Really Republicans????

Re-distribution of wealth is happening, but it's going up, not down.

You say that like it would ever be a suprise. If you took 1000 people from all walks of life put them on a island with 10K a piece --- came back 10 years later --- the ones who were rich before your little test would, once again, be rich. The ones who were poor before would once again, be poor....

You can't change that unless you treat the rich people poorly by taking their money away ALL the time and keep giving it back to the ones who don't do anything smart with their money....
Re-distribution of wealth is happening, but it's going up, not down.

You say that like it would ever be a suprise. If you took 1000 people from all walks of life put them on a island with 10K a piece --- came back 10 years later --- the ones who were rich before your little test would, once again, be rich. The ones who were poor before would once again, be poor....

You can't change that unless you treat the rich people poorly by taking their money away ALL the time and keep giving it back to the ones who don't do anything smart with their money....

Which why you need a progressive tax system to keep the greedy from accumulating all the wealth.

The problem is, you see the rich cheating the poor out of money as a virtue.

The ironic thing is, when we used to have strong unions and strong worker's rights, working folks would have been right there with the rich.... now, not so much.

It's why Romney can make his cracks about the 47% in a room full of rich douchebags, but he'd never say it in public.
I take it you didn't like the answer?


It is not really a matter of like or don't like. I am just amazed the party has been so taken over the far right that this concept is considered socialism. I left the party for exactly this reason.

I am mostly amazed at the party's never ending ability to shoot themselves in their foot by taking stupid positions. This dumb attack is just another example. The Democrats are worthless but sadly the Republicans are worse.

When republicans refer to Obama as ‘socialist,’ they succeed in only making themselves look idiotic and ignorant.

It was wise of you to leave the GOP, particularly if you care about facts and the truth.
He is a socialist. You know it and cannot handle it. So you go on the attack by creating your own reality.
Re-distribution of wealth is happening, but it's going up, not down.

You say that like it would ever be a suprise. If you took 1000 people from all walks of life put them on a island with 10K a piece --- came back 10 years later --- the ones who were rich before your little test would, once again, be rich. The ones who were poor before would once again, be poor....

You can't change that unless you treat the rich people poorly by taking their money away ALL the time and keep giving it back to the ones who don't do anything smart with their money....

Which why you need a progressive tax system to keep the greedy from accumulating all the wealth.

The problem is, you see the rich cheating the poor out of money as a virtue.

The ironic thing is, when we used to have strong unions and strong worker's rights, working folks would have been right there with the rich.... now, not so much.

It's why Romney can make his cracks about the 47% in a room full of rich douchebags, but he'd never say it in public.

And there you have it. You just admitted you believe the purpose of taxation is not to fund government but is a means to punish.
Give examples of rich people cheating poor people out of money.
How is it possible to cheat someone out of something they never had?
Please stop beating the union labor drum...Unions are just another form of big business. At this time, unions are a failing business model.
Unions are costly, inefficient, bloated and archaic. Hence the reason why union represent about 8% of US workers. Unions are a pain in the ass. Most people do not want to be members of unions. Unions are OVER.
Since you obviously hate wealthy people so much....If you hit a multi million dollar lottery, would you turn down the money because you would not want to become a wealthy person?
And please, spare me the " I would give it to charity" or I would go out into the world and give it away"...Horse shit.
Well, I keep seeing these shows about their Yachts and their race cars and their mansions and their golf games, so yeah, I'd have to say I don't think they work that much.

Yeah? Your point is?..I suppose you believe these people should have their wealth and possessions stripped from them just because it pisses you off that they have them.
For every one of you jealous fucks there is a person who cam up with a great idea and used that idea to become successful. Just think, if you had birthed one of those ideas, you could go through life confused and of course hating yourself.
In fact most wealthy libs do just that. They go thorugh life feeling guilty about their accomplishments. So they run around trying to to do "good works". Meanwhile they live the life that people like you abhor.

Actually, I see brilliant guys who invent things all the time, and they often end up not owning a dime of it.

Because anything they come up with is considered the "intellectual property" of their employers.
Don't change the subject.
I'm not referring to the low wage worker that comes up with an idea and stupidly offers it up to his boss.
On this board, I have never encountered a person as narrow minded and uninformed as you..
You go through your days with the proverbial black cloud over your head. You are a walking corpse.
You deserve to be in the station your in because your posts give the perception that you have no drive, no imagination and you certainly have a very small paradigm.
And the worst part is you expect others to believe as you do.
No one likes a complainer.
Fuck face. I neither stated nor implied business people are Gods.
The economy works because people get up in the morning and create, invent and invest.
Labor is a byproduct of those three things.
Without the business, there are no jobs. Period.
Oh..I can hit you ten times as hard.,,,if you want to get into a battle of insults.
So not only can you use that workers unite and fight flag as toilet paper, you can take your lame assed attempts at trading barbs and use them as a suppository.

Hey, guy, Ayn Rand's worthless ass was on social Security when she died of cancer.

In short, she was one of Mitt's "47%".

But to put in perspective, this is what a very wise man said....

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."

Nope, that wasn't Karl Marx, it was Abraham Lincoln... that dirty stinkin' commie bastard.

Regardless of who said it, it is economic nonsense. Much like what came first, the chicken or the egg.

For you information, social security is an earned benefit, and not welfare. I can understand you not knowing that, since your thought processes do not seem to get much further than the DNC talking points.
Just because a few assholes are allowed to abuse the system, doesn't mean the rest of us should keep putting up with it.

Investors are parasites who've convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

Wow, you sucked down that class warfare shit faster than an Obama voter eating free fried chicken.
Where do you suppose money comes from to start and grow businesses? I guess it's just sitting there next to the jobs.

Actually, it usually comes from banks with average working folks money in it... which only work because the government insures them.

Same with stocks. Most of them owned by working folks who've been scammed into thinking they can retire on them. Oh, yeah, how'd that work out in 2008. I keep my 401K statement from my last job Q4 2008 pinned to my fridge to remind myself why the plutocrats are never to be trusted.

Start over, school that is, you haven't a clue...

Again, proof positive, you can't fix stupid, thanks for providing it Joe...
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.
If the mainstream is people with a hand out because they cannot make their own opportunity, then I say America is over and we are no better (which means we are far less) than other countries who take and never produce.

Fuck the mainstream if they have only learned that it is about them, and them only.
Redistributing the wealth is without a doubt the problem. But it is NOT the possibility that there could be more then enough for EVERYONES needs several times over... Seriously, the problem, the whole problem, is that we as a people have allowed a tiny fraction, 1-2% to "Redistribute" the wealth of a NATION into their greedy pockets to be horded.
I am NOT a socialist by any means, but being LAST out of ALL the modern countrys in health care for our citizens, close to last in education, The WORLD LEADER in imprisoning our people (by an order of magnitude) among other things, all to enable that 1-2% to hoard even larger amounts of our resources just seems to be... well Obscene.
"Redistributing" the wealth upward to the 1-2% negatively impacts MILLIONS, the old, the sick, the weak our babies, our future, well... ultimately 98% of everything. STOPPING the out of control "Redistributing" by the 2% for the 2% hurts NO ONE and might allow us to join the rest of the modern world as a NATION... I am just saying

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