CDZ Reinstate The Draft

No hell no. I'm not a young American. I'm older American who did serve in the military and feel it was the best thing that could have happened to a young kid (me) who had no direction in life. I was constantly in trouble growing up and the military environment taught me many things - that's why I highly recommend it for young folks who don't know what to do (yet) with themselves. I have served with draftees and they were a horrible lot. Lots of drugs, laziness, bad quality workmanship. I should have clarified - mandatory service - not a draft. And that would include things like the Peace Corps, the Salvation Army, Greenpeace, who cares. As long as they are committed to doing something that they believe in, whether that be serving in the military, or saving porpose' for two years.
Yeah, yeah, let's force young people to serve in the military...cuz we really miss slavery and want to give them the experience, right? Might as well let them be cannon fodder for the corporate controlled government...and if they survive we might even pay for them to go to college! I'd much rather have a diploma than an appendange...or my life.

Free societies fighting for just causes should not need to force their citizens to serve. I did my time and more...I will never consent to enslaving others to do the same.

Well, someone has to protect your rights so you can post something like this. Try posting something like that in Iran and see what happens.
Serve WHO? People in need WHERE?

Listen Squid, just because YOU liked the Military doesn't mean it's fit for everyone. I recently talked a young man out of joining the Army and going to school instead. And YOU, as a Veteran, should be discouraging America's youth from joining as well.

You should know better.
Serve WHO? People in need WHERE?

Listen Squid, just because YOU liked the Military doesn't mean it's fit for everyone. I recently talked a young man out of joining the Army and going to school instead. And YOU, as a Veteran, should be discouraging America's youth from joining as well.

You should know better.

I suggest other options besides the military. Scroll back and read please.
Well, someone has to protect your rights so you can post something like this. Try posting something like that in Iran and see what happens.
You don't have ANYTHING to do with MY freedom to post on this board.

You know, there was this other idiot just like you , SFC Ollie who used to pedal the same bullsh*t line. Demanding that people thank him for his "service" like it had ANYTHING to do with freedom. He, like you, was just another Government Drone. Nothing more.

Unless you served in WWII you can f*ck off with that "I protected your Freedoms" bullsh*t.
Well, someone has to protect your rights so you can post something like this. Try posting something like that in Iran and see what happens.
You don't have ANYTHING to do with MY freedom to post on this board.

You know, there was this other idiot just like you , SFC Ollie who used to pedal the same bullsh*t line. Demanding that people thank him for his "service" like it had ANYTHING to do with freedom. He, like you, was just another Government Drone. Nothing more.

Unless you served in WWII you can f*ck off with that "I protected your Freedoms" bullsh*t.

I wasn't posting that for you. Dear Lord. Calm down before I have to call LifeStar for a MEDEVAC
OP says that draftees were terrible but in effect, wants everyone else to be "draftees".

What a Moran!
Yeah, yeah, let's force young people to serve in the military...cuz we really miss slavery and want to give them the experience, right? Might as well let them be cannon fodder for the corporate controlled government...and if they survive we might even pay for them to go to college! I'd much rather have a diploma than an appendange...or my life.

Free societies fighting for just causes should not need to force their citizens to serve. I did my time and more...I will never consent to enslaving others to do the same.

Well, someone has to protect your rights so you can post something like this. Try posting something like that in Iran and see what happens.

I protected my rights just fine by choice, for as long as you did, Chief...cept I wasn't sipping coffee and eating pogey bait on some nice ship like don't even give me that rhetorical bulltwinkle.

Where, specifically, in the Constitution that we both swore an oath to defend, does it give federal government the power of conscription? The Constitution gives Congress the power to raise and support armies...but it does not specifically grant the power to force someone to serve. The 9th Amendment doesn't give them the right to assume that power either...and we pretty much banned slavery with the 13th Amendment.

Again, how free is a country that forces people to serve it, and how just is a cause if you gotta force people to fight for it?

If you want to volunteer your kids and grand kids, have at it, but don't try it with mine or we're gonna have a problem...feel me?
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Military draft? Hell no. We have a proud tradition of volutary service, except in times of war, in this country, and I for one, want to see that continue.
Mandatory service? I'm kind of on the fence about that. What would it say to our young people if we, as a "free" people told them they have to do this or they have to do that. I know the argument, "But we tell them they have to go to school, and pay taxes when they work." I object to the school requirement as well, on a national level. As for the taxes, well we can change what and how much we are taxed. It's not easy, but what that is worth doing is easy?
Bullsh*t! You posted it for everyone to read!

Were just supposed to be happy this isn't Iran? Sounds like YOU want it to be like North Korea!

We have a Constitution, Bill of Rights and a Declaration of Independence. NONE of which were made stronger by your "service".
Bullsh*t! You posted it for everyone to read!

Were just supposed to be happy this isn't Iran? Sounds like YOU want it to be like North Korea!

We have a Constitution, Bill of Rights and a Declaration of Independence. NONE of which were made stronger by your "service".

Edit...funny or not, I forgot this is the CDZ. Redacted.
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Bullsh*t! You posted it for everyone to read!

Were just supposed to be happy this isn't Iran? Sounds like YOU want it to be like North Korea!

We have a Constitution, Bill of Rights and a Declaration of Independence. NONE of which were made stronger by your "service".
Sounds like you are anti-military. I wonder why that is... Also, if someone serves in the US Military, why, pray tell, would they have to serve during WWII in order to be deemed as having protected OUR freedoms? Are you saying those who served by manning Ballistic Missile sites during, and after, the Cold War did not serve in protection of OUR freedoms?
It's not the military of our Dad's or our time.It's a military that needs people with a brain..

It'silitary that needs people with a brain..

Then let them finish college before they report to boot camp.

Bad's hard enough to break their bad habits without giving them 4 years of more bad habits to break. ;)


or maybe they'll break those bad habits they learned growing up.
Evidently, you never served....

Retired, 20+ years Navy.

Have any more assumptions?

I apologize for my comments about certain squids...err..sailors... that were directed at the OP. But then again, if jarheads and squids didn't diss on each other it just wouldn't be natural. :beer:
I was kind of joking, but I think military service is good for some young guys. I went in the Navy at 18, actually learned a skill that served me later on in life. You also do learn discipline. From day one, that's for sure. I went places I probably wouldn't have ever seen also. West pacific Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Hong Kong.
Sh*t! I didn't realize this was a CDZ Zone! My apologies to everyone!

See ya' in a few weeks I guess! Haha! :uhoh3: :up:
For a variety of reasons. Primarily - to give young Americans an opportunity to serve - let's say 2 years active, 4 in the reserves, immediately following graduation from high school. Not only will two years of active duty be of benefit to America, it will also instill some tremendous values into a generation who seems to have none. Build some pride. Have an opportunity to team build, work with others - do something for people in need.


Indentured servitude is not the embodiment of freedom and liberty. Furthermore, not everyone is cut out for the military.
Wow - lots of "un-appreciation" for the men and women who have served/are serving. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these posters would find delight in spitting on solders coming home or burning the American flag. There are others who have obviously had prior problems & issues with senior enlisted people and those hate-filled days still burn vividly in their hateful minds. Obviously these weren't the best of servicemen and were nothing more than an administrative burden to the government, the military and our nation during their time in service (similar to the economic and socio drag we get from fed prisoners). And of course, they caused their families much discomfort and embarrassment too. In any event - there are several countries who currently require their young folks to serve in the military. I think it's fantastic - and I especially think the Israel chicks in uniform are gorgeous.

  • Albania
  • Armenia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Bermuda
  • Brazil
  • China (PRC)
  • Colombia
  • Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Egypt
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Iran
  • Israel
  • South Korea
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Norway
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan (ROC)
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
It's not the military of our Dad's or our time.It's a military that needs people with a brain..

It'silitary that needs people with a brain..

Then let them finish college before they report to boot camp.

Bad's hard enough to break their bad habits without giving them 4 years of more bad habits to break. ;)


or maybe they'll break those bad habits they learned growing up.
Evidently, you never served....

Retired, 20+ years Navy.

Have any more assumptions?
No more than your assumption thinking millions of draftees would have the same attitude about being a squid....

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