Religion in general


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

My brother has 3 children
1 male 2 daughters
Each married a Pastor.
I’ll let you figure out which one married whom.
All are raising God Loving Children.
They are Great Families and I love ❤️ them Dearly.

Now Me and my sister both went to College
We have good jobs, as do our Spouses

Neirher my sister nor I, or our families, follow the same absolute values that my brother follows.
My Brother is 67 and broke with Zero retirement plan and $2000 monthly income, because he claims disability plus SS , whereas we followed the “rules of Capitalism”.
My Very Religious Brother hates Socialism but thrives upon it.
Whereas my sister and I both support small forms of Socialism but don’t need it but absolutely contribute to it without complaint.
Whereas my anti socialist brother except his free money without conditions
I love researching religion and for sure much Paganism in the Christian religion and I don't follow a religion because it is mind control. I believe in a Divine Source but I don't follow these religion gods. But I will tell you I will fight for the freedom of individuals to be able to go to church. Because if we stop people from doing what they believe our beliefs are next. We should always stand up for the freedom of religion. But yes you are right and I believe religion is just another control mechanism. I don't even believe the Bible Jesus existed through my research.
I love researching religion and for sure much Paganism in the Christian religion and I don't follow a religion because it is mind control. I believe in a Divine Source but I don't follow these religion gods. But I will tell you I will fight for the freedom of individuals to be able to go to church. Because if we stop people from doing what they believe our beliefs are next. We should always stand up for the freedom of religion. But yes you are right and I believe religion is just another control mechanism. I don't even believe the Bible Jesus existed through my research.
You had me until the last sentence, lol. I call myself pagan christian because on my personal path, I embrace much the same that native american indians believe in...but Jesus goes with me everywhere I go. He has much to show me, and teach me. I can't/won't go without Him. I know that sounds weird, am I, heh.

One time, a friend told me that God speaks to me through nature and animals because He knows how much I mistrust mankind. I have a kindred spirit with animals, and they with me. They are pure beings.
Most religions are a copy/paste


Jesus said it pretty clearly that we practice true religion when we minister to the poor, sick and downtrodden. Everything else is the same useless orthodoxy, mysticism and ritual that make any religion a means of political control.
Jesus said it pretty clearly that we practice true religion when we minister to the poor, sick and downtrodden. Everything else is the same useless orthodoxy, mysticism and ritual that make any religion a means of political control.
our morale code's celestial interpreters often being those culprits that get on my nerves Occupied....... ~S~
Jesus said it pretty clearly that we practice true religion when we minister to the poor, sick and downtrodden. Everything else is the same useless orthodoxy, mysticism and ritual that make any religion a means of political control.
our morale code's celestial interpreters often being those culprits that get on my nerves Occupied....... ~S~
The same moral certainty that gets on your nerves is attractive to people who feel lost and think there must be a purpose to our often meaningless existence. The certainty that there is a higher plane of existence helps those who will probably never accept the certainty and finality of death.
Jesus said it pretty clearly that we practice true religion when we minister to the poor, sick and downtrodden. Everything else is the same useless orthodoxy, mysticism and ritual that make any religion a means of political control.
our morale code's celestial interpreters often being those culprits that get on my nerves Occupied....... ~S~
The same moral certainty that gets on your nerves is attractive to people who feel lost and think there must be a purpose to our often meaningless existence. The certainty that there is a higher plane of existence helps those who will probably never accept the certainty and finality of death.
the celestial carrot, imparted with the terrestrial stick......~S~
Jesus said it pretty clearly that we practice true religion when we minister to the poor, sick and downtrodden. Everything else is the same useless orthodoxy, mysticism and ritual that make any religion a means of political control.
our morale code's celestial interpreters often being those culprits that get on my nerves Occupied....... ~S~
The same moral certainty that gets on your nerves is attractive to people who feel lost and think there must be a purpose to our often meaningless existence. The certainty that there is a higher plane of existence helps those who will probably never accept the certainty and finality of death.
the celestial carrot, imparted with the terrestrial stick......~S~
Yes. What's one measly lifetime of poverty and subjugation compared with an eternity of bliss? Jesus ended up on a cross for challenging the secular authority and materialism of the temple and damned if his fan club is not the exact same thing.
I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

Oh yes there is no doubt that Christians "Christanized" pagan holidays to pacify them during conquest/conversion. The timing of Christmas is about "returning of the daylight" celebrations and Easter . Well rabbits , eggs, spring if that isn't a fertility rite than what is?
My brother has 3 children
1 male 2 daughters
Each married a Pastor.
I’ll let you figure out which one married whom.
All are raising God Loving Children.
They are Great Families and I love ❤ them Dearly.

Now Me and my sister both went to College
We have good jobs, as do our Spouses

Neirher my sister nor I, or our families, follow the same absolute values that my brother follows.
My Brother is 67 and broke with Zero retirement plan and $2000 monthly income, because he claims disability plus SS , whereas we followed the “rules of Capitalism”.
My Very Religious Brother hates Socialism but thrives upon it.
Whereas my sister and I both support small forms of Socialism but don’t need it but absolutely contribute to it without complaint.
Whereas my anti socialist brother except his free money without conditions

And I bet you look down on your brother.
the events of the 1st century were not a referendum against holidays and festivals and as already suggested would more broaden their role through inclusive participation not as momentary illusions but for life in general on a daily basis. - then there is christianity's awful book.
I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

See: Sol Invictus
My brother has 3 children
1 male 2 daughters
Each married a Pastor.
I’ll let you figure out which one married whom.
All are raising God Loving Children.
They are Great Families and I love ❤ them Dearly.

Now Me and my sister both went to College
We have good jobs, as do our Spouses

Neirher my sister nor I, or our families, follow the same absolute values that my brother follows.
My Brother is 67 and broke with Zero retirement plan and $2000 monthly income, because he claims disability plus SS , whereas we followed the “rules of Capitalism”.
My Very Religious Brother hates Socialism but thrives upon it.
Whereas my sister and I both support small forms of Socialism but don’t need it but absolutely contribute to it without complaint.
Whereas my anti socialist brother except his free money without conditions
Sounds to me like you're complaining and fail to understand that neither SS nor disability payments are "free money". I receive both and earned both. Are stock market investments or loan interest "free money"?
I love researching religion and for sure much Paganism in the Christian religion and I don't follow a religion because it is mind control. I believe in a Divine Source but I don't follow these religion gods. But I will tell you I will fight for the freedom of individuals to be able to go to church. Because if we stop people from doing what they believe our beliefs are next. We should always stand up for the freedom of religion. But yes you are right and I believe religion is just another control mechanism. I don't even believe the Bible Jesus existed through my research.
You had me until the last sentence, lol. I call myself pagan christian because on my personal path, I embrace much the same that native american indians believe in...but Jesus goes with me everywhere I go. He has much to show me, and teach me. I can't/won't go without Him. I know that sounds weird, am I, heh.

One time, a friend told me that God speaks to me through nature and animals because He knows how much I mistrust mankind. I have a kindred spirit with animals, and they with me. They are pure beings.

All Christians have a friend in Jesus, he goes wherever they go.
I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

It's always been my belief that every living thing evolves and religion is a living thing. What we know of any religion today is a snapshot on that evolutionary path. I'd bet if we could go back in time to when any religion began it would be dramatically different from what we see today.
In the ancient Church of Jesus Christ, Apostolic succession was part of the church. In Acts 1 we see the succession of Judas Iscariot with Matthias. The Bible tells us that God intended to have apostles until we all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man. So did we reach that point by the end of the first century? Once into the second century, we no longer had the office of apostles leading the church. What happened to the apostolic succession?

Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Shouldn't the true church have continued with apostles?

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