when you go through metal detectors?

What school taught you that? Trumpybear University in St. Petersburg?

Better get your Rubles back.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime and misdemeanor, then extorting a foreign president for personal political gain is a several orders of magnitude higher crime and misdemeanor.

Better tell Biden to cover his @ss then ... his day are numbered!
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
The law itself required the Pentagon to investigate the Ukraine to ensure the funds would not go towards corruption. The Pentagon investigation took 3 months, and in June 2019 the Pentagon gave the A OK to release the aid money... No corruption in sight.
The Commander In Chief is who is in Charge of Foreign Policy and Foreign Aide. He can delegate that authority for a time, or rescind that authority at will as part of his rights and privileges in concordance with The Executive Branch being a CO-EQUAL Branch of Government.

Let me ask you a question: Were you born a DemNazi Commie, or were you dropped on your head and became one? Does the metal plate in your head cause you problems when you go through metal detectors?

What school taught you that? Trumpybear University in St. Petersburg?

Better get your Rubles back.
I graduated Suma Cum Laude at Kicking Your ASS & FUCK-U.

Dude, you are a fucking amateur propagandist and whomever pays you every day to spam USMB with your Anti-American, Anti Administration Drivel should ask for a refund.

If you do this shit for FREE you are an even Bigger Retard Moron than I believed.

You do not have the intelligence to debate me, nor are you capable of putting the work in to outwork me.

So you get Two Losses for the Price of One.

Sucks to be you today and every day.

If a Tree falls on your ass in The Woods, will anyone give a fuck?
"Moreover, Trump’s own White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was told that his actions were illegal, and appears to have tacitly acknowledged that fact, but continued to hold up the funding anyway."

Not sure if the article says who told them that but I think it was a lawyer.

So you're spreading hearsay around like it was 'gospel', too, huh?! :p

It was probably SCHIFF.


Hey Left Tards, How did that go for you Trying TO STOP President Trump from with holding Foreign Aide from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador?

Trump Froze Aid To Guatemala. Now Programs Are Shutting Down

It's s diabolical plot to increase immigration from these places. Starving the already poor people will increase the number of immigrants invading us.
Hey Chicom Putin Ass Fuck:

How did that go for you trying to Stop The President from Withholding Foreign Aide from Central America?

Why aren't you doing an IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY?

Democrats fume as Trump cuts Central American aid
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
Any of you Anti-Americans believe that the Senate will convict Trump of anything....this thread has a whole bunch of butt hurt by the TRAITORS of this country....Anyone?
Any of you Anti-Americans believe that the Senate will convict Trump of anything....this thread has a whole bunch of butt hurt by the TRAITORS of this country....Anyone?
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
Any of you Anti-Americans believe that the Senate will convict Trump of anything....this thread has a whole bunch of butt hurt by the TRAITORS of this country....Anyone?
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
They always cry when I abuse them. That just makes it more fun.
Then you must really be upset at how the Democrats used a foreign-assisted Steele Dossier to try to thwart an election in 2016

Well they did a piss poor job of using it since it was published two months after the election.

now using bipartisan taxpayer funding from the treasury in order to harm Trump ahead of the 2020 election

Congress investigated multiple allegations against Obama and Obama Administration official for 6 years. Democrats have only been in control of the House for less than a year. Shouldn't give it out if you can't take it.

And you must be rip snorting mad at how Obama used the IRS as an attack on half of our two party system

After the Republicans in Congress found no connection between the President and the IRS's verification selection process for those non-profits, I think it's you that is mad.
Any of you Anti-Americans believe that the Senate will convict Trump of anything....this thread has a whole bunch of butt hurt by the TRAITORS of this country....Anyone?
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
They always cry when I abuse them. That just makes it more fun.
I love abusing these Foreign Posters and Calling them out. You can tell when you have them cornered because like the Effeminate Cowards they are, they deflect, retreat, and start running like little girls with their tail tucked between their legs and try to change the subject.
Any of you Anti-Americans believe that the Senate will convict Trump of anything....this thread has a whole bunch of butt hurt by the TRAITORS of this country....Anyone?
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
They always cry when I abuse them. That just makes it more fun.
I love abusing these Foreign Posters and Calling them out. You can tell when you have them cornered because like the Effeminate Cowards they are, they deflect, retreat, running like little girls with their tail tucked between their legs and try to change the subject.
Don't forget they keep repeating the same shit over and over again although it was answered 3 maybe 4 times in this thread!
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The title is 100% True.

The alleged victim said he wasn't pressured.

Exactly ZERO persons gave said they heard Trjmp pressure the Ukes.

Trump released the transcript that exonerates him.

The Democrats STAR WITNESS admitted under oath that Trump never said to pressure the Ukes and actually said not to pressure them.

Its Russian Collusion deja vu.

Zero evidence of guilt.


Feelings aren't evidence.
Then you must really be upset at how the Democrats used a foreign-assisted Steele Dossier to try to thwart an election in 2016

Well they did a piss poor job of using it since it was published two months after the election.

now using bipartisan taxpayer funding from the treasury in order to harm Trump ahead of the 2020 election

Congress investigated multiple allegations against Obama and Obama Administration official for 6 years. Democrats have only been in control of the House for less than a year. Shouldn't give it out if you can't take it.

And you must be rip snorting mad at how Obama used the IRS as an attack on half of our two party system

After the Republicans in Congress found no connection between the President and the IRS's verification selection process for those non-profits, I think it's you that is mad.
Hillary Clinton was accusing The President of Russian Collusion during The Election CommieTard. Commie Comey and the rest of the Obama Bin Lying DeepTard State was already spying on The Trump Campaign based on False Affidavits filed in FISA based on The Dirty Dossier you lubed up your ass for Putin in exchange for it.

Caught you again, amateur.

America will never elect a Muslim as President again, thanks to Obama Bin Spying.

We should actually thank you for that.
Last edited:
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!

Devon Nunes is a Russian asset who just floated Vladimir Putin's favourite piece of Russian disinformation (Ukrainian election meddling), in an offical Republican Report. What a useful tool. This, despite the Adminnistration's top expert on Russia and the Ukraine testifying that Ukrainian election interference is a Russian hoax.

There is no depths that Nunes won't sink to shore up his criminal buddy, Donald Trump. Nunes himself is implicated in this scandal as Guliani's clients have said that Nunes met with the fired Ukrainian prosecutor to get dirt on the Bidens. Nunes has good reason to try to discredit the impeachment because, while Trump isn't likely to go to jail for this, everyone else involved does not have presidential immunity from prosecution.

Nixon didn't go to jail. Everybody who works for Trump ends up in jail.
Any of you Anti-Americans believe that the Senate will convict Trump of anything....this thread has a whole bunch of butt hurt by the TRAITORS of this country....Anyone?
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
They always cry when I abuse them. That just makes it more fun.
I love abusing these Foreign Posters and Calling them out. You can tell when you have them cornered because like the Effeminate Cowards they are, they deflect, retreat, running like little girls with their tail tucked between their legs and try to change the subject.
Don't forget they keep repeating the same shit over and over again although it was answered 3 maybe 4 times in this thread!
They are here for one reason:

To Stifle Debate, Disrupt Threads, Suppress Information and Facts, and Promote Propaganda and Disinformation.

These are Bad People with Evil Agendas and Bad Intentions.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.
Funny how times have changed

In the #MeToo era of today the big deal would have been
the POTUS getting head from an intern AND lying about it
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!

Devon Nunes is a Russian asset who just floated Vladimir Putin's favourite piece of Russian disinformation (Ukrainian election meddling), in an offical Republican Report. What a useful tool. This, despite the Adminnistration's top expert on Russia and the Ukraine testifying that Ukrainian election interference is a Russian hoax.

There is no depths that Nunes won't sink to shore up his criminal buddy, Donald Trump. Nunes himself is implicated in this scandal as Guliani's clients have said that Nunes met with the fired Ukrainian prosecutor to get dirt on the Bidens. Nunes has good reason to try to discredit the impeachment because, while Trump isn't likely to go to jail for this, everyone else involved does not have presidential immunity from prosecution.

Nixon didn't go to jail. Everybody who works for Trump ends up in jail.
How can you say Devon Nunes is a Russian Asset when you have a Russian Dildo Shoved Up Your Own Ass? Everything Nunes has done and has shown turned out to be legit.

You pieces of shit tried and are still trying to overturn the 2016 Election.

Why are you Scared Shitless of Democracy and Elections?

Don't you have some Pro Democracy Protesters to Beat up somewhere today?

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