Real blacks vs Uncle Tom Negroes

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?
Because Democrats tell us that come voting time "Real blacks" can't be trusted to vote for people unless there's a "D" after their name.

If it were any other ethnic groups it would be insulting
bass is a racist dare black people think for themselves and not be black enough....

Wtf is a 'real black person'?

The OP clearly suffers from terminal idiocy. Unfortunately, as a pre-existing condition, this is not covered by health insurance and until further study has been completed, no cure is available.
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?

Well I am glad you don't have the Reggie White quote anymore on your sig line, it would have defeated the whole purpose of you op.
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?
you follow whatever your religion tells you to follow and do you want to get into how the founders of the Church of Christ were slave owners?
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?
you follow whatever your religion tells you to follow and do you want to get into how the founders of the Church of Christ were slave owners?

Christ is the founder of the Church of Christ, the only Church who's name is in the Bible, white slaveowners didn't found anything.
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?

Now I know your a fucking retard!! Blacks thinking for themselves? Hell even half black fuckers can't think for themselves, just look at Obama!
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?
you follow whatever your religion tells you to follow and do you want to get into how the founders of the Church of Christ were slave owners?

Christ is the founder of the Church of Christ, the only Church who's name is in the Bible, white slaveowners didn't found anything.

Jesus wasn't the founder of any church you stupid racist!
Wtf is a 'real black person'?

The OP clearly suffers from terminal idiocy. Unfortunately, as a pre-existing condition, this is not covered by health insurance and until further study has been completed, no cure is available.

You're just more proof that California people are bonafide stupid. A black person who sole mission is to please the white man is not a real black person, he maybe of Africa descent, but he's far out of touch with black people, so far in fact that he/she cannot be black in the sense of belonging to the African American community.
you follow whatever your religion tells you to follow and do you want to get into how the founders of the Church of Christ were slave owners?

Christ is the founder of the Church of Christ, the only Church who's name is in the Bible, white slaveowners didn't found anything.

Jesus wasn't the founder of any church you stupid racist!

Jesus is the founder of the Church of Christ and is the Head of the Church, thats cold hard fact.
Because Democrats tell us that come voting time "Real blacks" can't be trusted to vote for people unless there's a "D" after their name.

If it were any other ethnic groups it would be insulting

Well admittedly, there are more Uncle Thomases and Aunt Jemimas in the Democratic party because some blacks fall in love with the rhetoric that hypocritical white liberals spew. The blacks who love that wicked Clintons are the worst examples.
maybe you should learn the history of your church!
Restoration Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Restoration Movement has since divided into multiple separate groups. There are three main branches in the U.S.: the Churches of Christ, the Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Some see divisions in the movement as the result of the tension between the goals of restoration and ecumenism, with the Churches of Christ and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ resolving the tension by stressing restoration, while the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) resolved the tension by stressing ecumenism.[4]:383 A number of groups outside the U.S. also have historical associations with this movement, such as the Evangelical Christian Church in Canada and the Churches of Christ in Australia.
Its quite simple and plain, real black people make their decisions , whether its agreeable or not, based on their own thinking and from their own mind, Uncle Thomases on the other hand make their decisions based on whatever is pleasing to the white man, that is , that particular white man who is the adversary of black people. Obama in some ways is acting like an Uncle Tom, with his attempts at trying to appease some people on the right, but he isn't really a Tom. Michael Steele is a bonafide frustrated, bootlicking, hankerchief head Uncle Thomas, how can any one, especially a black man, suck up and apologize to Rush Limbaugh?

Whats even more disturbing is the way some whites love these Uncle Toms, they love them like household pets, very loyal household pets, and rigorously defend Uncle Thomases, the Bass wonders why?

I keep telling Charlie Bass that black people were only put on earth so white people would have somebody to fuck with. That's the impression I get every time I read one of his posts anyway. Really, the problem with the blacks is pretty simple. The United States made two major mistakes when it comes to the black man. First of all, they should have never, ever, brought them to this country as slaves in the first place. The second mistake is when they were freed from slavery, the blacks should have all been taken back to Africa or where ever they came from. We brought all of this bullshit upon ourselves and I have to agree with Rev. Wright. The chickens have come home to roost. Nobody to blame except ourselves for this horseshit.
In 1809, Campbell published the The Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington, a document stating his ideas about how the Christian faith should be practiced.[1]:140 It was a starting point for the Campbell–Stone Movement, which led to development of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Evangelical Christian Church in Canada, the Churches of Christ and the Independent Christian Churches/Churches of

He did want to set his slaves free, well at least their children but he still didn't see them as equal.

He would colonize the Negroes off to themselves because he believed they were inferior to the white race: "I advance it therefore, as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstance, are inferior to the whites in the endowment both of body and mind." Being an inferior race, it would be futile and harmful to attempt to make them "equal" in social intercourse. Yet slavery must go, for "it is as degrading for the master as for the slave." He claimed that slavery "is destructive of the morals of the people and of industry." Slavery became a political issue in Jefferson's time. He jeopardized his political future, especially with southern leaders, by his view that slavery was a "national sore" that had to be remedied as soon as possible. As much as he desired to promote the industrial development of the United States, he hesitated to do so in that he believed such progress would perpetuate slavery

Alexander Campbell and Thomas Jefferson, by Leroy Garrett
maybe you should learn the history of your church!
Restoration Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Restoration Movement has since divided into multiple separate groups. There are three main branches in the U.S.: the Churches of Christ, the Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Some see divisions in the movement as the result of the tension between the goals of restoration and ecumenism, with the Churches of Christ and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ resolving the tension by stressing restoration, while the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) resolved the tension by stressing ecumenism.[4]:383 A number of groups outside the U.S. also have historical associations with this movement, such as the Evangelical Christian Church in Canada and the Churches of Christ in Australia.

Mr Bass doesn't need wikipedia to him lies, our Church is written in the bible along with our beliefs, take those lies and shove em.

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