Religion and Basic Biology


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Whilst reading one of the articles today about the Catholic kid who was suspended from the public school's football team for taking the position that there are only two genders in private "conversations," it occurred to me that this is insane.

What is the proof of the biological position? If "we" exclude biological anomalies that only occur in one person in a million, we have a world population in which every single example is either (a) male, or (b) female. There is no other sex/gender. There is no middle ground. That is the PROOF of the biological position.

In the current Leftist bizarro world, we have (1) people who want to pretend to be THE other gender. This desire and its implementation is probably harmless 99% of the time, and it is OK to patronize this desire, if that does not produce a perverse result. But imagine the sixth grade boy who sends a Valentine's Day card to all the girls in his class. If there is a "trans-girl" in the class, she won't get a card. Nothing he can do about it. And this is entirely appropriate.

We also have people who claim to actually BE the other gender. This is a psychotic delusion, possibly harmless, but there is no good reason to patronize this delusion. The person needs help. A couple years ago they were said to suffer from a mental illness called, "Gender Dysphoria." It is these unfortunates who populate the horrendous suicide statistics of this matter. Because the Leftist "woke" ideology has overtaken the Psychiatric community, it (the mental illness) is now characterized as biology conflicting with actual "gender," which is no longer synonymous with "sex." Insanity.

Many general misfit neurotics in our society - often in one level of school or another - claim to be "non-binary." This is nothing other than a play for attention by people who are socially retarded. Either you are male or female. There is no middle ground, no other gender. Non-binary is bullshit.

It is not harmless to allow this bizarre situation to continue. Right Thinking People need to rise up and condemn the falsehoods whenever they are spoken or written, or otherwise published. It is bullshit. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, and Gender is the same as Sex.

To illustrate the point, perhaps with a vulgar reference, any man who is attracted to a "trans-woman" is a homosexual. He may not want to admit it, but it is a fact. Same for a woman who is consorting with a trans-man.

Don't let the crazies get away with it.
Why is everyone attempting to ignore the 800lb gorilla in the middle of the room? Facts are pesky little things. Gender is determined by "physiology" not "psychology". There are 2 basic genders......a male and a female, when anyone is born with both sexual organs that is considered a deviation from the normal or a PHYSIOLOGIAL anomaly, not a psychological anomaly/abnormality.

Any attempt to present oneself as the opposite gender is not normal, thus any attempt to mutilate the human body in order to make a psychological disorder fit into some physical reality is a sign of some deep seated mental disorder.

Once again the human seculars attempt to make the mule push the plow in contradiction to logic and reason. Anyone who might be suffering with some type of gender dysphoria should be treated via the attempt to change the mind of the sick instead of feeding the dysphoria by suggesting the mutilation of the human body might heal the mind.
I do not think there is any such thing as a human hermaphrodite. By definition, a hermaphrodite has both male and female functional reproductive systems.

Ultimately, it gets down to the gonads. Other aspects of sexual dimorphism can be affected by hormonals issues, but gonad development is tied to genetics. In mammals, if a Y chromosome is present, the gonads will develop into testicles, and if they become functional, they will produce sperm cells. If no Y chromosome is present, then the gonads will develop into ovaries, and if they become function, they will produce eggs.

And at the most essential, core level, that is the distinction between male and female—what kind of gametes (sperm or eggs) they produce, with one of each needed to produce a successful conception, and a member of each sex needed to produce the one of each kind of gamete.

Have you ever seen the movie Predestination? It led me to wonder how it could be possible, if at all possible, for someone like the protagonist to exist. This character could be described as a serial hermaphrodite. A girl/woman grows, up, has a baby by caesarean section. On waking up after that operation, she is informed that there were complications, and that her lady parts were badly damaged and had to be removed. But the doctors found viable boy parts inside of her, and have taken the liberty of beginning the process of rebuilding her as a man.

That would certainly not be possible in a human with only one genetic identity. One genetic pattern in mammals cannot produce both testicles and ovaries. It simply is not possible. I eventually decided that it might be possible, but extremely unlikely, as a result of some form of chimerism. Think of conjoined twins, but not nearly as far separated, not to the point that it would be apparent that more than one body ever existed. Think, perhaps, of something like the Hensel girls, but one is a boy, and instead of two heads, and much of the upper body parts being duplicated, you just wound up with two reproductive systems. Maybe, something like that could exist, but it would certainly not be likely.
Whilst reading one of the articles today about the Catholic kid who was suspended from the public school's football team for taking the position that there are only two genders in private "conversations," it occurred to me that this is insane.

One thing that seems particularly bizarre to me is that this is so often painted as a matter of religious beliefs. Perhaps that's an artifact of the fact that they way our First Amendment is written, religious beliefs are more strongly and explicitly protected than any other kind of beliefs, so those arguing for their right to adhere to scientifically-sound understandings of the distinction between male and female are resorting to citing religion as a basis, for the legal advantage that it gets.

But it truly seems to me that religion has nothing whatsoever to do with it. The distinction between male and female in humans is based on hard science, not religion. “transgenderism”, “gender fluidity”, and other related bullshit are based on hard biological untruths, and this ought to be as obvious to the most stubbornly-ignorant atheist as to the most devout Christian.
Whilst reading one of the articles today about the Catholic kid who was suspended from the public school's football team for taking the position that there are only two genders in private "conversations," it occurred to me that this is insane.

What is the proof of the biological position? If "we" exclude biological anomalies that only occur in one person in a million, we have a world population in which every single example is either (a) male, or (b) female. There is no other sex/gender. There is no middle ground. That is the PROOF of the biological position.

In the current Leftist bizarro world, we have (1) people who want to pretend to be THE other gender. This desire and its implementation is probably harmless 99% of the time, and it is OK to patronize this desire, if that does not produce a perverse result. But imagine the sixth grade boy who sends a Valentine's Day card to all the girls in his class. If there is a "trans-girl" in the class, she won't get a card. Nothing he can do about it. And this is entirely appropriate.

We also have people who claim to actually BE the other gender. This is a psychotic delusion, possibly harmless, but there is no good reason to patronize this delusion. The person needs help. A couple years ago they were said to suffer from a mental illness called, "Gender Dysphoria." It is these unfortunates who populate the horrendous suicide statistics of this matter. Because the Leftist "woke" ideology has overtaken the Psychiatric community, it (the mental illness) is now characterized as biology conflicting with actual "gender," which is no longer synonymous with "sex." Insanity.

Many general misfit neurotics in our society - often in one level of school or another - claim to be "non-binary." This is nothing other than a play for attention by people who are socially retarded. Either you are male or female. There is no middle ground, no other gender. Non-binary is bullshit.

It is not harmless to allow this bizarre situation to continue. Right Thinking People need to rise up and condemn the falsehoods whenever they are spoken or written, or otherwise published. It is bullshit. There are ONLY TWO GENDERS, and Gender is the same as Sex.

To illustrate the point, perhaps with a vulgar reference, any man who is attracted to a "trans-woman" is a homosexual. He may not want to admit it, but it is a fact. Same for a woman who is consorting with a trans-man.

Don't let the crazies get away with it.
I hope the kid wins. Sounds like they violated his rights, to me.
You are subjugated to the norm that is defined by those in power.
What I have not been able to figure out is why those in power want our public school children to be contemplating their genitals over their studies. We have enough to teach our children without distracting them with these issues while they are in school. Outside school hours...whatever. Inside school, keep it simple. No one needs to learn about how each student sees him or herself. It is not the purpose of public schooling.
What I have not been able to figure out is why those in power want our public school children to be contemplating their genitals over their studies. We have enough to teach our children without distracting them with these issues while they are in school. Outside school hours...whatever. Inside school, keep it simple. No one needs to learn about how each student sees him or herself. It is not the purpose of public schooling.

Why would pedophiles want to groom children to focus on their genitals?

Gee, I cannot imagine why. Can you?
What sex is God and after you tell us prove it. ]

God is a spirit. While the essence of God incarnate in human form is a Male.....Christ Jesus. Prove that Jesus was not male. Or are you attempting to push that plow again?
Hermaphrodites do exist. These are the biological anomalies that I mentioned above. But none of the current public discussion is about Hermies. It is about people who want to pose as members of the opposite sex, or of neither sex.

Lies and delusions should not be patronized.

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