Really? No mention of Abraham Lincoln today

Triumph over tragedy in 1947 Texas City explosion - Houston Chronicle

Here's a bit of history, on April 16:
The day of the Texas City Disaster.
The same explosion that put my hometown on the map, nearly took it off!

Actually I was born in Galveston, but attended Texas City public schools for most of
my childhood, from 3rd grade to graduation from high school. Public schools are not
like they used to be. I was fortunate to catch the last batch of retiring teachers before
the new regulations and focus on "teaching to the test to get funding" came down the pipeline.
And destroyed the education system with overregulations.

When my high school French teacher went out of the country for an event, and said she was from Texas City, the French people she spoke with were familiar with the Texas City disaster and asked her about it. Do you think the average American would know this history?

I worry that with the minimal basics on govt and Constitutional laws I was taught in 8th grade, coming from traditions of natural law philosophies passed down the centuries through the Middle East and Europe, I still have a better grasp of the role of laws and govt than people I know who went through law school and practice law.
And who go along with the political system of "majority rule by bullying and dominance"
instead of standing up for equal protection, representation and due process for ALL interests.

Very sad, and scary.
Where you can't tell how much is innocence, and really not knowing the difference
it makes to invoke authority of law directly using Constitutional laws (as Christians do with invoking Scriptural authority directly instead of relying on church authority to interpret laws for them).

And how much is "willful ignorance" and fear.
Fear that other people have more power, so this promotes dependence on political games of bulldozing one party platform over another.

I have a friend who votes Democrat just because the party politics is the only way he knows to oppose the rightwing lobbies, especially Christians. But that isn't supposed to be influencing the govt to begin with! So two wrongs don't make it right, but make it worse.

So instead of invoking the Constitution to check against those abuses,
now we have both parties trying to abuse partisan power to overrule each other.
When all that could be avoided by enforcing Constitutional equality to begin with.
That's the best way to neutralize all the overbearing bullying politics going on,
abusing public pressure to make laws -- instead of logically resolving objections and conflicts,
and forming policies effectively by mutual consent between the parties represented equally.
Some republican made a thread about how John Wilkes Booth was a hero. But I think that was it. :dunno:
Bas-ackward by progs. Lincoln was a republican. A democrat party activist actor killed him. Nice try though. Most people educated by labor unions probably have no idea anyway.
Then why is it southern conservatives that fly the confederate flag and hate Lincoln? Just look at the thread I linked to if you need proof.

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