Reasons why businesses AREN'T hiring!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Some one please explain WHY any employer would hire more people if this is JUST ONE Example of Federal Payroll recording keeping requirements!

One Federal Agency... Department of Labor...
“Hello Mr. Peterson, this is Mrs. McBride from the Wage and Hour division of the Department of Labor”.
“You have been selected at random for inspection to ensure you are in compliance with our record keeping requirements.
Record keeping for ONE employee!
Employee Master File

Employee Data
• Name (match with social security card)
• Address (with Zip code and apartment number)
• Sex
• Date of birth
• Work location
• Social security number
• Company-assigned employee number
• Occupation/classification
• State where employee works
Employment/Wage-Hour Data
• Hire date/time
• Termination date
• Payment date
• Exempt/nonexempt status (FLSA)
• Regular rate of pay
• Additions to and deductions from pay
• Shift differential or bonus
• Frequency of payment/pay period
• Hours worked per day
• Hours worked per week
• Workweek
• Straight time hours/pay
• Overtime hours/pay
• Tipped wages
• From 4070 Employee’s Report of Tips to Employer
• Amount of Tip credit taken
Tax and Payroll Data
Completed Filed and Updated FORMS
• Form W4 – Employers Allowance Certificate
• State withholding allowance certificate, if state does not accept the federal Form W-4
• Local withholding allowance certificate or certificates of residence or non-residence. If required by the local jurisdiction where the work is performed or the employee resides

For the pay period and Calendar Year

• Total wages subject to federal/state/local taxes
• Total wages subject to social security tax
• Total wages subject to Medicare tax
• Total compensation

• Total federal/state/local income taxes withheld
• Total social security taxes withheld
• Total Medicare taxes withheld
• Total state unemployment and/ or disability taxes withheld
• Tax paid by employer but not deducted from wages
f you were to willfully violate these recordkeeping requirements, you could receive a criminal penalty of up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 6 months (although a jail sentence can only be imposed for second and subsequent convictions).

So remember, you must keep accurate files on current or past employees for up to 4 years, AND you may be inspected at any time.

AND REMEMBER... THIS IS FOR the Department of Labor!~!
Employee Recordkeeping Requirements
The reason businesses aren't hiring is because consumers aren't buying. Anything else is trivial.
Another REASON businesses AREN'T hiring...
OSHA!!! Bathroom rules..just ONE
Just one example of how rules and regulations discourage the hiring of new employees..

For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers
by hiring just ONE worker or 16 the business owner
must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141
* PART 24 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Federal Employee Protection Statutes
* PART 70 Production or Disclosure of Information or Materials
* PART 70A Protection of Individual Privacy in Records
* PART 71 Protection of Individual Privacy and Access to Records under the Privacy Act of 1974
* PART 1900 Reserved
* PART 1901 Procedures for State Agreements
* PART 1902 State Plans for the Development and Enforcement of State Standards
* PART 1903 Inspections, Citations, and Proposed Penalties
* PART 1904 Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illness
* PART 1905 Rules of Practice
* PART 1906 Administration Witness and Documentations in Private Litigation
* PART 1908 Consultation Agreements
* PART 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
* PART 1911 Rules of Procedure for Promulgating, Modifying or Revoking OSHA Standards
* PART 1912 Advisory Committees on Standards
* PART 1912A National Advisory Committee on OSHA
* PART 1913 Rules Concerning OSHA Access to Employee Medical Records
* PART 1915 Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
* PART 1917 Marine Terminals
* PART 1918 Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring
* PART 1919 Gear Certification
* PART 1920 Procedure for Variations under Longshoremen's Act
* PART 1921 Rules of Practice in Enforcement under Section 41 of Longshoremen's Act
* PART 1922 Investigational Hearings under Section 41 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act
* PART 1924 Safety Standards Applicable to Workshops and Rehab. Facilities
* PART 1925 Safety and Health Standards for Federal Service Contracts
* PART 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
* PART 1927 Reserved
* PART 1928 Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Agriculture
* PART 1949 Office of Training and Education, OSHA
* PART 1952 Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards
* PART 1953 Changes to State Plans
* PART 1954 Procedures for the Eval. and Monitoring of Approved State Plans
* PART 1955 Procedures for Withdrawl of Approval of State Plans
* PART 1956 Plans for State and Local Government Employees without Approved Plans
* PART 1960 Basic Program Elements for Federal Employees OSHA
* PART 1975 Coverage of Employees under the Williams-Steiger OSHA 1970
* PART 1977 Discrimination against Employees under OSHA Act of 1970
* PART 1978 Rules for Implementing Section 405 of the STAA of 1982
* PART 1979 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 519 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21ST Century
* PART 1980 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 806 Of the Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002, Title VIII of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
* PART 1981 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 6 of The Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002
* PART 1982 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the National Transit Systems Security Act of 2007, Enacted as Section 1413 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, and The Federal Railroad Safety Act, as Amended by Section 1521 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007
* PART 1983 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Section 219 of The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
* PART 1990 Identification, Classification, and Regulation of Carcinogens
* PART 2200 OSHA Review Commission
* PART 2201 Regulations Implementing The Freedom of Information Act.
* PART 2202 Rules of Ethics and Conduct of Review Commission Employees
* PART 2203 Regulations Implementing The Government In the Sunshine Act
* PART 2204 Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act
* PART 2205 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
* PART 2400 Regulations Implementing the Privacy Act

Just one of MANY ways government rules and regulations discourage hiring new employees.
More examples will be coming...
Another REASON businesses AREN'T hiring...
OSHA!!! Bathroom rules..just ONE
Just one example of how rules and regulations discourage the hiring of new employees..

For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers
by hiring just ONE worker or 16 the business owner
must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141
* PART 24 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Federal Employee Protection Statutes
* PART 70 Production or Disclosure of Information or Materials
* PART 70A Protection of Individual Privacy in Records
* PART 71 Protection of Individual Privacy and Access to Records under the Privacy Act of 1974
* PART 1900 Reserved
* PART 1901 Procedures for State Agreements
* PART 1902 State Plans for the Development and Enforcement of State Standards
* PART 1903 Inspections, Citations, and Proposed Penalties
* PART 1904 Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illness
* PART 1905 Rules of Practice
* PART 1906 Administration Witness and Documentations in Private Litigation
* PART 1908 Consultation Agreements
* PART 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
* PART 1911 Rules of Procedure for Promulgating, Modifying or Revoking OSHA Standards
* PART 1912 Advisory Committees on Standards
* PART 1912A National Advisory Committee on OSHA
* PART 1913 Rules Concerning OSHA Access to Employee Medical Records
* PART 1915 Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
* PART 1917 Marine Terminals
* PART 1918 Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring
* PART 1919 Gear Certification
* PART 1920 Procedure for Variations under Longshoremen's Act
* PART 1921 Rules of Practice in Enforcement under Section 41 of Longshoremen's Act
* PART 1922 Investigational Hearings under Section 41 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act
* PART 1924 Safety Standards Applicable to Workshops and Rehab. Facilities
* PART 1925 Safety and Health Standards for Federal Service Contracts
* PART 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
* PART 1927 Reserved
* PART 1928 Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Agriculture
* PART 1949 Office of Training and Education, OSHA
* PART 1952 Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards
* PART 1953 Changes to State Plans
* PART 1954 Procedures for the Eval. and Monitoring of Approved State Plans
* PART 1955 Procedures for Withdrawl of Approval of State Plans
* PART 1956 Plans for State and Local Government Employees without Approved Plans
* PART 1960 Basic Program Elements for Federal Employees OSHA
* PART 1975 Coverage of Employees under the Williams-Steiger OSHA 1970
* PART 1977 Discrimination against Employees under OSHA Act of 1970
* PART 1978 Rules for Implementing Section 405 of the STAA of 1982
* PART 1979 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 519 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21ST Century
* PART 1980 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 806 Of the Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002, Title VIII of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
* PART 1981 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 6 of The Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002
* PART 1982 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the National Transit Systems Security Act of 2007, Enacted as Section 1413 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, and The Federal Railroad Safety Act, as Amended by Section 1521 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007
* PART 1983 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Section 219 of The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
* PART 1990 Identification, Classification, and Regulation of Carcinogens
* PART 2200 OSHA Review Commission
* PART 2201 Regulations Implementing The Freedom of Information Act.
* PART 2202 Rules of Ethics and Conduct of Review Commission Employees
* PART 2203 Regulations Implementing The Government In the Sunshine Act
* PART 2204 Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act
* PART 2205 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
* PART 2400 Regulations Implementing the Privacy Act

Just one of MANY ways government rules and regulations discourage hiring new employees.
More examples will be coming...

You can list all of the examples you want. Here are the truths.....

1) If nobody is buying your product then you won't hire employees.

2) If there's a buck to be made then nothing will stop someone from making it and that includes hiring.
Companies aren't hiring because the economy is too unstable. No one really knows what the future will bring in terms of regulations and taxes. Effectively, business is waiting until obama is voted out of office.
[ame=]Steve Wynn - "Obama greatest wet-blanket on jobs and business in my lifetime" - YouTube[/ame]
Companies aren't hiring because the economy is too unstable. No one really knows what the future will bring in terms of regulations and taxes. Effectively, business is waiting until obama is voted out of office.

yep,, obamacare is killing business.
Companies aren't hiring because the economy is too unstable. No one really knows what the future will bring in terms of regulations and taxes. Effectively, business is waiting until obama is voted out of office.


80,000 New Jobs Help Drive Unemployment Down To 9% -

80,000 New Jobs Help Drive Unemployment Down To 9% -

Unemployment Rate Decreases to 9 Percent - ABC News

Weren't most of those jobs rehires after a strike?
Liberals will gladly sacrifice their livelihoods, family and friends to keep Obama's business killing strategies in place
I wouldn't be hiring either with this administration in there now.

They are HOSTILE towards business with regulations and wanting to raise taxes on EVERYONE who makes over $250,000 dollars which will INCLUDE all small businesses.
and he's out right now telling the world Americans are lazy when it comes to business..

what a fucking liar.
Companies aren't hiring because the economy is too unstable. No one really knows what the future will bring in terms of regulations and taxes. Effectively, business is waiting until obama is voted out of office.


80,000 New Jobs Help Drive Unemployment Down To 9% -

80,000 New Jobs Help Drive Unemployment Down To 9% -

Unemployment Rate Decreases to 9 Percent - ABC News

9% Unemployment is good?? Man, give me some of what ever you are drinking, it's gotta be the good stuff. :eusa_drool:

BTW, does anyone else think the increase in employment may be part time, seasonal work.
and he's out right now telling the world Americans are lazy when it comes to business..

what a fucking liar.

Sadly it's true. One look at the OWS protest sites should tell you that. It's not only that Americans are lazy when it comes to business, it's that liberals have a real hatred of those Americans who engage in business.
Some one please explain WHY any employer would hire more people if this is JUST ONE Example of Federal Payroll recording keeping requirements!

One Federal Agency... Department of Labor...
“Hello Mr. Peterson, this is Mrs. McBride from the Wage and Hour division of the Department of Labor”.
“You have been selected at random for inspection to ensure you are in compliance with our record keeping requirements.
Record keeping for ONE employee!
Employee Master File

Employee Data
• Name (match with social security card)
• Address (with Zip code and apartment number)
• Sex
• Date of birth
• Work location
• Social security number
• Company-assigned employee number
• Occupation/classification
• State where employee works
Employment/Wage-Hour Data
• Hire date/time
• Termination date
• Payment date
• Exempt/nonexempt status (FLSA)
• Regular rate of pay
• Additions to and deductions from pay
• Shift differential or bonus
• Frequency of payment/pay period
• Hours worked per day
• Hours worked per week
• Workweek
• Straight time hours/pay
• Overtime hours/pay
• Tipped wages
• From 4070 Employee’s Report of Tips to Employer
• Amount of Tip credit taken
Tax and Payroll Data
Completed Filed and Updated FORMS
• Form W4 – Employers Allowance Certificate
• State withholding allowance certificate, if state does not accept the federal Form W-4
• Local withholding allowance certificate or certificates of residence or non-residence. If required by the local jurisdiction where the work is performed or the employee resides

For the pay period and Calendar Year

• Total wages subject to federal/state/local taxes
• Total wages subject to social security tax
• Total wages subject to Medicare tax
• Total compensation

• Total federal/state/local income taxes withheld
• Total social security taxes withheld
• Total Medicare taxes withheld
• Total state unemployment and/ or disability taxes withheld
• Tax paid by employer but not deducted from wages
f you were to willfully violate these recordkeeping requirements, you could receive a criminal penalty of up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 6 months (although a jail sentence can only be imposed for second and subsequent convictions).

So remember, you must keep accurate files on current or past employees for up to 4 years, AND you may be inspected at any time.

AND REMEMBER... THIS IS FOR the Department of Labor!~!
Employee Recordkeeping Requirements

How long has the above level of recordkeeping, or close to it, been in place?
I wouldn't be hiring either with this administration in there now.

Probably not, but that only shows that you are too dumb to ever succeed in business.

Businesses aren't hiring (if in fact they're not) because consumers aren't buying. All other reasons are trivial.

If there's a market for the products to be produced by new workers, new workers will be hired, regulations or no regulations, uncertainty or no uncertainty.

If there's no market for those products, new workers won't be hired, regulations or no regulations, uncertainty or no uncertainty.
I wouldn't be hiring either with this administration in there now.

Probably not, but that only shows that you are too dumb to ever succeed in business.

Businesses aren't hiring (if in fact they're not) because consumers aren't buying. All other reasons are trivial.

If there's a market for the products to be produced by new workers, new workers will be hired, regulations or no regulations, uncertainty or no uncertainty.

If there's no market for those products, new workers won't be hired, regulations or no regulations, uncertainty or no uncertainty.

all other reasons ARE TRIVIAL.. so says the know it all.
The OP is nonsense, clearly.

The reason businesses aren't hiring is because consumers aren't buying. Anything else is trivial.


Businesses aren’t hiring because they don’t need to, given workers’ increased productivity.

Businesses aren’t hiring to maximize profits.

As conservatives here like to say: business owners aren’t running a charity, it’s not their ‘job’ to create jobs or offer employment.

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