Regrettable': Germany reacts to Trump plan to withdraw US troops

The Jews were Romans since the early third century. And the Jews were Germans like all others before the Nazis started with their obscure antisemitic and racist brainwash.
Actually, there’s some truth to this.

Jews fought for Germany in WW1. Some even received the Iron Cross.

I-d-i-o-t! What do you like to do with such a Nazi-like logic? To declare Jews to enemies of the USA? Again: The Jews in Germany were nothing else than Germans before Hitler started his brainwash.
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So why "you" and your allies did you do the war crimes to throw masses of bombs on German civilists, to displace millions of Germans, to give a big area of Germany to Slawic nations, to erase complete German cultures like Silesia or Bohemia, to rape millions of German women, to let die German pows on hunger and to murder them in many other ways and so on ...

I hope you don't try to tell me now because the Nazis had murdered many members of my families? Sorry - but I do not think the crimes of the Nazis are able to be an excuse for the crimes of the allies.


You started it.

Again: Sorry - but I do not think the crimes of the Nazis are able to be an excuse for the crimes of the allies.

This "whatever" is the reason why "you" fight against the international court in Den Haag with criminal methods? You like to continue to do war crimes?

How is it by the way possible that the president of the USA, Donald Trump, is able to fire Geoffrey Berman, a prosecutor in New York?
Some Jews fought for Germany in WWII, and some of them even worked in the death camps, murdering other Jews.

You should first try to learn something about the themes you try to speak about. If a mafiosi forces someone to kill someone else then this is an extraordinary tragedy. And about 1.5 million Jews - what gives together with the numbers of their family members the number 6 million Jews - fought against the Nazis in the different armies of the world.

You are in my eyes an anti-Semite and structural Nazi.
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These assholes are making it sound like the manpower, equipment and money we give Germany is the only reason they'll be on our side in a dispute. How can you trust hos like that? If China comes along with more money, we would be better dealed in a heartbeat. Trump is right again
Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw roughly a third of the US troops stationed in Germany have been criticised in the country by conservatives and welcomed by leftwing politicians.

The US president has reportedly ordered the Pentagon to reduce the number of troops by 9,500 from the 34,500 permanently assigned in Germany as part of a long-standing arrangement with Washington’s Nato ally.

Johann Wadephul, the deputy chair of the parliamentary group of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), described the withdrawal as a wake-up call. “The plans show that the Trump administration is neglecting an elementary task of leadership, to bind coalition partners into decision-making processes,” he said.

“Everyone profits from the alliance sticking together, only Russia and China profit from discord. Washington should pay more attention to that.”

The leader of the parliamentary group of the leftwing party Die Linke welcomed the development. “The federal government should accept it with gratitude and promptly start preparing the complete withdrawal of US soldiers with the Trump administration,” said Dietmar Bartsch.

This is an interesting development.

Maybe if they want continued American support and protection, responding with an attack on the President is not being a "Grown up".
These assholes are making it sound like the manpower, equipment and money we give Germany is the only reason they'll be on our side in a dispute. How can you trust hos like that? If China comes along with more money, we would be better dealed in a heartbeat. Trump is right again
Trump is an idiot, who speaks continously bullshit. The strange thing is that everyone in the USA knows this.
Trump is an idiot, who speaks continously bullshit. The strange thing is that everyone in the USA knows this.

Yet Germany is whining that we are pulling back. If Trump is so "idiot" why is the smart people in charge of Germany unable to handle him?

Why do they even want US there? Would not having fewer armed people ruled by an "idiot" in your country, not be a good thing?

just handle your own shit. How hard can that be for such an enlightened and advanced country.
Yet Germany is whining that we are pulling back.


If Trump is so "idiot" why is the smart people in charge of Germany unable to handle him?

"in charge of Germany unable to handle him"? Trump? Trump is an idiot. What to speak about with him?

Why do they even want US there?

Normally I wpuld say "Go or stay - your problem." But I guess soon the most Germans will think it will be better to throw all US-Americans out of Germany,

Would not having fewer armed people ruled by an "idiot" in your country, not be a good thing?

We never had big problems with the soldiers of the USA in Germany. Trump has problems. And Trump is an idiot.

just handle your own shit. How hard can that be for such an enlightened and advanced country.

Do you have anything else to say than irreal nonsense?
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Yet Germany is whining that we are pulling back. If Trump is so "idiot" why is the smart people in charge of Germany unable to handle him?

Why do they even want US there? Would not having fewer armed people ruled by an "idiot" in your country, not be a good thing?

just handle your own shit. How hard can that be for such an enlightened and advanced country.

Don‘t let the genie out of the bottle. Again.

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