Biden says Buttigieg "stole" his healthcare plan

What is it now, a new Biden gaffe every three hours? :laughing0301:

“He stole it,” Biden told reporters on his campaign bus in Iowa. Biden said he would have been criticized if he had copied someone else’s health plan.

“What would you have done to me? You’d have torn my ears off,” he said..."

Biden says Buttigieg 'stole' his healthcare plan
Someone REALLY needs to convince the senile old fart to drop out of the race and spend the rest of his days quietly AT HOME.
Joe Biden was always a Dumb-ass, and now he is clearly losing Mental Acuity---which of course is the last thing he could afford to lose.

But, he still has Black support, as Obama's VP, so the Socialists can't quite hustle him off to a Nursing Home just yet.

Blacks of course can't be blamed for not seeing this very obvious Mental Meltdown which the rest of us are witnessing. From their past experience, every old white man is nuts.

But is over for Uncle Joe.

The only betting left is whether Seniity or Corruption get him first.
What is it now, a new Biden gaffe every three hours? :laughing0301:

“He stole it,” Biden told reporters on his campaign bus in Iowa. Biden said he would have been criticized if he had copied someone else’s health plan.

“What would you have done to me? You’d have torn my ears off,” he said..."

Biden says Buttigieg 'stole' his healthcare plan
Someone REALLY needs to convince the senile old fart to drop out of the race and spend the rest of his days quietly AT HOME.


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