Raising Babies Gender Neutral

People using children to prove how liberal they are,

I bet they tell him it's ok to call his penis a vagina too
This is FDR in 1884


Pink and blue | Chris BlattmanChris Blattman

Looks like his parents wanted a girl. So they made it so. Until he got out from under their influence at a certain age.

Yes, all little children like to play dress up. But once that child is exposed to their peers in school....whole new ballgame.

This was quite common in the 19th century
My husband's daughter tried to raise her puppy gender neutral. She tried for two years to get the female dog to accept that she could pee by raising her leg. It didn't work. The dog still squat. This only goes to prove that dogs really are smarter than liberals.

My Mom's toy poodles, both female, the older one raises her leg to pee. It's a dominance display.
yeah, teach someone something new and it's oppression. Something only someone that tries to raise a kid to be hateful like their parents is bad in my eyes.
yeah, teach someone something new and it's oppression. Something only someone that tries to raise a kid to be hateful like their parents is bad in my eyes.
Nothing personal intended here.... honest... forgive me... however...

In this case, and with your kind permission, and even without your kind permission... screw your 'something new'.

It's not friggin right... psychologically, morally, ethically, socially or any other goddamned bullshit spin-doctoring way you'd care to pitch it.

These are our children you're talking about.

Line in the sand.

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Maybe you should concern yourself with yourself and your children and leave other people alone, unless you do not like freedom or liberty.
Maybe you should concern yourself with yourself and your children and leave other people alone, unless you do not like freedom or liberty.
Spare us the sophomoric canards.

This is far too important a matter to allow those in favor of such behaviors to play such games.

The State acts on behalf of children all the time.

Many here (and out in the real world) believe that such behaviors on the part of parents constitute grounds for such an intervention.

I believe as they believe - time for an intervention.
My husband's daughter tried to raise her puppy gender neutral. She tried for two years to get the female dog to accept that she could pee by raising her leg. It didn't work. The dog still squat. This only goes to prove that dogs really are smarter than liberals.

The only thing it proves is spending two years trying to train a female dog to pee standing up is about the most idiotic waste of time I've ever heard of. Somebody registers far below the level of Moron.
Maybe you should concern yourself with yourself and your children and leave other people alone, unless you do not like freedom or liberty.
Spare us the sophomoric canards.

This is far too important a matter to allow those in favor of such behaviors to play such games.

The State acts on behalf of children all the time.

Many here (and out in the real world) believe that such behaviors on the part of parents constitute grounds for such an intervention.

I believe as they believe - time for an intervention.

I'm just curious. It infuriates me when parents indoctrinate young children with hateful ideologies e.g. Nazi beliefs, dressing their kids in SS outfits etc. How about you?
Maybe you should concern yourself with yourself and your children and leave other people alone, unless you do not like freedom or liberty.
Spare us the sophomoric canards.

This is far too important a matter to allow those in favor of such behaviors to play such games.

The State acts on behalf of children all the time.

Many here (and out in the real world) believe that such behaviors on the part of parents constitute grounds for such an intervention.

I believe as they believe - time for an intervention.

I'm just curious. It infuriates me when parents indoctrinate young children with hateful ideologies e.g. Nazi beliefs, dressing their kids in SS outfits etc. How about you?
Ditto. Little kids need time to be little kids. Plenty of time and opportunity for them to become exposed to such hateful concepts later. Parents have a duty to prepare their children over time to meet the world and to sort out right from wrong, sane from unbalanced, mainstream versus oddity. When a parent goes too far out in metaphorical left or right field, the community oftentimes intervenes, manifested in some fashion or another. Gender-neutral child-raising is an aberration.
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I suspect this type of thing happens a lot with homosexual parents
My husband's daughter tried to raise her puppy gender neutral. She tried for two years to get the female dog to accept that she could pee by raising her leg. It didn't work. The dog still squat. This only goes to prove that dogs really are smarter than liberals.

My Mom's toy poodles, both female, the older one raises her leg to pee. It's a dominance display.

OK, wait a minute...when I explain my observation of domestic animal "dominance displays" I am told that such things are evidence of homosexual behavior in animals. So, your mom's poodle must be what...lesbian?
Y'all know...biologically, we are NOT gender neutral. That is so totally bullshit. I am so tired of individuals claiming to be the opposite of what they are biologically. Be gay, guys liking guys. Be lesbian, gals liking gals. But fer chrissakes, knock off this "gender neutral" or whatever bullshit. You are whatever the plumbing dictates. What you want to fuck...that's a personal preference and the rest of us are tired of hearing about it.

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