"Repeal The Second Amendment!"

--- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- just video and audio of Alangs anti gunners talking plans and wishes and memorialized on tape .

Liberals will continue to claim this isn't true.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ of course they will continue to lie , thats why its best to ignore gun controllers rather than taking them seriously . Stand on the line of RIGHTS and the Law and ignore the anti gun parrots and their lying words .
and for informational purpose . Check out the 'veterans' that are working against the Gun RIGHTS of mere civilians that pay their wages or retirements . --- Mark Kelly, David Petraeus, Stanley McChrystal, Michael Hayden, Thad Allen, Wesley Clark and Other Veteran Leaders Launch New “Veterans Coalition for Common Sense” to Urge Elected Leaders to Do More to Prevent Gun Tragedies - Giffords --- plus good old 'general stanley mccrystal' a retired 'general' doen't like the AR15 in civilian hands . And yes , they and their 'gifford' group uses their 'veteran status' as a way to diminish the RIGHTS and power of Americans . Check it out , its gun related and its interesting information , imo .
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------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to you Alang . --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise ---
I'd bet I could find quotes from gun advocates saying there should be NO restrictions of any kind. You want a machine gun, you should have one.
-------------------------------------------- and i'd agree with those advocates , machine guns are cool and are available in Class 3 States . The only problem with machine guns is their cost as a full auto costs lots of money since 1984 [think it was] . Before that they were pretty cheap Alang . --- ---

I'm sure the Las Vegas shooter would agree with you. A Gatling gun would be much more efficient than a bump stock for thinning out concert crowds.
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Repeal the Second Amendment, and replace it work something work-able for both sides of the Gun-Control argument.

The Constitution is a living, breathing document, so to speak.

When conditions change - when the needs of the Nation change - the Constitution changes.

Time for the Constitution to change, again.
The Constitution is a living, breathing document, so to speak.
Says the flaming stupid liberal(redundant statement I know) who wants to give up all his rights for a government who cant do shit except fail. The Constitution is the "FOUNDATION" of this country and is the only thing that keeps US free from tyranny, you stupid fuck.

FBI interviewed dead Boston bombing suspect years ago
San Bernardino shooters under FBI surveillance leading up to the attacks
FBI said it failed to act on warning about Florida shooter
Edmonds: FBI knew about 9/11 plot in April 2001 - 911Truth.Org

Only people with a fucking death wish want to give up their freedoms so some government can take care of them....Stupid fucking liberals deserve to be awarded the Darwin Awards..

Darwin Award definition
"A Darwin Award is a tongue-in-cheek "honor" named after evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin, given to people who seem to improve the human gene pool by accidentally, or intentionally killing or sterilizing themselves during a foolish or careless mistake.".
What is a Darwin Award - answers.com

View attachment 177867
Hey... the NRA just called... you were out... I took the message: "On behalf of the NRA... please stay off our side." ... end of message.
Repeal the Second Amendment, and replace it work something work-able for both sides of the Gun-Control argument.

The Constitution is a living, breathing document, so to speak.

When conditions change - when the needs of the Nation change - the Constitution changes.

Time for the Constitution to change, again.

Yes....they registered their guns and turned them in, in Germany using the same arguments you guys use......and they only ended up murdering 12 million unarmed, men, women and children...
and today following the Parkland event, the Hitler wannabees on the left and media are now rounding up the children to tell us adults how to live our lives. How Hitler like right? Dangling the kids to take away our guns.
Pure Fox News -style hor$e$hit...
------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to you Alang . --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise ---
I'd bet I could find quotes from gun advocates saying there should be NO restrictions of any kind. You want a machine gun, you should have one.
-------------------------------------------- and i'd agree with those advocates , machine guns are cool and are available in Class 3 States . The only problem with machine guns is their cost as a full auto costs lots of money since 1984 [think it was] . Before that they were pretty cheap Alang . --- ---

I'm sure the Las Vegas shooter would agree with you. A Gatling gun would be much more efficient than a bump stock for thinning out concert crowds.

Actually, a rental truck would kill more people....

The Vegas shooter used 2 rifles, not one........and fired over 1,000 rounds of ammo into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...

He murdered 58.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, used a rental truck.......

He murdered 86 people.....

Trucks are deadlier than AR-15s.....
------------------------------------------------------------------- in response to you Alang . --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise ---
I'd bet I could find quotes from gun advocates saying there should be NO restrictions of any kind. You want a machine gun, you should have one.
-------------------------------------------- and i'd agree with those advocates , machine guns are cool and are available in Class 3 States . The only problem with machine guns is their cost as a full auto costs lots of money since 1984 [think it was] . Before that they were pretty cheap Alang . --- ---

I'm sure the Las Vegas shooter would agree with you. A Gatling gun would be much more efficient than a bump stock for thinning out concert crowds.

---------------------------------- GATLING Gun is too big to move into a hotel room in a covert fashion as your imaginations goes wild Alang .
Nobody will miss the second amendment
It serves no purpose at the federal level

Let the states decide
it's been tried over and over and it dies in lower courts.
then that would be up to them to determine their own gun laws. now is that a good or bad thing?

As a US Citizen I have a right to keep and bear arms, and the State cannot infringe on that.

Is a 3-6 month waiting period and $600 in fees infringement or not?
those were never my questions or point i have been trying to make now is it?

i've said we have rights ONLY BECAUSE we agree upon them and protect them violently at times.
i've said our background checks need to be more inclusive.

never said a thing about NY Guns laws and not interested in that conversation because i am not familiar with them.
background checks need to be more inclusive.

What do you mean more inclusive?
look for more potential clues.

Prohibited persons[edit]
Under sections 922(g)[17] and (n)[18] of the GCA certain persons are prohibited from:

  • Shipping or transporting any firearm or ammunition in interstate or foreign commerce;
  • Receiving any firearm or ammunition that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.[19]
A prohibited person is one who:

  • Has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
  • Is under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
  • Is a fugitive from justice;
  • Is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance;
  • Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution;
  • Is illegally or unlawfully in the United States;
  • Has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • Having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced U.S. citizenship;
  • Is subject to a court order that restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such intimate partner;
  • Has been convicted in any court of a "misdemeanor crime of domestic violence", a defined term in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(33)[19]
is that enough and/or how do we pull this info? for example, the military doesn't always give discharge issues to these records and someone was able to buy a gun w/a dishonorable discharge on their record because, well, it wasn't on their record.

All of that requires the government to do it's job better, not any new laws or regulations.

The sad thing is none of this would have stopped Cruz from getting his gun, because no one tried to say anything or do anything about him being a nutter beyond calling the cops when he acted out and not arresting/prosecuting him for anything, or trying to have him evaluated or committed.
I propose that the next time a Muslim terror attack happens, that we BAN the Muslim religion. We aren't going to ban ALL religions, just the Muslim religion. They use various tools at their disposal to accomplish their terrorist goals, bombs, knives, vehicles, guns, so it isn't so much the tool I am concerned about but rather the dangerous ideology which has seduced some into joining the cause of murdering innocent American citizens here and abroad. So, since I don't want to ban ALL religions and even though the vast majority of Muslims have never harmed anyone, I feel justified in banning their right to practice that particular religion due to the violence. How many children around the world have been killed in Muslim terror attacks? ;)

Nobody is proposing a BAN on guns

Merely enhanced background checks on all purchases

Why do conservatives oppose it?
So you don't care if a person who passes a background check buys 100 AR 15 rifles in a week?
A Gatling gun would be much more efficient than a bump stock for thinning out concert crowds.
Actually, a rental truck would kill more people....

The Vegas shooter used 2 rifles, not one........and fired over 1,000 rounds of ammo into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...

He murdered 58.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, used a rental truck.......

He murdered 86 people.....

Trucks are deadlier than AR-15s.....
pismoe said he didn't approve of restrictions on fully automatic weapons. As you point out, the LV shooter managed to get off 1,000 rounds. I can only imagine the carnage if he had used an M134 Minigun (The M134 Minigun is a 7.62×51mm NATO, six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute) which can also fire at a high sustained rate. It features Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source, normally an electric motor.).

It is hard for me to understand how anyone could think owning an M134 should be legal except in extraordinary cases. As a rational, 2nd amendment advocate I'm curious what do you think?
---------------------------------- GATLING Gun is too big to move into a hotel room in a covert fashion as your imaginations goes wild Alang .
No imagination required:
Motorized Handheld 5.56mm Gatling Gun: The XM556 Microgun
The smallest 5.56 Gatling, and the first designed to be handheld.
And if I'm not mistaken that weapon is 100% illegal for the general public since it is an automatic weapon manufactured after 1986
---------------------------------- GATLING Gun is too big to move into a hotel room in a covert fashion as your imaginations goes wild Alang .
No imagination required:
Motorized Handheld 5.56mm Gatling Gun: The XM556 Microgun
The smallest 5.56 Gatling, and the first designed to be handheld.
And if I'm not mistaken that weapon is 100% illegal for the general public since it is an automatic weapon manufactured after 1986
I believe you are correct, however my question to pismoe, 2aguy, and you is: Should automatic weapons remain illegal for the general public?

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