Rashida Tlaib asked Israel for entry to see her grandmother in West Bank,they approve, she declines!

The Arabs should have left Israel alone.
The Arabs should have left Israel alone.
European Jews invade Palestine and you blame Arabs?
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
European Jews invade Palestine and you blame Arabs?
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Rashida Tlaib rejects Israel's offer of 'humanitarian' visit

She expected them to deny her request and she was going to make a political spectacle of it.

But they approved her request......so she turned them down!!

So full of shit!



She doesn't care about her aging grandmother. If she did? she would of have sent her some money so that she doesn't have to cook her food on a campfire. Rashida Tlaib was just hoping that the Israeli government would not still let her see her grandmother. So that she could use it against Israel.
You can tell that she didn't have a close-knit family.
When you're dealing with a culture that celebrates their own children blowing themselves up just to kill Jews, why would this piece of shit care about her own grandmother?
European Jews invade Palestine and you blame Arabs?
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?

In the late 1940's, most of the Jewish people were kicked out of Europe. Further, the Palestinian Muftis were allies of Hitler during WWII.

When you lose a war, you can't "win" sovereignty as a result.
In the late 1940's, most of the Jewish people were kicked out of Europe. Further, the Palestinian Muftis were allies of Hitler during WWII.

When you lose a war, you can't "win" sovereignty as a result.
Palestinians didn't lose WWII; Germany did.
If the Jews were entitled to a homeland, it wasn't in the Levant.
The First Principle of the UN Charter calls for self determination which, in the case of Palestine, should have meant free elections open to Jew and non-Jew alike, unless you think all Jews are Chosen.
If the Jews were entitled to a homeland, it wasn't in the Levant.
The First Principle of the UN Charter calls for self determination which, in the case of Palestine, should have meant free elections open to Jew and non-Jew alike, unless you think all Jews are Chosen.

Remembering that "in God we trust", what land did Almighty God give the Jewish people to live in?

What would you have suggested instead? What would you have done with the Jews? Build gas chambers?
If the Jews were entitled to a homeland, it wasn't in the Levant.
The First Principle of the UN Charter calls for self determination which, in the case of Palestine, should have meant free elections open to Jew and non-Jew alike, unless you think all Jews are Chosen.

Remembering that "in God we trust", what land did Almighty God give the Jewish people to live in?

What would you have suggested instead? What would you have done with the Jews? Build gas chambers?
What would you have suggested instead? What would you have done with the Jews? Build gas chambers?

You knew that, right?
If the Jews were entitled to a homeland, it wasn't in the Levant.
The First Principle of the UN Charter calls for self determination which, in the case of Palestine, should have meant free elections open to Jew and non-Jew alike, unless you think all Jews are Chosen.

Remembering that "in God we trust", what land did Almighty God give the Jewish people to live in?

What would you have suggested instead? What would you have done with the Jews? Build gas chambers?
What would you have suggested instead? What would you have done with the Jews? Build gas chambers?

You knew that, right?

I haven't heard any other solutions from the libs.

Where would you suggest the Jewish people be sent?

The fact that most of the Israelites are educated people who can support themselves, the liberals don't want them in America.
If the Jews were entitled to a homeland, it wasn't in the Levant.
The First Principle of the UN Charter calls for self determination which, in the case of Palestine, should have meant free elections open to Jew and non-Jew alike, unless you think all Jews are Chosen.

Remembering that "in God we trust", what land did Almighty God give the Jewish people to live in?

What would you have suggested instead? What would you have done with the Jews? Build gas chambers?
They tried to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their own Holyland, but failed:

Hitler’s Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks.
Hardly an invasion. The Jews came at the invitation of the government, the Ottoman Turks
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Jews came to Palestine at the invitation of George V.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
Rep Tlaib just showed everyone that politics are more important than her family. Here’s an idea, do not use Grandma as a political prop!
Politics or human rights?

If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment.
If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment
If the person's grandmother, along with millions of other non-Jews, is being used as a pawn by agents of a racist, illegal occupation, the only "gotcha" moment reveals how afraid the Jews of Israel are about their apartheid and injustice being revealed by a member of the US Congress.

“Revealed”? We all know Israel is for the Jews. Just like how every Muslim nation around it are all for Muslims only. These Arabs can go to any of these many Islamic nations.
This really cracks me up. She expected Israel to turn her down, but they approved.

Her political stunt completely backfired.
She trashed her grandmother while she was in the process. She wanted to do ugly to Israel more than she wanted to show love to her grandma. Her soul is permanently scarred by her blantant elder neglect. First she made her grandmother think she was visiting, then she REFUSED to visit her. Maybe the old lady is as nasty as she is.
She is a disgusting piece of shit. I would visit my granny anywhere on any terms if she were still alive. That's the difference between jihadis and normal people. They sacrifice their granny's and actually feel good about it.
This really cracks me up. She expected Israel to turn her down, but they approved.

Her political stunt completely backfired.
She trashed her grandmother while she was in the process. She wanted to do ugly to Israel more than she wanted to show love to her grandma. Her soul is permanently scarred by her blantant elder neglect. First she made her grandmother think she was visiting, then she REFUSED to visit her. Maybe the old lady is as nasty as she is.
I bet ther old lady is the same. These radicals teach their kids exactly what this granny is now reaping. Death to Jews no matter what the price.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
Aw too bad the Jews fought back and didn't let the animals slaughter them in their own Holyland. I guess you're used to Muslims committing genocide on those of other faiths and then getting away with it.
This really cracks me up. She expected Israel to turn her down, but they approved.

Her political stunt completely backfired.
She trashed her grandmother while she was in the process. She wanted to do ugly to Israel more than she wanted to show love to her grandma. Her soul is permanently scarred by her blantant elder neglect. First she made her grandmother think she was visiting, then she REFUSED to visit her. Maybe the old lady is as nasty as she is.
It was never about her grandmother, this was a preplanned mission to instigate riots and mayhem in Israel.

Like I always say, the Muslim Broerhood and all the racist, perverted, criminal, antisemtic, anti American, communist garbage in the world have parked their cars in today's Democratic Party and are driving it.
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So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.
Islamist Leftist propaganda. Israel currently has about 2 million Arab Muslim and Christian citizens that are allowed to vote and have the same exact rights as the Jews. The ones in the so called occupied territories vote for their own terrorist leadership, like Hamas.

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