Recording of trump pressuring Wayne County repubs not to certify 2020 election surfaces.

I agree.

But, from where I am sitting? The establishment started all this.

First they used some foreign intelligence agency, of a nation we had fought two wars against, to spy on him. (With the lame ass excuse, some of his folks were talking to, "our enemies." Which every intelligent sane person knows, is complete and utter bullshit. Every high level politician has international contacts. Did they spy on Biden because he and his people had contact with Russia and China? I doubt that very much.

Then? They used trickery, using our own spy agencies, to trick a guy who Trump had intended to put in his cabinet. The only thing they got him on? Misspeaking and forgetting information incorrectly. Utter bullshit. He didn't even know he was under some sort of oath. . .

All of the impeachments? They were all political, nothing but total bullshit.

Trump was never really was left alone to do what he wanted in his term, the military-industrial-complex, and silicon valley/Wall Street, never let the people's representative, do what they elected him to do. He was continually treated, BY OUR OWN ESTABLISHMENT, not as the commander and chief, but as an enemy of the state!

What made them bleev they had more of a right to rule, than the guy the people elected to rule?

The real "insurrection?" Was this. . . .

Anyone that had worked in government, or taken any education in government, would know, that the bureaucracy and administrative agencies, are SUPPOSED to be neutral in governance!

They aren't supposed to be political. THAT? Is a subversive violation. He had every right, to fire every last person, in each and every one of those agencies DAY ONE, IMO. He should have used executive privilege to use the NSA or CIA to find out who was putting out that shit. He was a moron not to, IMHO.

So yeah, I agree, Trump's rhetoric IS disgusting. . . but don't be a disingenuous hack. Either that, or you totally forgot who started this shit. They started this all on him. They have never respected him, as a legitimate leader of this nation. They have, from the start, been saying, "don't normalize him." What complete bullshit.

If, from the start, the left and the DNC, had just given him the respect, he and his supporters were due? This bullshit would not be happening. The right gave Obama a lot of shit, yes, but nothing like the left has done to Trump. It does not even compare.

. . and now? This is where we are at. Do you think Trump would have this rhetoric if there had not been all those impeachments? Do you think there would have been all of this, if multiple states, had not changed election laws, contrary to their constitutions, at the last minute? Do you think all of this would be happening, if the DoJ had not raided his house, for something every president in the last forty years had done?

Sometimes? I am of a mind, this whole thing is just one big clown show, TBH. None of this seems real anymore.


There you go again. What does the Steel Dossier or the establishment or whatever has to do with the fascist rhetoric Trump is using? You are desperate to justify anything in your defense of Trump.
It is completely moot.

It is all hearsay & speculation, unless, and until, "they," release the unedited phone conversation.

They say they heard four minutes of an eleven minute call.

From an interview I heard, it doesn't sound like there were any threats.

You didn't hear the call, I didn't hear it, staph making shit up.

Detroit News reporter describes Trump's tone on phone call pressuring canvassers on 2020 election​

Four minutes is plenty of time to put a conversation "in context".
I could name specific people, I don't care to get that specific, just as your post is a throw away post of admitted denial.

You know what I wrote is correct.

He is just responding to being attacked.

Thanks for admitting you are wrong.
I didn’t admit to being wrong. You accused me, there is a difference.

I’ll make the point again. Whether trump started or responded makes no difference. He is responsible for his own actions. Especially since he is running for president. Any politician that speaks that way should be shunned and ignored. It’s shameful. No excuses
That not even close to the filth that Trump spews on a daily basis. You know it and I know it. Not even close

hmmmmm. . . . let me see. . . which one is actually president?

Which one is using the levers of state to destroy his opposition?

Golly, now Trump can't even run in CO it seems? And you are worried about his harsh words in reaction back?

In forceful condemnation of Trump, Biden warns that ‘MAGA’ backers pose grave threat to democracy​

"Their extreme agenda, if carried out, would fundamentally alter the institutions of American democracy as we know it," Biden said. "My friends, they're not hiding their attacks; they're openly promoting them. Attacking the free press as the enemy of the people. Attacking the rule of law as an impediment. Fomenting voter suppression and election subversion."

But polling suggests Biden’s message thus far has failed to break through. If anything, Democrats are losing ground on that front.

Biden gave a similar speech in Philadelphia a year ago. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” he said at the time. . . . "

Let me guess? You are one of those kinky S.O.B's that is into S&M? What other reason can there be for you to want to keep getting proven wrong?

hmmmmm. . . . let me see. . . which one is actually president?

Which one is using the levers of state to destroy his opposition?

Golly, now Trump can't even run in CO it seems? And you are worried about his harsh words in reaction back?
Biden is currently President.

Trump tried to use his position to destroy his opposition and was impeached twice because of it. Biden has not.

Trump can’t run in CO because a case was brought to court and he was disqualified because of his engagement with an insurrection against our government per the 14th amendment. That was his doing. And yeah, a result of his words
There you go again. What does the Steel Dossier or the establishment or whatever has to do with the fascist rhetoric Trump is using? You are desperate to justify anything in your defense of Trump.
They've been conditioned to utilize the "deflect, pivot, attack" tactic, and now use it impulsively.

That defensive tactic is a good indicator that they know they have to bullshit for him. Again.
That not even close to the filth that Trump spews on a daily basis. You know it and I know it. Not even close
Daily. Hourly. His behaviors cannot be compared to, or equated with, those of ANYONE.

No man, woman or child. No animal, vegetable or mineral. NO one. NO one behaves like this.

And yeah, they know it.
Four minutes is plenty of time to put a conversation "in context".
None of that matters.

If WE can't hear the conversation? Then WE can't really discuss it.

I am surprised you don't get this.
Last edited:
Daily. Hourly. His behaviors cannot be compared to, or equated with, those of ANYONE.

No man, woman or child. No animal, vegetable or mineral. NO one. NO one behaves like this.

And yeah, they know it.
Yeah, he's a clown, and a demagogue. Sure, no doubt about that.
. . . but seriously, alert us all when he mobilizes groups of armed people, or has billionaire backed groups banning folks from social media, or throwing others in prison simply for protesting or doing journalism.
Yoar hair on fire doesn't impress a soul... We've already seen the current administration lock journalists up and attack political foes. . .

The actual actions of the current war mongers in power? Far worse.

And you creating straw-men and throwing out yoar projections? Wow, so entertaining.

Yeah, he's a clown, and a demagogue. Sure, no doubt about that.
. . . but seriously, alert us all when he mobilizes groups of armed people, or has billionaire backed groups banning folks or throwing others in prison.
Yoar hair on fire doesn't impress a soul... We've already seen the current administration lock journalists up and attack political foes. . .

The actual actions of the current war mongers in power? Far worse.

And you creating straw-men and throwing out yoar projections? Wow, so entertaining.

I know. Change the subject. I know.

“Some – but not all – windows were covered, because poll workers seated just inside those windows expressed concerns about people outside the center photographing and filming them and their work,” Garcia told CNN Business. “Only the media is allowed to take pictures inside the counting place, and people outside the center were not listening to requests to stop filming poll workers and their paperwork.”

Right-wing media portrayed window covering at ballot center as nefarious. Here’s what really happened

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​

My question is, why were the poll watchers forced to stand outside of the room? It would seem like they can’t see anything from there, and would be pontless to even be there at that point.

This man is a danger to democracy. He has used Mafia type pressure to intimidate election officials in multiple states.
It would have been a much greater moral crime for Trump to allow voting fraud to proliferate. So it's actually Trump who is saving our constitutional republic. Back to MAGA
My question is, why were the poll watchers forced to stand outside of the room? It would seem like they can’t see anything from there, and would be pontless to even be there at that point.
They were not poll watchers . Are you LwYs this fucking wrong?

They were rabble rousers.

The poll watchers were inside
What a joke, I live in Wayne Country and I didnt think we had any Republicans as we are heavy Democrat.

They did throw Republican Observers out of the room during the 3am vote count.

WTF do the Democrats think they are going to do when they destroy the country ????? What is the Democrats grand plan to put 150 million people to work ???? THEY HAVE NO CLUE

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