Red's Take on the Pledge

Some people would like to see it kicked out of school, just like they did prayer. a country no longer blessed, what a pity.
Some people would like to see it kicked out of school, just like they did prayer. a country no longer blessed, what a pity.

Yet in our Public School we say the pledge every single day.
Factoid: Guantanamo now hangs Red Skelton sad clown paintings in the cells of prisoners who do not cooperate.
Thanks EZ.

I think that each year in each public school, there should be a small grade appropriate lesson which would remind children why they are saying the pledge.

Because, truthfully, after saying it every morning, 180 days a year for 12 does get monotonous and loses it's meaning. Just a simple reminder of its purpose would be enough.
Yet in our Public School we say the pledge every single day.

without under god

Nope, you are wrong Frog.

We say it just like it was written.

No, you don't...

"I Pledge Allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all."


The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855-1931), a Baptist minister, a Christian socialist...

Under God Added
The Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, in New York City felt that the pledge was incomplete without any reference to a deity. Appealing to the authority of Abraham Lincoln, the Knights felt that the words "under God" which were from Lincolns Gettysburg Address were most appropriate to add to the Pledge.
We say Under God in our pledge in our school.

And sing religious songs at the Christmas programs.

The community would fire the superintendent if it were to be taken out, and a majority of them would take their kids out of the school and start homeschooling them.

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