Recording of trump pressuring Wayne County repubs not to certify 2020 election surfaces.

What a joke, I live in Wayne Country and I didnt think we had any Republicans as we are heavy Democrat.

They did throw Republican Observers out of the room during the 3am vote count.

WTF do the Democrats think they are going to do when they destroy the country ????? What is the Democrats grand plan to put 150 million people to work ???? THEY HAVE NO CLUE

You people will believe anything.

There were HUNDREDS of poll watchers inside
I know. Change the subject. I know.

That is what you fools always do when you haven't got a real argument.

That thread topic is. . .

Recording of trump pressuring Wayne County repubs not to certify 2020 election surfaces.​

. . and you wrote;
Daily. Hourly. His behaviors cannot be compared to, or equated with, those of ANYONE.

No man, woman or child. No animal, vegetable or mineral. NO one. NO one behaves like this.

And yeah, they know it.

And I have seen shit like;

Trump et al are just so dirty and anti-American.
Have to get rid of the filth.
He's a sociopath
And narcissist
Trump is an enemy of democracy.


You know what I haven't seen? I link to it, so we can actually listen to this phone call.

The number of stories about Trump, that have turned out to be utter horse shit, have been many. Some have been true, while the majority of them have been false. Who is to say?


And another one of his enablers finds themselves in hot legal water.

They just don't learn.

From the Newsweek piece. . . (which, I might add, Newsweek usually does good journalism, but his is just clickbait for low IQ rubes like yourself; )

". . . Newsweek contacted representatives for Trump by email and McDaniel by social media to comment on this story. Newsweek has been unable to independently verify the recording.. . ."
From the Newsweek piece. . . (which, I might add, Newsweek usually does good journalism, but his is just clickbait for low IQ rubes like yourself; )

". . . Newsweek contacted representatives for Trump by email and McDaniel by social media to comment on this story. Newsweek has been unable to independently verify the recording.. . ."
Okay, fake news, got it!
That, and if he thought the counts were fraudulent, how was he supposed to respond?

Just let it happen?
He was supposed to prove it in court. He doesn’t get to disenfranchise people because he convinced his cronies to do him a favor.
But now millions of people want this man, an unabashed insurrectionist, back in the White House, so he can finish the job he started. He tried to destroy and dismantle our electoral system and he may have done it if it were not for the judicial system. So, not he is intent on destroying the judicial system, so he can make himself King and Dictator for Life.

The future of our democracy is at stake in 2024. If trump succeeds, he will bring his brand of Fascism into the White House, Why voters cannot see this, I do not know?
He tried to destroy our electoral system. Why can't you understand that? But the USSC will bail his fat ass out.
I think he tried to use legal means to challenge the results of an election which had unique abnormalities and extra-legislative changes to voting rules and which he honestly believed (and still believes to this day) was stolen illegally. Right or wrong, it's happened countless times over the years and seems to be a feature of a functioning Democracy.
I think he tried to use legal means to challenge the results of an election which had unique abnormalities and extra-legislative changes to voting rules and which he honestly believed (and still believes to this day) was stolen illegally. Right or wrong, it's happened countless times over the years and seems to be a feature of a functioning Democracy.
He tried to use legal means

And when that failed…. Yeah…. Whatever illegal means he could find
Ok, we can shut this one down.


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Only a craven MAGA slimeball like Rona McDaniel would betray her own flesh & blood, her uncle Mitt Romney & drop her name Romney for the likes of a shitbag like Trump, who made that demand on her.

The party of "Family Values" at it's finest.
I think he tried to use legal means to challenge the results of an election which had unique abnormalities and extra-legislative changes to voting rules and which he honestly believed (and still believes to this day) was stolen illegally. Right or wrong, it's happened countless times over the years and seems to be a feature of a functioning Democracy.
He had his chance in court over 60 times. That is how you challenge an election. If Al Gore had called SoS and concocted an elaborate fake electors scheme, you repubs would be screaming for his head.

Face it, trump is a Mafia Boss in Political Clothing. He rules with insults, intimidation and threats. Please do not try to rationalize his crimes.
They were not poll watchers . Are you LwYs this fucking wrong?

They were rabble rousers.

The poll watchers were inside

Ahh, I thought those were the poll watchers.

Yes, I’m occasionally wrong, and I will admit when I’m wrong..hmm?


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