Racist white people cry after being sentenced in confederate flag confrontation

Aww poor things

No 1st amendment right exists to protect speech, symbols, and violent gestures to terrorize others.

If that were the case, 90% of America would turn the alt right white world upside down. They would be hiding in garbage cans.

Two people convicted in a confederate flag confrontation at a child’s birthday have been sentenced.

Read the story below...

Judge sentences 2 people convicted in Confederate flag confrontation

Dear MarcATL and Sunni Man
This incident wasn't just "free speech and flag waving"

Guns threats were made at a kid's birthday party that endangered children.
This got criminal, so that's why it was taken and treated so seriously.

Duo gets prison time for death threats at black child's birthday party

(Of course, if it was threats made against cops, then that's okay!
Wave your guns and call out racist slurs all you want, this is America!)
I watched the video's and didn't see any guns.

Blacks call each other n!gger all day long, but that's considered normal in the black community.

But if a white person says it while displaying a confederate flag. Then it's a hate crime and the 1st Amendment goes in the trash can. ... :cool:
"...video of the incident were enough to charge two people, Kayla Norton and Jose Torres, with aggravated assault, making terroristic threats and violating the Georgia Street Gang Act, for which they were found guilty earlier this month."

They were brandishing weapons. There were cops as witnesses. Not flags. Weapons. More proof of how and why idiots end up in prison. The savvy prosecutor used the Georgia Street Gang Act and the court bought off on it. Well played.

§ 16-15-4 - Participation in criminal gang activity prohibited O.C.G.A. 16-15-4 (2010)
16-15-4. Participation in criminal gang activity prohibited

2010 Georgia Code :: TITLE 16 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES :: CHAPTER 15 - STREET GANG TERRORISM AND PREVENTION :: § 16-15-4 - Participation in criminal gang activity prohibited

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