Republican Impeachment Report: Dems Have No Evidence On President Trump, No Crimes Committed

The Executive Branch has Executive Branch Privilege Protections as GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION.

Claims of blanket immunity will continue to go down in flames.

Judge denies request for stay on McGahn testimony
The Executive Branch does not have to comply and can appeal that decision, or simply ignore it and exert Executive Privilege.

When are you going to give us your address so we can search your house for contraband and your computer for Thought Crimes?

If the Committee calls him they have to comply or appeal her ruling on the stay. They already had to appealed the decision.

"A Jan. 3 hearing with a three-judge panel has been scheduled for the Justice Department's appeal. Two of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents, Politico reported.

The department has said it would bring the request to the Supreme Court if necessary. Chief Justice John Roberts could grant a temporary stay against the subpoena, but five justices would need to support a longer stay for it to go into effect, according to Politico. "

I don't mind Trumpybear dragging this into 2020.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!

Devon Nunes is a Russian asset who just floated Vladimir Putin's favourite piece of Russian disinformation (Ukrainian election meddling), in an offical Republican Report. What a useful tool. This, despite the Adminnistration's top expert on Russia and the Ukraine testifying that Ukrainian election interference is a Russian hoax.

There is no depths that Nunes won't sink to shore up his criminal buddy, Donald Trump. Nunes himself is implicated in this scandal as Guliani's clients have said that Nunes met with the fired Ukrainian prosecutor to get dirt on the Bidens. Nunes has good reason to try to discredit the impeachment because, while Trump isn't likely to go to jail for this, everyone else involved does not have presidential immunity from prosecution.

Nixon didn't go to jail. Everybody who works for Trump ends up in jail.

See how easy that is, but I tell the truth...Iranium one paid dossier, $140+billion to Cunton Crime Foundation when she was Sec. Of over 200bFELONIES as outlined by Comey!!!
Claims of blanket immunity will continue to go down in flames.
Judge denies request for stay on McGahn testimony
Perhaps Barr will give him Immunity for absolutely NOTHING, as Obama & his crooked DOJ did for Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta?!

Or, he could always follow the example / precedent set by former Obama IRS member Lois Lerner:

'I would like to say I did nothing wrong, you people suck, and I now plead the 5th' .... followed by his walking out with his lawyer.


Actual Red, the options for the 5th and exerting Executive Privilege over some answers was addressed in her lengthy opinion.
The Executive Branch has Executive Branch Privilege Protections as GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION.

Claims of blanket immunity will continue to go down in flames.

Judge denies request for stay on McGahn testimony
The Executive Branch does not have to comply and can appeal that decision, or simply ignore it and exert Executive Privilege.

When are you going to give us your address so we can search your house for contraband and your computer for Thought Crimes?

If the Committee calls him they have to comply or appeal her ruling on the stay. They already had to appealed the decision.

"A Jan. 3 hearing with a three-judge panel has been scheduled for the Justice Department's appeal. Two of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents, Politico reported.

The department has said it would bring the request to the Supreme Court if necessary. Chief Justice John Roberts could grant a temporary stay against the subpoena, but five justices would need to support a longer stay for it to go into effect, according to Politico. "

I don't mind Trumpybear dragging this into 2020.
The Executive Branch does not have to Comply with ANYTHING any COMMITTEE requests of him.

Only when this actually becomes an Impeachment in The Senate does The President have to comply with certain things, and even then he is allowed to use Executive Privilege, and he also is guaranteed DUE PROCESS CIVIL RIGHTS.

He does not have to comply with any dog and pony show put on by a Committee by just 1\2 of The Legislative Branch and a handful of Partisan Assholes that do not Represent The Entire Body of America that is We The People.

The Executive Branch is a CO-EQUAL BRANCH of GOVERNMENT with CONGRESS!

CONGRESS is defined AS The House of Representatives and The Senate Combined.

CONGRESS, not a House of REPS Committee is CO-EQUAL, not Pelosi, not Nadler, not Schiff.

A Committee is nothing but a whore house for some corrupt politicians who want to grant themselves more power than The Constitution Intended.

The House of Reps only Responsibility and power in this process is to write articles of impeachment and pass that along to The Senate.

If The Senate then wants to initiate Impeachment Proceedings ONLY then it becomes an actual Impeachment.

Anything else you hear is just bullshit Propaganda, and The President and Executive Branch does not have to participate in all the politics in The House of Reps during any so called Inquiries conducted by so called Committees.
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"Moreover, Trump’s own White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was told that his actions were illegal, and appears to have tacitly acknowledged that fact, but continued to hold up the funding anyway."

Not sure if the article says who told them that but I think it was a lawyer.

So you're spreading hearsay around like it was 'gospel', too, huh?! :p

It was probably SCHIFF.



Pretty sure it's in the testimony of the guy from OMB. I was just wondering which wanker would say something funny like that first. Looks like you win.
Actual Red, the options for the 5th and exerting Executive Privilege over some answers was addressed in her lengthy opinion.
One of the main reasons Executive Privilege does not apply / can't be used by him, according to Democrats, is the fact that he is no longer part of Trump's administration...

...which makes him a private citizen..... who has the personal Constitutional Right / Privilege of invoking the 5th if he appears before Congress.

The Executive Branch does not have to Comply with ANYTHING any COMMITTEE requests of him.

Then why did Trumpybear file any appeal at all when they lost in court this last time? When they lose the final time will he order his SS to confine McGahn so he can't testify?

Only when this actually becomes an Impeachment in The Senate does The President have to comply

So when did you graduate from Trumpybear U @ St. Pete's'?
Pretty sure it's in the testimony of the guy from OMB. I was just wondering which wanker would say something funny like that first. Looks like you win.

So pointing out the fact that you are spreading hearsay you are not even totally sure of makes me or anyone who does so a 'wanker', huh?!

Bwuhahahahaha........ poor wittle snowflake.
The Executive Branch does not have to Comply with ANYTHING any COMMITTEE requests of him.

Then why did Trumpybear file any appeal at all when they lost in court this last time? When they lose the final time will he order his SS to confine McGahn so he can't testify?

Only when this actually becomes an Impeachment in The Senate does The President have to comply

So when did you graduate from Trumpybear U @ St. Pete's'?
Cute, using 'pet names' for the President while admittedly spreading hearsay instead of using links or actual factual information to attack the President...

Thanks for reminding all of us why reading anything you post is extremely optional , not recommended, and not worth the read.
Actual Red, the options for the 5th and exerting Executive Privilege over some answers was addressed in her lengthy opinion.
One of the main reasons Executive Privilege does not apply / can't be used by him, according to Democrats, is the fact that he is no longer part of Trump's administration...

...which makes him a private citizen..... who has the personal Constitutional Right / Privilege of invoking the 5th if he appears before Congress.


Exactly what the Judge said.

Even though he is a private citizen, some of his answers might contain information that is covered by executive privilege. Can't determine that until he appears before the committee and gets sworn in.
Exactly what the Judge said.

Even though he is a private citizen, some of his answers might contain information that is covered by executive privilege. Can't determine that until he appears before the committee and gets sworn in.
How is dragging him before the Coup 2.0 hearing chaired by a compromised criminal admitted leaker and forcing him to plead the 5th going to prove if anything he may have had to say - before pleading the 5th - could possibly contain Executive Privileged information?
The Executive Branch does not have to Comply with ANYTHING any COMMITTEE requests of him.

Then why did Trumpybear file any appeal at all when they lost in court this last time? When they lose the final time will he order his SS to confine McGahn so he can't testify?

Only when this actually becomes an Impeachment in The Senate does The President have to comply

So when did you graduate from Trumpybear U @ St. Pete's'?

Again, I graduated Sum Cum Laude at The University of None of Your Business U with a 4.0 GPA.

Why would President Donald Trump and the Executive Branch challenge that appeal?

Because The DemNazi Party is trying to USURP the CO-EQUAL POWERS of The Executive Branch by abusing the COURTS and attempting to set New Precedents so as to Undermine The Power of The Executive Branch and make it Subservient to The Legislative Branch, thereby turning The Presidency in to a seat to be filled by Congressional Puppets with No Power serving only as a Figure Head, and Rubber Stamp for Congress.

So you have to challenge any and all Orewellian Overreaches by Congress when they are out of their lanes, and trying to USURP Executive Branch Authority, Rights and Privileges.

What The DemNazis are doing is called a Soft COUP or Bureaucratic COUP, but then again, they announced that this was their plan 19 minutes after President Trump was sworn in.

The COUP will most likely continue until people start getting prosecuted for participating in it.

Until then we are in a BLOODLESS CIVIL WAR.
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Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.


He lied about receiving a consensual blow job. Trump lied about using our government to extort dirt on his political opponent from our allies. You really don't see the difference?
yet i never see you upset at the DNC for working with the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
The law itself required the Pentagon to investigate the Ukraine to ensure the funds would not go towards corruption. The Pentagon investigation took 3 months, and in June 2019 the Pentagon gave the A OK to release the aid money... No corruption in sight.
please link to said law and illustrate it's relevance.

this is where you POOF. quite funny.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
The law itself required the Pentagon to investigate the Ukraine to ensure the funds would not go towards corruption. The Pentagon investigation took 3 months, and in June 2019 the Pentagon gave the A OK to release the aid money... No corruption in sight.

Then why did Zelensky run on ending corruption in the Ukraine?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
The law itself required the Pentagon to investigate the Ukraine to ensure the funds would not go towards corruption. The Pentagon investigation took 3 months, and in June 2019 the Pentagon gave the A OK to release the aid money... No corruption in sight.

Then why did Zelensky run on ending corruption in the Ukraine?
Same Reason Joe Biden's and Obama Bin Lying's Politician Friends Obama's Administration was trying to keep in power had to flee to Russia when Zelensky was elected.
Cute, using 'pet names' for the President while admittedly spreading hearsay

I confess, I found Trumpybears use of pet names astoundingly hilarious and effective against his opponents, and frankly I'll admitt that I'm just shallow enough to not judge a candidate on their policy proposals but on their face. I just can't stand his face and I really can't believe anyone voted for a guy with a face like that. Look at that face.

Def. a lawyer told them it was illegal.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.
It's not an Impeachment Either. That happens in The Senate if THE SENATE agrees holding an Impeachment is Worth their time.

It does not become an Impeachment until The House Writes Articles of Impeachment and The Senate votes to hold The Impeachment to dissprove or prove The Articles of Impeachment through Due Process

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