Republican Congresswoman Proves Trump's Culpability


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
This is a really amazing thread, especially from a Republican member of Congress. I'll post the initial tweet, then the unroll of all the tweets.

Jaime Herrera Beutler
11h, 17 tweets, 3 min read

In conversations w/residents about this week's impeachment vote, some are unclear on what transpired before & during that involved President Trump.

Here are the indisputable and publicly available facts ⬇
The president helped organize the January 6 rally. Example:Image

For months, he insisted the election had been stolen and consistently urged people to "fight" in order to change the results: "WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!" (Tweet, Dec. 12)

"@ senatemajldr and Republican Senators have to get tougher, or you won't have a Republican Party anymore. We won the Presidential Election, by a lot. FIGHT FOR IT. Don't let them take it away!" (Dec. 18)

"The 'Justice' Department& the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation's history despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in DC on January 6th"(Dec. 26)

He led Americans to believe that Mike Pence could overturn the Electoral College results, even though the VP does not have that power. On Jan. 5 he tweeted, "The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors."

He told supporters at Georgia rally that day, "I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. I hope that our great Vice President, our great Vice President, comes through for us. He's a great guy. Of course if he doesn't come through I won't like him quite as much."

During the president's rally on January 6, he repeated phrases like "fight like hell," and "we're going to have to fight much harder."

Many coming to the rally did intend to fight, with physical violence. Leading up to the rally, specific threats were numerous. Hundreds of TikTok videos promoted violence. Thousands of used hashtags promoting a second civil war.

One said, "Take your motherf---ing guns. That's the whole point of going." Another online comment said: "travel in packs and do not let them disarm someone without stacking bodies."

Rather than take any action to curb the threats, the president at his rally said, "When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules." He said "You'll never take our country back with weakness."

While the riot was in full swing & a mob was in the Capitol hunting Mike Pence, the president tweeted: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts ....

.... not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify."
The mob at the Capitol chanting "Hang Mike Pence."

This one of the mob attacking a Capitol Police officer. As we know, many were beaten and one died because of his injuries.

The commander in chief’s primary job is to protect U.S. citizens. While this mob hunted for Pence, who had fled to a secure location, the only action we know the president took was calling GOP Senators, seeking their support to delay the Electoral College certification.

Hours after the Capitol was breached, the president released a pathetic video denouncing the violence but telling the perpetrators "I love you," and "you are special."
This is a really amazing thread, especially from a Republican member of Congress. I'll post the initial tweet, then the unroll of all the tweets.

Jaime Herrera Beutler
11h, 17 tweets, 3 min read

In conversations w/residents about this week's impeachment vote, some are unclear on what transpired before & during that involved President Trump.

Here are the indisputable and publicly available facts ⬇
The president helped organize the January 6 rally. Example:Image

For months, he insisted the election had been stolen and consistently urged people to "fight" in order to change the results: "WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!" (Tweet, Dec. 12)

"@ senatemajldr and Republican Senators have to get tougher, or you won't have a Republican Party anymore. We won the Presidential Election, by a lot. FIGHT FOR IT. Don't let them take it away!" (Dec. 18)

"The 'Justice' Department& the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation's history despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in DC on January 6th"(Dec. 26)

He led Americans to believe that Mike Pence could overturn the Electoral College results, even though the VP does not have that power. On Jan. 5 he tweeted, "The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors."

He told supporters at Georgia rally that day, "I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. I hope that our great Vice President, our great Vice President, comes through for us. He's a great guy. Of course if he doesn't come through I won't like him quite as much."

During the president's rally on January 6, he repeated phrases like "fight like hell," and "we're going to have to fight much harder."

Many coming to the rally did intend to fight, with physical violence. Leading up to the rally, specific threats were numerous. Hundreds of TikTok videos promoted violence. Thousands of used hashtags promoting a second civil war.

One said, "Take your motherf---ing guns. That's the whole point of going." Another online comment said: "travel in packs and do not let them disarm someone without stacking bodies."

Rather than take any action to curb the threats, the president at his rally said, "When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules." He said "You'll never take our country back with weakness."

While the riot was in full swing & a mob was in the Capitol hunting Mike Pence, the president tweeted: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts ....

.... not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify."
The mob at the Capitol chanting "Hang Mike Pence."

This one of the mob attacking a Capitol Police officer. As we know, many were beaten and one died because of his injuries.

The commander in chief’s primary job is to protect U.S. citizens. While this mob hunted for Pence, who had fled to a secure location, the only action we know the president took was calling GOP Senators, seeking their support to delay the Electoral College certification.

Hours after the Capitol was breached, the president released a pathetic video denouncing the violence but telling the perpetrators "I love you," and "you are special."

No reasonable person would take those words so far out of context as to believe the speaker intended violence.

By that standard, violence is incited when a sports fan yells for his team to "fight" and win.

You could have saved yourself a lot of time and just typed "ORANGE MAN BAD" and it would have been just as effective.
I especially enjoyed this one! :)

Yes - the best of us. He did 3 things simultaneously:

* Diverted rioters away from Senate Chambers
* Coordinated for backup on the second-floor landing
* Exercised extreme restraint in order to prevent injury or loss of life

Yep, Eugene deserves a Freedom Medal and/or Congressional Medal of Honor. Without his quick thinking under duress, the Rump Riots could have been WAY worse.

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