Reoublicans Move To Hold FBI Director Wray In Contempt of Congress


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
FBI Director Wray gave Congress the finger again today after missing another Congressional subpoena deafline by continuing to refuse to hand over an FBI form 1023 that supposedly proves Joe Biden engaged in a criminal scheme.

R-Reps Comer and Grassley began moving ahead with charging Wray with Comtempt of Congress Charges.

I'm pretty sure the traitor will wear it like a badge of honor while continuing to criminally protect Biden and his family.

Besides a Contempt of Congress citation and $10 bucks getting you a foo-foo cup of coffee at Starbucks, does that Contempt of Congress charge come ong with anything else?

Any 'teeth' to that 'charge'?

I personally hope Congress / Grassley and Comer can get Wray locked up in a cell in DC Gitmo, in between 2 J6 cells. They would give him a warm welcome.


How does one get held "in contempt of Congress"? Where can I sign up?

What’s needed now, since the corrupted and politicized DOJ won’t prosecute Wray, obviously, is that they need to impeach the fucker.
Do you think that the FBI swat team will raid his house at 4AM and frog march him?
But that is the sort of thing that they have done to Republicans
This is the fundamental problem of having a corrupted DOJ and FBI. When the highest level of law enforcement in the country is an attack force that takes it's orders from the Democrats, we've lost the country.

They thumb their noses at Congress and thus at the People.

Merrick Garland is the guy carrying out all of this. The same Garland who Øbama nominated for a SCOTUS vacancy. Reichsleiter Garland.

What’s needed now, since the corrupted and politicized DOJ won’t prosecute Wray, obviously, is that they need to impeach the fucker.
Sounds like it was a lawful subpoena to me. Wray should have complied. Sound contemptuous of Congress to me. Fk him.

Wray to be held in contempt of Congress.​

BFD. What is Comer gonna do, punch Wray's library card? Suspend his free parking card? I am sick of this bullshit. Never any consequences. Meanwhile, if you or I did that, they'd have us in leg irons with a SWAT team trying to kick down our front door ransacking our homes and taking everything.

Fuck Comer and fuck congress and fuck the whole US government shit show.
Do you think that the FBI swat team will raid his house at 4AM and frog march him?
But that is the sort of thing that they have done to Republicans
Absolutely not. The House says, “contempt!” but can’t enforce it. So they make a criminal “referral” to the DOJ. Then, the DOJ does for Wray what they did for AG Holder. That is to say, “nothing.”

I have a solution beyond a meaningless impeachment (since the Senate won’t convict anybody anyway). I maintain that the House can put the Director in the House jail.

Sadly, that won’t happen.
FBI Director Wray gave Congress the finger again today after missing another Congressional subpoena deafline by continuing to refuse to hand over an FBI form 1023 that supposedly proves Joe Biden engaged in a criminal scheme.

R-Reps Comer and Grassley began moving ahead with charging Wray with Comtempt of Congress Charges.

I'm pretty sure the traitor will wear it like a badge of honor while continuing to criminally protect Biden and his family.

Besides a Contempt of Congress citation and $10 bucks getting you a foo-foo cup of coffee at Starbucks, does that Contempt of Congress charge come ong with anything else?

Any 'teeth' to that 'charge'?

I personally hope Congress / Grassley and Comer can get Wray locked up in a cell in DC Gitmo, in between 2 J6 cells. They would give him a warm welcome.


Holder was held in contempt and nothing happened to him .. dems are above the law .
the fbi can't arrest its own boss
so who is going to do it?


I'm not sure, but is that DeSantis in the middle??? :smoke:
They thumb their noses at Congress and thus at the People.

Merrick Garland is the guy carrying out all of this. The same Garland who Øbama nominated for a SCOTUS vacancy. Reichsleiter Garland.
I'm beginning to think he would have done less damage as a Supreme Court judge. He's worse than Eric Holder and I never thought I would say that.
How does one get held "in contempt of Congress"? Where can I sign up?
My pal told me a story.

A lawyer keeps hammering away at his point. The judge gets irritated and tells him to move on to another topic. But the lawyer keeps circling back to the point he needs to make.

The judge gets angry and asks the lawyer, “Counselor, are you trying to show contempt of this court?”

The lawyer replies, “No, Your Honor. I’ve been trying very hard to conceal it!”
FBI Director Wray gave Congress the finger again today after missing another Congressional subpoena deafline by continuing to refuse to hand over an FBI form 1023 that supposedly proves Joe Biden engaged in a criminal scheme.

R-Reps Comer and Grassley began moving ahead with charging Wray with Comtempt of Congress Charges.

I'm pretty sure the traitor will wear it like a badge of honor while continuing to criminally protect Biden and his family.

Besides a Contempt of Congress citation and $10 bucks getting you a foo-foo cup of coffee at Starbucks, does that Contempt of Congress charge come ong with anything else?

Any 'teeth' to that 'charge'?

I personally hope Congress / Grassley and Comer can get Wray locked up in a cell in DC Gitmo, in between 2 J6 cells. They would give him a warm welcome.


Wray has some very interesting files. On Republicans that were complicit on January 6th, which just showed up magically on Jack Smith's desk.

I wonder how many files on other Republicans Wray has, that could end up in some very inconvenient email files?


What’s needed now, since the corrupted and politicized DOJ won’t prosecute Wray, obviously, is that they need to impeach the fucker.
I can't tell whether he was taking orders from the Clinton gang who would otherwise threaten his security, whether he was the instigator, if he was being paid by George Soros to beat up on President Trump which would cast a light on a billionnaire used to getting his way.

Any which way you look at it, the FBI was not created to serve any party, but to work for the good of the American people's safety needs, and favoring a poltical party rather than all the American citizens is against the Constitution.

We have three Axis power country's leaders threatening us with nuclear bombs in the last six months. We need important services saving all the American people, not just people in politics who are power mongering lately.
Wray has some very interesting files. On Republicans that were complicit on January 6th, which just showed up magically on Jack Smith's desk.

I wonder how many files on other Republicans Wray has, that could end up in some very inconvenient email files?

Jan 6. was a group of sicko Democrats acting worse than taking selfies to satisfy their narcissistic complexes.

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