Repeal and Replace....why would the GOP care?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
If it were not for the ACA, the GOP would be happy to let the insurance companies run rampant, as they have in the past. But now they cannot just repeal the ACA, so they come up with "Repeal and Replace."

One, it ain't gonna happen
Two, there have no plan to replace it with
Three, the GOP insurance lobby is waiting at their door with checks already written, but Obama has a veto pen.

The GOP would be better served to find the areas of the ACA that need to be improved and reach across the aisle for Dems to make those changes. Will they?

Ted Cruz is the biggest threat to something being worked out. He is insisting the Senate repeal the entire law....and then think for a while about what to replace it with. All the other sane republicans know it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

The GOP need to enjoy their two years of power. It may be their last.....
Nothing that you said makes any kind of sense. Maybe nobody told you, but Obamacare is the insurance companies' wet dream. Now, they don't have to bother convincing you to buy their product. You are required by law to buy their product, no matter how expensive they make it.

The only thing about your post that comes remotely close to making any sense is that insurance, in general, has run rampant. But only because there should be no such thing as health insurance as it is known in the 21st century. The sky-high cost of healthcare in the US is because of insurance.
If it were not for the ACA, the GOP would be happy to let the insurance companies run rampant, as they have in the past. But now they cannot just repeal the ACA, so they come up with "Repeal and Replace."

One, it ain't gonna happen
Two, there have no plan to replace it with
Three, the GOP insurance lobby is waiting at their door with checks already written, but Obama has a veto pen.

The GOP would be better served to find the areas of the ACA that need to be improved and reach across the aisle for Dems to make those changes. Will they?

Ted Cruz is the biggest threat to something being worked out. He is insisting the Senate repeal the entire law....and then think for a while about what to replace it with. All the other sane republicans know it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

The GOP need to enjoy their two years of power. It may be their last.....
Why do you support tyranny?
If the Democratic Congress had not passed the ACA, we would still have millions running to the emergency room for routine services. Had it not been for the ACA, do you think the GOP would even consider health care....THE ANSWER IS NO. I am sure insurance companies love this pre-existing conditions assurance with the ACA.

Pre-Existing Conditions and the Affordable Care Act

In 2010, with passage of the Affordable Care Act(also known as healthcare reform or Obamacare) the tide began to shift for these patients. The law makes it illegal for health insurance companies to simply deny insurance to any applicant with a pre-existing condition. Further, insurers cannot charge any more for that applicants' health insurance than they would any healthy applicant.
Liberals love their entitlements. No matter it cost us trillions of dollars and ONLY SIGNED up a whopping 8 million people that could of went on MEDICAD to begin with, gave insurance companies and the government a MONOLOPY over your health care. Will fine you if you don't buy their shit policies so you can PAY for those who DON'T PAY, etc
If the Democratic Congress had not passed the ACA, we would still have millions running to the emergency room for routine services. Had it not been for the ACA, do you think the GOP would even consider health care....THE ANSWER IS NO. I am sure insurance companies love this pre-existing conditions assurance with the ACA.

Pre-Existing Conditions and the Affordable Care Act

In 2010, with passage of the Affordable Care Act(also known as healthcare reform or Obamacare) the tide began to shift for these patients. The law makes it illegal for health insurance companies to simply deny insurance to any applicant with a pre-existing condition. Further, insurers cannot charge any more for that applicants' health insurance than they would any healthy applicant.
The majority of people seeking ER service are covered by insurance of some kind. ACA did nothing to make that better. Actually itmade it worse.
holy smoke, you ruined all chances of being taken serious when you post the garbage from Stinkprogress

If I were the GOP, I'd rescind the mandate, allow insurance companies to sell insurance other than what the government requires for Obamacare, and let the chips fall where they will.
All the ACA did was force we taxpayers to pay for every swinging dick in this country who can't pay for themselves.

High deductables and everyone with benefits will be paying more. Mine are going up by 30% thanks the the ACA.

One has to wonder who the hell its affordable for besides those we taxpayers will be forced to pay for.

What a POS and we have Barry and those Dem idiots to thank for screwing us.
If the Democratic Congress had not passed the ACA, we would still have millions running to the emergency room for routine services. Had it not been for the ACA, do you think the GOP would even consider health care....THE ANSWER IS NO. I am sure insurance companies love this pre-existing conditions assurance with the ACA.

Pre-Existing Conditions and the Affordable Care Act

In 2010, with passage of the Affordable Care Act(also known as healthcare reform or Obamacare) the tide began to shift for these patients. The law makes it illegal for health insurance companies to simply deny insurance to any applicant with a pre-existing condition. Further, insurers cannot charge any more for that applicants' health insurance than they would any healthy applicant.
You are an extremely low informed poster on this topic.

Google and Fact Checking must really make you mad. Just can't make statements based on a FOX news report anymore without someone calling you out.
Think Progress?
Are you not aware that they are admittedly a biased source of opinion? Are you not aware that they market themselves as a progressive point of view?
Even THEY admit their opinions are their opinions that are hypotheses....educated guesses....but not necessarily proven fact.
And you cite their opinions as "facts"?
That would be like me saying....Rush says so, so it must be fact.
And I never would.
You are an extremely low informed individual.
If it were not for the ACA, the GOP would be happy to let the insurance companies run rampant, as they have in the past. But now they cannot just repeal the ACA, so they come up with "Repeal and Replace."

One, it ain't gonna happen
Two, there have no plan to replace it with
Three, the GOP insurance lobby is waiting at their door with checks already written, but Obama has a veto pen.

The GOP would be better served to find the areas of the ACA that need to be improved and reach across the aisle for Dems to make those changes. Will they?

Ted Cruz is the biggest threat to something being worked out. He is insisting the Senate repeal the entire law....and then think for a while about what to replace it with. All the other sane republicans know it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

The GOP need to enjoy their two years of power. It may be their last.....

Guess you can't figure out why Obama pushed back full implementation till after the 2016 election. Insurance companies will start sending out cancellation notices in October 2016.

Personally, I think McConnell should let it go in effect just to teach you libs a lesson.

Democrats think they got clobbered this time.

Google and Fact Checking must really make you mad. Just can't make statements based on a FOX news report anymore without someone calling you out.
Think Progress?
Are you not aware that they are admittedly a biased source of opinion? Are you not aware that they market themselves as a progressive point of view?
Even THEY admit their opinions are their opinions that are hypotheses....educated guesses....but not necessarily proven fact.
And you cite their opinions as "facts"?
That would be like me saying....Rush says so, so it must be fact.
And I never would.
You are an extremely low informed individual.

ThinkProgress is full of former Obola nominees that were rejected by Congress.
If I were the GOP, I'd rescind the mandate, allow insurance companies to sell insurance other than what the government requires for Obamacare, and let the chips fall where they will.

^^^I said this this morning, and John Boehner said THIS this afternoon:

Boehner on Thursday also reiterated his commitment to repealing the Affordable Care Act, which he and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell had written about in a new op-ed. "The House I'm sure at some point next year will move to repeal Obamacare," he said.

"Whether the can pass the Senate, I don't know," Boehner continued. "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do other things," like repeal certain unpopular provisions of the Affordable Care Act, like the medical device tax.

Boehner also specifically suggested repealing the individual mandate--the provision of the law requiring most Americans to obtain health insurance.

Boehner Obama could poison the well on immigration if he acts alone - CBS News
Um, guy. The insurance companies were among the biggest supporters of ACA. Why do you suppose that was?

ONLY a measly 8million people has signed onto it and it's cost us BILLIONS for it. But they just can't live now with that fascist entitlement called, OscamCare. no wonder we as Free people in this country is doomed

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