Rand Paul: I'm Referring Fauci For Criminal Charges, and Here's the Proof He Lied to Congress


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
An MIT biologist as well as "the Bat Lady" herself says that Fauci's money did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

Fauci insists that by his personal definition of gain-of-function -- a definition shared by no one else in virology -- this wasn't "gain-of-function."

It’s the old Clinton ‘a blow job isn't sex’ defense.

An MIT biologist as well as "the Bat Lady" herself says that Fauci's money did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

Fauci insists that by his personal definition of gain-of-function -- a definition shared by no one else in virology -- this wasn't "gain-of-function."

It’s the old Clinton ‘a blow job isn't sex’ defense.

When Rand Paul was in the 7th Grade the girls used to regularly pants him on the playground because he was such a righteous effeminate twerp..
When Rand Paul was in the 7th Grade the girls used to regularly pants him on the playground because he was such a righteous effeminate twerp..
You know that firsthand?

He went to Baylor, so of course he was a righteous effeminate twerp (the very definition of Baylor men).
I believe Fauci lied but the chances of getting charges are nil. I still believe Fauci is compromised and hopefully the pressure at least gets him removed.

At least everybody knows who is actually trying to do the job they were elected to do.

When it comes to keeping the fascist central government 'strictly limited' as the Founders intended, reflected by their own pens, you simply have to kick around the highest paid fiend in the entire central government in front of all of his friends in order to do it.

Even if you have to hold your nose and get in there and function as a Republican to do it.
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An MIT biologist as well as "the Bat Lady" herself says that Fauci's money did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

Fauci insists that by his personal definition of gain-of-function -- a definition shared by no one else in virology -- this wasn't "gain-of-function."

It’s the old Clinton ‘a blow job isn't sex’ defense.

Fauci is going to have to flee to China with a suitcase full of Biden cash and new passport.
An MIT biologist as well as "the Bat Lady" herself says that Fauci's money did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

Fauci insists that by his personal definition of gain-of-function -- a definition shared by no one else in virology -- this wasn't "gain-of-function."

It’s the old Clinton ‘a blow job isn't sex’ defense.

Hold somebody accountable in the Federal government for corruption?


Is the world ending or something?
I get called a "leftie" all the time.

I don't even like using the terms lefty or righty at all.

I don't even buy into that whole false paradigm.

But sometimes I do use the language, though not very often, but only so they know I'm talking to them specifically, since that's about as deeply as they seem to be able to define their own positions. Or whomever elses positions they seem to be regurgitating, which is most often the case actually.
An MIT biologist as well as "the Bat Lady" herself says that Fauci's money did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

Fauci insists that by his personal definition of gain-of-function -- a definition shared by no one else in virology -- this wasn't "gain-of-function."

It’s the old Clinton ‘a blow job isn't sex’ defense.

Fauci proved Paul does not know what he is talking about and declared him a liar

Paul has not proven otherwise
Fauci proved Paul does not know what he is talking about and declared him a liar

Paul has not proven otherwise

I am your father

Not a chance. It will be another 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman.' moment. NIH already muddy the gain-of-function research definition :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
An MIT biologist as well as "the Bat Lady" herself says that Fauci's money did fund gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

Fauci insists that by his personal definition of gain-of-function -- a definition shared by no one else in virology -- this wasn't "gain-of-function."

It’s the old Clinton ‘a blow job isn't sex’ defense.

Esvelt also said there was near zero chance that the virus was developed in a lab...which is the point here.

G of F supposedly strengthened the virus and caused the outbreak.

Someone tell Stupid Rand that his source is not helping his inane attacks on Fauci

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