REPOST: Still Think the Church Isn't Under Attack? Think Again!! (version 2.0 )

Easy to see and know the work that the church does, it's transparent. Of course you have corruption in many things, but it's easy to take them one case at a time.
No, actually it's not. It's a real problem, and the church seems to do it's best to step around it litigiously. A 'one size fits all' solution, being nail all corruption to the fucking cross, seems better than trying to prosecute 'levels' of corruption.

I'll go one better: the problem goes away when you take away the tax exemption completely.
Going to work great come judgement day, because that will be the ultimate exemption for Christ Christian's when it comes to not getting thrown into HELL.
:dunno: K.
Gotta admire your bravery though, because undoubtedly you think you can gain favor with the evil one on the other side.
I do? :dunno: News to me.
I'd love to get a visit just to ask you "how's that working out for you" ??
I'm not a part of this fantasy
No, actually it's not. It's a real problem, and the church seems to do it's best to step around it litigiously. A 'one size fits all' solution, being nail all corruption to the fucking cross, seems better than trying to prosecute 'levels' of corruption.

I'll go one better: the problem goes away when you take away the tax exemption completely.
Communist eh ?
Going to work great come judgement day, because that will be the ultimate exemption for Christ Christian's when it comes to not getting thrown into HELL. Gotta admire your bravery though, because undoubtedly you think you can gain favor with the evil one on the other side. I'd love to get a visit just to ask you "how's that working out for you" ??

That brings to mind something that I very faintly remember hearing or reading what must have been decades ago. I'm not even sure if it was claimed to be true, or some element of a fictional story. Whatever the source, it had it that there was a religion that worshipped Satan, on the premise that they did not know which side would ultimately win, and hoped that if God won, that he would be forgiving, but assumed that if Satan won, he would be otherwise, so they figured they'd better be on Satan's good side, just in case.

The premise of such a cult, of course, is bullshit. The outcome is already predestined. Satan has already lost, and his fate, along with the fate of those who choose to follow him, is already determined. God can and will only forgive so much.
Eradication of corruption isn't communism, you simpleton.

Magaturds like you don't even seem to understand the definition of communism.
It's a one size fits all solution to many things, so the government controls the application's and dishing out of it all.
If he hurts your widdle fee-fees then GOOD! The Gospel is NOT meant to make people feel good about themselves, but convict people of their sin so they can repent and turn to the Cross!
Your tribal God convicts people of course he does and then he murders them.
Eradication of corruption isn't communism, you simpleton.

Magaturds like you don't even seem to understand the definition of communism.


You do know that those are Democraps, right?

For the entire time that the Ku Klux Klan had any meaningful existence, it was a branch of the Democrapic party.

Oddly, now that it has been, for all intents and purposes, extinct for a few decades, it is the Democraps that keep bringing it up as some sort of phantom Republican bogeyman. Even in its extinction, the KKK continues to serve as a tool of the Democraps, though now on a more rhetorical level.
You do know that those are Democraps, right?

For the entire time that the Ku Klux Klan had any meaningful existence, it was a branch of the Democrapic party.

Oddly, now that it has been, for all intents and purposes, extinct for a few decades, it is the Democraps that keep bringing it up as some sort of phantom Republican bogeyman. Even in its extinction, the KKK continues to serve as a tool of the Democraps, though now on a more rhetorical level.
Well the KKK got taken over by the Republicans. They're just part of the Republican fascist end of the party.
They're still Republicans.

Well the KKK got taken over by the Republicans. They're just part of the Republican fascist end of the party.

That is simply a flat-out lie, and you know damn well that it is.

Those are your people, Democraps. It was Democraps who founded the Ku Klux Klan, and who kept it going for the entire time that it existed.

It was Republicans that fought against the KKK, that drove it nearly to the point of extinction.

I don't claim to know the political leanings of Beulah Mae Donald, who struck the final death blow to the Klan. She was probably a Democrat, but it was Republicans who weakened the Klan to the point that she was able to sue what was left of it into bankruptcy and out of existence, once and for all.
That is simply a flat-out lie, and you know damn well that it is.

Those are your people, Democraps. It was Democraps who founded the Ku Klux Klan, and who kept it going for the entire time that it existed.

It was Republicans that fought against the KKK, that drove it nearly to the point of extinction.

I don't claim to know the political leanings of Beulah Mae Donald, who struck the final death blow to the Klan. She was probably a Democrat, but it was Republicans who weakened the Klan to the point that she was able to sue what was left of it into bankruptcy and out of existence, once and for all.
I am not a Republican, I have no need to lie. Fact check: Democratic Party did not found the KKK, start civil war June 30,2020 Also; Study:the KKK helped Republicans Win the South Dec.10, 2014 They are now fully Republicans.
I am not a Republican, I have no need to lie. Fact check: Democratic Party did not found the KKK, start civil war June 30,2020 Also; Study:the KKK helped Republicans Win the South Dec.10, 2014 They are now fully Republicans.
Third one but you'd have to pay for it, best article, in length history. How Social Media Spread a Historical Lie March 15,2018.

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