Remember when Obama said this?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Remember Obama answered the question, do you wish you had a 3rd term? He said, “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man who had an ear piece, while sitting in my basement in sweats and I was just delivering the lines and i was doing all the talking...

Looks like he got his wish.
poor gracie.....major case of bds
You'd think Obama's experience in talking over and trying to fix disasters left behind by Republican Presidents would be welcomed.
Which do you think was more responsible for fixing the disaster?
Cash For Clunkers.
Shovel Ready Jobs
Checking our tire pressure
Next, we'll be calling Obama Nostradamus for his superior predictive abilities. Either that or he did arrange this front. The policies certainly don't sound like anything Biden would propose. I think the Obama Marxists are using Biden as a front to pass their radical bullshit, then when the shit hits the fan, throw Biden under the bus with all the blame and install the real Marxist, Harris, to be the next expendable fall person. We're being duped.
Remember Obama answered the question, do you wish you had a 3rd term? He said, “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man who had an ear piece, while sitting in my basement in sweats and I was just delivering the lines and i was doing all the talking...

Looks like he got his wish.

Obama is just a puppet with no brains---the boy couldn't even handle 1st year legal concepts.........
He simply could not speak without someone feeding him the words and concepts.

I think Obama's comments were probably more like he was being fed the words through an earpiece, not that he would be feeding the words himself.
Remember Obama answered the question, do you wish you had a 3rd term? He said, “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man who had an ear piece, while sitting in my basement in sweats and I was just delivering the lines and i was doing all the talking...

Looks like he got his wish.

He did get his wish and Biden is the sock puppet. You would think it's easy just standing up in front of a microphone and reading off of the teleprompter like Biden is doing.

But he can't even do that right without fucking it up.

100 billion doses of coronavirus vaccine for 300 people

Remember Obama answered the question, do you wish you had a 3rd term? He said, “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man who had an ear piece, while sitting in my basement in sweats and I was just delivering the lines and i was doing all the talking...

Looks like he got his wish.

Not to me, Gracie. Biden is no fool and needs to undo Trump's buffoonery.
Thank goodness.

Right because aside from weaponizing the IRS and the federal intelligence agencies, giving Iran a load of cash to fund their nuclear program, Obamacare, ballooning our national deficit, closing Gitmo, et. al, Obama was a great President.

Ugh....lemmings are exhausting.

You left out ISIS. Obama was their daddy.
poor gracie.....major case of bds
You'd think Obama's experience in talking over and trying to fix disasters left behind by Republican Presidents would be welcomed.
Obama??. The guy who brought slavery back to Africa??
Obama, the first of two successive Democratic Presidents who had to spend the first part of their presidencies cleaning up disasters left behind by GOP Presidents.

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