Release Them ALL


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats squealed like stuck pigs for Donald Trump's tax records for years. Democrats even leaked some of his records illegally.

They claimed they wanted his tax records for criminal investigation, hoping desparately they would finally bring an end to their failed 6-year attempts to 'Get Trump'.

Proving that they not only found NOTHING in his tax records recently turned over, Democrats put on for the world to see their petty, pathetic, partisanship by publicly releasing Trump's personal tax records.

If this is completely acceptable, and it is 'in the public's best interest to release politicians' financial / tax records', let's do this.


...starting with Joe Biden's.

Let's see how his CPAs worked magic to hide / list campaign contributions from the ChiComs, Russia, Soros... and his '10% for the Big Guy' funds. I'm also interested to see how he and Hunter file their taxes since they reportedly shared an account / funds.
- Would love to see Hunter's tax return, as well. What do you list payments for laundering Russian Oligarch cash? Also, does he list his home-family porn movie hobby as a business for tax write-off purposes?

Release Speaker of the House & notorious Insider Trading Queen Nancy Pelosi's records next.

I am sure the public would love to see Diane Xi Feinstein's records after having a Chinese spy in her office/inner circle for decades.

Speaking of 'Chicom benefit recipients', Fang Fang Swalwell's tax returns could be highly entertaining.

Waters' and Omar's returns should be made public - I know many Anericans are interested in how these two managed to explain massive amounts of campaign cash being paid to family members..

Let's all celebrate the Democrats' embrace of financial transparency by releasing ALL tax returns and financial records!

There is nothing illegal in Trump's tax history.... period.....

Even if they thought they had a legit legal need to see Trump's returns to compel the IRS to release them to congress, they didn't have to make the records public. They will find nothing criminal in them at all but then will now pour through them to find ways of trying to attack and destroy Trump personally because he represents a quintessential threat to their deep state, just as JFK did 60 years ago.
Even if they thought they had a legit legal need to see Trump's returns to compel the IRS to release them to congress, they didn't have to make the records public. They will find nothing criminal in them at all but then will now pour through them to find ways of trying to attack and destroy Trump personally because he represents a quintessential threat to their deep state, just as JFK did 60 years ago.
Its all about 24 no... I hope and pray Trump and DeSantis will work together to stop these evil people on the left... once and for all...
do you remember this guy Easy?.>>>



The whole thing screams artificially inflated losses. This will become apparent when his creditors compare his income statements.

Don't you think the IRS has already been doing that for years, numbnut? Why is your "Trump Victory" always just one more step beyond sight around the corner? What will you need next to find Trump's hidden "crimes?" Trump's dental records?

If you play nice, maybe I can get a small Trump stool sample for you, shithead! :happy-1: :poop:
Don't you think the IRS has already been doing that for years, numbnut? Why is your "Trump Victory" always just one more step beyond sight around the corner? What will you need next to find Trump's hidden "crimes?" Trump's dental records?

If you play nice, maybe I can get a small Trump stool sample for you, shithead! :happy-1: :poop:
Quit acting like a fool for Trump. Some of you people act like he signs your paychecks.
Quit acting like a fool for Trump. Some of you people act like he signs your paychecks.

So in other words, you got nothing. You stinking commies have built Trump up into some invisible "threat" to be destroyed 3rd world style as an "enemy of the state" with no proof at all to go all gas chamber on him just like the Germans did to the Jews. Your hate and venality are palpable.

Boy is this going to come back to bite you in the ass.
So in other words, you got nothing. You stinking commies have built Trump up into some invisible "threat" to be destroyed 3rd world style as an "enemy of the state" with no proof at all to go all gas chamber on him just like the Germans did to the Jews. Your hate and venality are palpable.

Boy is this going to come back to bite you in the ass.
Are you so isolated from humanity that you no longer know when you are looking foolish?
So in other words, you got nothing. You stinking commies have built Trump up into some invisible "threat" to be destroyed 3rd world style as an "enemy of the state" with no proof at all to go all gas chamber on him just like the Germans did to the Jews. Your hate and venality are palpable.

Boy is this going to come back to bite you in the ass.
Oh, those tax returns are going to come back and bite Trump in the ass. 2020 threw off all kinds of red flags, 2016 did as well. I mean remember when you jackasses were screaming that no one was convicted of sedition for the January 6 attack? How did that turn out?
Democrats squealed like stuck pigs for Donald Trump's tax records for years. Democrats even leaked some of his records illegally.

They claimed they wanted his tax records for criminal investigation, hoping desparately they would finally bring an end to their failed 6-year attempts to 'Get Trump'.

Proving that they not only found NOTHING in his tax records recently turned over, Democrats put on for the world to see their petty, pathetic, partisanship by publicly releasing Trump's personal tax records.

If this is completely acceptable, and it is 'in the public's best interest to release politicians' financial / tax records', let's do this.


...starting with Joe Biden's.

Let's see how his CPAs worked magic to hide / list campaign contributions from the ChiComs, Russia, Soros... and his '10% for the Big Guy' funds. I'm also interested to see how he and Hunter file their taxes since they reportedly shared an account / funds.
- Would love to see Hunter's tax return, as well. What do you list payments for laundering Russian Oligarch cash? Also, does he list his home-family porn movie hobby as a business for tax write-off purposes?

Release Speaker of the House & notorious Insider Trading Queen Nancy Pelosi's records next.

I am sure the public would love to see Diane Xi Feinstein's records after having a Chinese spy in her office/inner circle for decades.

Speaking of 'Chicom benefit recipients', Fang Fang Swalwell's tax returns could be highly entertaining.

Waters' and Omar's returns should be made public - I know many Anericans are interested in how these two managed to explain massive amounts of campaign cash being paid to family members..

Let's all celebrate the Democrats' embrace of financial transparency by releasing ALL tax returns and financial records!

They claimed they wanted his tax records for criminal investigation

Which is not even within their authority to do.
Muppets and 99% of posters on this board have no idea about the intracies of tax law on real estate holdings and HOW it can be in the eye of the beholder, whether it be the IRS or real estate holder.
Tax law in this area is very, very gray; only because the tax laws related to this area are very, very confusing.
In a non-politicized arena, the best attorney's win. In a politicized arena, the IRS has their politicized marching orders!!
Democrats squealed like stuck pigs for Donald Trump's tax records for years. Democrats even leaked some of his records illegally.

They claimed they wanted his tax records for criminal investigation, hoping desparately they would finally bring an end to their failed 6-year attempts to 'Get Trump'.

Proving that they not only found NOTHING in his tax records recently turned over, Democrats put on for the world to see their petty, pathetic, partisanship by publicly releasing Trump's personal tax records.

If this is completely acceptable, and it is 'in the public's best interest to release politicians' financial / tax records', let's do this.


...starting with Joe Biden's.

Let's see how his CPAs worked magic to hide / list campaign contributions from the ChiComs, Russia, Soros... and his '10% for the Big Guy' funds. I'm also interested to see how he and Hunter file their taxes since they reportedly shared an account / funds.
- Would love to see Hunter's tax return, as well. What do you list payments for laundering Russian Oligarch cash? Also, does he list his home-family porn movie hobby as a business for tax write-off purposes?

Release Speaker of the House & notorious Insider Trading Queen Nancy Pelosi's records next.

I am sure the public would love to see Diane Xi Feinstein's records after having a Chinese spy in her office/inner circle for decades.

Speaking of 'Chicom benefit recipients', Fang Fang Swalwell's tax returns could be highly entertaining.

Waters' and Omar's returns should be made public - I know many Anericans are interested in how these two managed to explain massive amounts of campaign cash being paid to family members..

Let's all celebrate the Democrats' embrace of financial transparency by releasing ALL tax returns and financial records!

It was yet another scavenger hunt that was always going to yield nothing. BIG NEWS FLASH! RICH GUY HAS SMART TAX LAWYERS!!! You don't like it, change our retarded tax laws.
Let's all celebrate the Democrats' embrace of financial transparency by releasing ALL tax returns and financial records!

I anxiously look forward to one Joseph Biden putting an abrupt end to the speculation about the "Big Guy".

I mean, wait til he's completely transparent about what went on and addresses everything like an adult rather than using the bloated cudgel of the state to suppress any dissent.

When pigs take fucking flight.

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