Red Flag Bill

Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?

I'm going to have to build some untraceable weapons.
I've been wanting to try the 80% lower for an AR-15.
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
God over rides the Constitution. God has given us all the right to life. When guns are taking away our God given right to life, something has to be done.
So many gun crazies might be pleasantly surprised that if their guns are taken away they will not die, they will do just fine. People act like they need a gun to live, you do not. I got rid of my guns years ago and my life has not changed except I no longer hunt.
I am not saying take away everyone guns but there are paranoid, crazy people that feel they need a gun to live.
Initially I supported this until my husband I were talking about it. It depends on the parameters involved. Hubby brought up a good point, what about social media? It's easy to be a keyboard warrior and spout off but what happens when spouting off leads to being denied a gun or ammo purchase?

It could be a slippery slope
Woulda been good if the creeps who just killed 60 people would have been flagged huh?

Maybe it would keep people from fantasizing about murder in public...ya think?

Where did i fantasize about murder in public?

Good grief stop making shit up, fool.
Hey asshole. I never said you did.

These CREEPS do that online (in public) on a regular basis and egg each other on...retard
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
If you're fantasizing about mass murder should NOT have guns...don't you agree?
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?

I'm going to have to build some untraceable weapons.
I've been wanting to try the 80% lower for an AR-15.
Mine were all lost in a tragic boating accident.
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
God over rides the Constitution. God has given us all the right to life. When guns are taking away our God given right to life, something has to be done.
So many gun crazies might be pleasantly surprised that if their guns are taken away they will not die, they will do just fine. People act like they need a gun to live, you do not. I got rid of my guns years ago and my life has not changed except I no longer hunt.
I am not saying take away everyone guns but there are paranoid, crazy people that feel they need a gun to live.
How does your warped version of God expect you to protect that life? I know you're pro-abortion as well. How does that sit with God?
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?

I'm going to have to build some untraceable weapons.
I've been wanting to try the 80% lower for an AR-15.
Mine were all lost in a tragic boating accident.

I'm sorry for you loss. LOL
You remember the Democrats' BS 'See Something, Say Something'?

So what's the basic initial difference between that and the 'Red Flag' bill?
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
If you're fantasizing about mass murder should NOT have guns...don't you agree?
Maybe you being on pornhub fantasizing about women should have your dick cut off. What the fuck is fantasy and how do we possibly create laws to counter that? If you have a thought and write it down then... what? Off to the gulag with you for wrong think? If you check out a girls ass at the store maybe she should red flag you for rape. Can we red flag your posts for promoting socialism? I'm thinking we should, it's a dangerous and deadly form of government. Been proven over hundreds of years. Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to speak in public.

If we're going to pre-crime people where does it stop?
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
God over rides the Constitution. God has given us all the right to life. When guns are taking away our God given right to life, something has to be done.
So many gun crazies might be pleasantly surprised that if their guns are taken away they will not die, they will do just fine. People act like they need a gun to live, you do not. I got rid of my guns years ago and my life has not changed except I no longer hunt.
I am not saying take away everyone guns but there are paranoid, crazy people that feel they need a gun to live.
How does your warped version of God expect you to protect that life? I know you're pro-abortion as well. How does that sit with God?
I am not pro-abortion and I have been doing very well taking care of my life without a gun. I feel sorry for a person who feel they need a gun to live unless they have to hunt for food or live in a dangerous neighborhood.
I feel guns are addicting to the weak. The weak feel a gun will make them strong. It does not.
God said the weak will inherit the earth except weak people with guns, they will go to Hell.
You remember the Democrats' BS 'See Something, Say Something'?

So what's the basic initial difference between that and the 'Red Flag' bill?

Just like all communist countries, they want us snitching on our family and neighbors.
If you have a thought and write it down then... what? Off to the gulag with you for wrong think?

If you express a "thought" about mass should NOT have guns available to you.

You disagree?
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?

I'm going to have to build some untraceable weapons.
I've been wanting to try the 80% lower for an AR-15.
Mine were all lost in a tragic boating accident.

I'm sorry for you loss. LOL
It's been rough but the safe space has helped. And happy fingers, can't do loud noises.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
God over rides the Constitution. God has given us all the right to life. When guns are taking away our God given right to life, something has to be done.
So many gun crazies might be pleasantly surprised that if their guns are taken away they will not die, they will do just fine. People act like they need a gun to live, you do not. I got rid of my guns years ago and my life has not changed except I no longer hunt.
I am not saying take away everyone guns but there are paranoid, crazy people that feel they need a gun to live.
How does your warped version of God expect you to protect that life? I know you're pro-abortion as well. How does that sit with God?
I am not pro-abortion and I have been doing very well taking care of my life without a gun. I feel sorry for a person who feel they need a gun to live unless they have to hunt for food or live in a dangerous neighborhood.
I feel guns are addicting to the weak. The weak feel a gun will make them strong. It does not.
God said the weak will inherit the earth except weak people with guns, they will go to Hell.
LOL, You're an idiot. He said meek, not weak. Be a decent person, but arm yourself. The devil is out there.

People with guns have a better chance of dying of old age.

“God made men, but Sam Colt made them equal.”

It's amazing to me the people that need firearms the most for protection are the first to disarm themselves.
If you have a thought and write it down then... what? Off to the gulag with you for wrong think?

If you express a "thought" about mass should NOT have guns available to you.

You disagree?

I think mass murder is horrible, particularly when it is done by governments.

I guess that qualifies the government to remove My rights.
The current political environment is demanding that something has to be done even if its wrong.
The US has done nothing and the number of mass murders have increased. They have increased exponentially over the past 3 years.
Those who claim it is because of mental illness and video game are wrong.

The US has the same % of mentally ill people and people who play violent video games as the rest of the world but no country comes close to the number of mass murders.
The US has 5% of the world population and own 50% of private guns.

Show us those figures- proof with a link.. Shitcago murders have increased and you have the strictest gun legislation in the nation.. Now what dummy?? Let's hear it.
You cannot be this stupid. Within a couple hours of Chicago are states with very lax gun laws. It is like a plane that has the left side seating no smoking and the right side seating smoking. You need both sides of the plane no smoking to be effective. You cannot have adjoining states with lax gun laws and have your state gun laws effective. I cannot believe I need to explain that to you.
US mass shootings, 1982-2019: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

You just proved you're a prolific liar.. Thanks..
Lady gun slinger, pull your gun out of your rear end and read what I wrote.
Please tell me specifically what is a lie including the non-subjective stats in the article.
What does it take to get that court order? Do you get to be there for it?

The word you’re looking for is due process. There’s none of that in these red flag laws.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
God over rides the Constitution. God has given us all the right to life. When guns are taking away our God given right to life, something has to be done.
So many gun crazies might be pleasantly surprised that if their guns are taken away they will not die, they will do just fine. People act like they need a gun to live, you do not. I got rid of my guns years ago and my life has not changed except I no longer hunt.
I am not saying take away everyone guns but there are paranoid, crazy people that feel they need a gun to live.
How does your warped version of God expect you to protect that life? I know you're pro-abortion as well. How does that sit with God?
I am not pro-abortion and I have been doing very well taking care of my life without a gun. I feel sorry for a person who feel they need a gun to live unless they have to hunt for food or live in a dangerous neighborhood.
I feel guns are addicting to the weak. The weak feel a gun will make them strong. It does not.
God said the weak will inherit the earth except weak people with guns, they will go to Hell.

God said the meek will inherit the earth...not weak.

Nowhere does it say if you own a gun you'll go to hell.

Good grief. In fact Jesus told his disciples to buy swords
The current political environment is demanding that something has to be done even if its wrong.
The US has done nothing and the number of mass murders have increased. They have increased exponentially over the past 3 years.
Those who claim it is because of mental illness and video game are wrong.

The US has the same % of mentally ill people and people who play violent video games as the rest of the world but no country comes close to the number of mass murders.
The US has 5% of the world population and own 50% of private guns.

Show us those figures- proof with a link.. Shitcago murders have increased and you have the strictest gun legislation in the nation.. Now what dummy?? Let's hear it.
You cannot be this stupid. Within a couple hours of Chicago are states with very lax gun laws. It is like a plane that has the left side seating no smoking and the right side seating smoking. You need both sides of the plane no smoking to be effective. You cannot have adjoining states with lax gun laws and have your state gun laws effective. I cannot believe I need to explain that to you.
US mass shootings, 1982-2019: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

You just proved you're a prolific liar.. Thanks..
Lady gun slinger, pull your gun out of your rear end and read what I wrote.
Please tell me specifically what is a lie including the non-subjective stats in the article.
Shut your face Fuddy and don't address me.. I don't know you nor do I care too. Take a hike you loser.
bullshit. Temporary restraining orders are constitutional in all states, and have been for decades.

Due process is provided by a timely hearing with notice and opportunity to be heard by an impartial fact finder.
Those orders are to stay away from someone. It doesn’t involve the government confiscating your property until you can prove you deserve it back.

Red flag laws are a way for one person to fuck with another for any reason. It has nothing to do with law enforcement.

Let me ask you this. If you have a swat team sent to my house because you’re an unstable emotion filled snowflake do you pay my attorney fees, lost time at work and harassment money if I win?
God over rides the Constitution. God has given us all the right to life. When guns are taking away our God given right to life, something has to be done.
So many gun crazies might be pleasantly surprised that if their guns are taken away they will not die, they will do just fine. People act like they need a gun to live, you do not. I got rid of my guns years ago and my life has not changed except I no longer hunt.
I am not saying take away everyone guns but there are paranoid, crazy people that feel they need a gun to live.
How does your warped version of God expect you to protect that life? I know you're pro-abortion as well. How does that sit with God?
I am not pro-abortion and I have been doing very well taking care of my life without a gun. I feel sorry for a person who feel they need a gun to live unless they have to hunt for food or live in a dangerous neighborhood.
I feel guns are addicting to the weak. The weak feel a gun will make them strong. It does not.
God said the weak will inherit the earth except weak people with guns, they will go to Hell.

God said the meek will inherit the earth...not weak.

Nowhere does it say if you own a gun you'll go to hell.

Good grief. In fact Jesus told his disciples to buy swords
That one is a straight up dumbass...

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