Remember: Hate Crimes Against Asian is Due to White Supremests


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Even though every attack is committed by blacks.
Deranged man pushes Asian woman to death at Times Square subway station

The Black anchor on Fox this morning was quick to "point out" that this was a hate crime against Asians. She of course was talking out of her ass as she has no idea what this maniac's motivation was.
This white man's name is (Brendt Christensen)


You probably don't know who he is but he did this


In 2017 this white man rapd her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.

He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back


Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive


Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.


I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David f.a.gan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army

He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

Remember Asians are in the USA in large part because of blk ppl fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war. White America for the most wasn't.


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We prop them up but that's not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

So you better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

Let's talk facts

For months we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again.

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this


The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.

And to be honest many Asians are speaking out against these lies

Tell me the black people who nuked Japan in WW2 killing half a million Asians ? O sorry my bad. That was a white man named President Trueman and then the USA when bk into Asia (Vietnam) and sure the USA got their a.s.s.e.s kicked but they still spilt a helluva lot more Asian blood.
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2 years ago on USMB, there where constant threads on the topic "post racial" issues. What the hell happened? Now, we are at each other's throats either calling out racism or calling out false or exagerated racism. What the hell happened?

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