Red Flag Bill

It allows the feds to do nothing and defer to states. And it avoids nationwide background checks to flap people with mental illnesses seeking guns

People who have had a court ruling are prohibited. Mental Illness in the case of the law is a determination of the courts.
Everything is determined by the courts. Would you have it any other way? If the behavior issue gets as far as the courts it might be time to red flag the name. Again nobody is talking about confiscation. The admittedly imperfect intent is to prevent the purchase of a firearm by someone who is unstable. Something like a waiting period. I would imagine there is a venue for the person to challenge the ruling.
Here is the problem. We know that Bill Clinton got access to the confidential FBI files of his political opponents. We also know that Obama used our national security apparatus to undermine his political opponents. Should we give our next Democrat President an additional weapon to use against his or her political opponents?
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
The major intent is to quickly but temporarily take guns away from people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior. You seem to be talking about a different bill that somehow puts a person's name on the NICS database, but I'm not sure for what reason.
It allows the feds to do nothing and defer to states. And it avoids nationwide background checks to flap people with mental illnesses seeking guns

People who have had a court ruling are prohibited. Mental Illness in the case of the law is a determination of the courts.
Everything is determined by the courts. Would you have it any other way? If the behavior issue gets as far as the courts it might be time to red flag the name. Again nobody is talking about confiscation. The admittedly imperfect intent is to prevent the purchase of a firearm by someone who is unstable. Something like a waiting period. I would imagine there is a venue for the person to challenge the ruling.

People the courts have said are insane can not buy a gun now. That determination is a prohibitive event. We have to be honest here. Both shooters committed crimes before they fired a single shot. Conspiracy to commit murder. That is a crime in every single state. Universal background checks won’t work. Red Flag laws will be abused, and then backed off of after lawsuits. Then the baddies will act again and again the call to do something.

The demand to do something is the dumbest cry in all of human history. It has never led to anything good. It has never prevented a single thing. But it is universal in history after every tragedy. After Pearl Harbor, we locked up Americans who looked different. The Japanese never planned on hitting Hawaii again. So it prevented nothing.

In every example, the demand that is met accomplishes nothing but more harm and shame.
It seems to have bipartisan support and the President supports it. People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm. It seems reasonable but how would you enforce it? My guess is that people who were (arrested for?) convicted of violent misdemeanors and spousal abuse would be flagged and so would every Veteran who admits to the violent tendencies associated with PTSD. Are we ready for that?
These bills are methods of removing property rights and jailing people BEFORE they have committed any crime.

Consider that when you say it sounds reasonable.
It seems to have bipartisan support and the President supports it. People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm. It seems reasonable but how would you enforce it? My guess is that people who were (arrested for?) convicted of violent misdemeanors and spousal abuse would be flagged and so would every Veteran who admits to the violent tendencies associated with PTSD. Are we ready for that?

As slippery as slope as the "Patriot Act" or when Big Internet Companies agreeing to be open platforms to build their brand and now Blacklisted Conservatives.

The democrats were ready to declare anyone who did not vote for Hillary a domestic terrorist
Not were, they ARE ready to call any Republican a domestic terrorist.

After all, they have been working on the narrative that if you don't believe in big government, you not quite right. Time to go for a mental health check, and we'll just note that in your background file.

While they're at it, they'll be reinstated the "Do you have any guns in the house" when you do pediatric visits. Is everything okay at home? Sleeping okay? No, well, that is a sure sign of some mental stress. Sorry, but with a child in the house and your mental issues, we'll have to confiscate the guns.
It seems to have bipartisan support and the President supports it. People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm. It seems reasonable but how would you enforce it? My guess is that people who were (arrested for?) convicted of violent misdemeanors and spousal abuse would be flagged and so would every Veteran who admits to the violent tendencies associated with PTSD. Are we ready for that?
These bills are methods of removing property rights and jailing people BEFORE they have committed any crime.

Consider that when you say it sounds reasonable.
I see the inherent risk, but it seems like a risk worth taking at this point. We aren't talking about people being arrested, this would be about only prohibiting a person with violent tendencies from purchasing a weapon. I'm not seeing much downside to that.
People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm.

I am (presently, and probably for the rest of my life) red-flagged as a violent person and denied not only gun rights but employment, house and home, food, shelter and clothing.

Consequently I am reduced to poverty and begging for food on the streets. There is no way out of such a situation, ever, for anyone, under the present fascist political regime in the United States.
It seems to have bipartisan support and the President supports it. People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm. It seems reasonable but how would you enforce it? My guess is that people who were (arrested for?) convicted of violent misdemeanors and spousal abuse would be flagged and so would every Veteran who admits to the violent tendencies associated with PTSD. Are we ready for that?
These bills are methods of removing property rights and jailing people BEFORE they have committed any crime.

Consider that when you say it sounds reasonable.
I see the inherent risk, but it seems like a risk worth taking at this point. We aren't talking about people being arrested, this would be about only prohibiting a person with violent tendencies from purchasing a weapon. I'm not seeing much downside to that.
You don't? I see it in every look when I hear people like Trump, Schumer, Pelosi, O'Connel, Graham, Nadler, et al. speak about stopping people before they commit crimes.

You've already seen the left set up a narrative that Trump was unfit due to mental issues. That one failed, but who has the resources to fight back when you just a common citizen? They will not stop their incremental steps toward disarming America and Trump is playing right into their hands with this red flag nonsense.

Far better to address the growing hatred that is being taught in our Universities and grade schools. We need to teach people (hard to believe we have reached this point but we have) that is is okay that someone doesn't think as you do and it is okay for them to talk about their views and it is wrong to try and silence them with namecalling, physical intimidation, or legal threats to their liberty.
People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm.

I am (presently, and probably for the rest of my life) red-flagged as a violent person and denied not only gun rights but employment, house and home, food, shelter and clothing.

Consequently I am reduced to poverty and begging for food on the streets. There is no way out of such a situation, ever, for anyone, under the present fascist political regime in the United States.
Do you believe you have been unjustly flagged as a dangerous person or are you saying there should be a statute of limitations on the red flag?
unjustly flagged as a dangerous person

No attorney can offer a defense to that in Federal court. The cops want you fucked over, so you're fucked over for life. No recourse, no rebuttal, and no redress. That's the way they want it.

“The girls” — “feminazis” (Remember Rush Limbaugh?) — demand an instant no-holds-barred absolute lifetime railroad on gun rights in Federal court.
unjustly flagged as a dangerous person

No attorney can offer a defense to that in Federal court. The cops want you fucked over, so you're fucked over for life. No recourse, no rebuttal, and no redress. That's the way they want it.

“The girls” — “feminazis” (Remember Rush Limbaugh?) — demand an instant no-holds-barred absolute lifetime railroad on gun rights in Federal court.
Any red flag law must to be constitutional give a person a hearing within days to challenge any allegation he is dangerous. Stop hyperventaliting


Fla, Ohio and Tex would never have even contemplated a red flag law without a mass shooting and short term public outrage. The Gun Lobby that will tolerate no regulation, no matter how slight, will eventually fund political challenges to any supporting even a moderate red flag law that would remove guns from people suspected of planning to kill spouses or just go postal.

A profile in courage would be bipartisan federal law, with politicians pledging mutual support against a small minority of well funded voters motivated by a single issue.
It seems to have bipartisan support and the President supports it. People who exhibit "violent tendencies" would have their names flagged on an instant name check to purchase a firearm. It seems reasonable but how would you enforce it? My guess is that people who were (arrested for?) convicted of violent misdemeanors and spousal abuse would be flagged and so would every Veteran who admits to the violent tendencies associated with PTSD. Are we ready for that?

As slippery as slope as the "Patriot Act" or when Big Internet Companies agreeing to be open platforms to build their brand and now Blacklisted Conservatives.

The democrats were ready to declare anyone who did not vote for Hillary a domestic terrorist
You hit the nail dead on Frank! That's exactly what will take place. Leftists never have good intentions nor do they give a shit about victims of shootings.. It's about one thing: Disarming Americans, ushering in Socialism / Globalism.. If President Trump goes down this path, he will lose his base.
You fucking leftists and your "demands." It's either your way or no way.. Patriots won't tolerate your temper tantrums of , 'I'm leaving and taking my football with me' attitude. Fuck all of you.
The current political environment is demanding that something has to be done even if its wrong.
You sound like a total jackass and a FOOL to boot..
Damn girl, you are being quick to judge! I am not in favor of something being done.....even if it is wrong. I'm simply stating that is what is going to happen due to the political pressure. These red flag laws just one example.
The current political environment is demanding that something has to be done even if its wrong.
You sound like a total jackass and a FOOL to boot..
Damn girl, you are being quick to judge! I am not in favor of something being done.....even if it is wrong. I'm simply stating that is what is going to happen due to the political pressure. These red flag laws just one example.

Sorry..My BAD.... I thought your post read that something had to be done even if wrong... I apologize..
The solution is so simple: arrest Soros, charge him under RICO and use his wealth to build the wall and start mandatory gun safety classes.
Initially I supported this until my husband I were talking about it. It depends on the parameters involved. Hubby brought up a good point, what about social media? It's easy to be a keyboard warrior and spout off but what happens when spouting off leads to being denied a gun or ammo purchase?

It could be a slippery slope
Is your husband as crazy as you.
It would be very entertaining to listen to two nuts discussion on politics.
Nosy pervert.. Mind your own fucking business..
Don't let them confuse you about the important distinction between confiscation and prevention. You will still need a court order to confiscate a weapon from a citizen. The intent of the Red Flag bill is to prevent the purchase of firearms by people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior.
The major intent is to quickly but temporarily take guns away from people who exhibit mental derangement and violent behavior. You seem to be talking about a different bill that somehow puts a person's name on the NICS database, but I'm not sure for what reason.
People do not trust you. If someone blew up your city we all would be safer. You are the harbinger of death. You use the facade of all this niceness and most everything you touch leaves an expensive aftertaste and more problems. Which adds more laws to affect what you enacted.

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