Racism and Sexism.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
I believe All Humans Are Created Equal. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington understood it, but sadly their actions were very different.

I disagree with Racism. As a Jew I am not interested in White Nationalism. Jokes about Slavery and Plantations are wrong. Count Dankula joking about "gas the Jews" are even worse. PewDiePie had a very similar joke about Jews.

Even though I disagree with racists, I do not look down on them and I do not consider them more cancelled then myself. In USA 2021, opposition to male bashing, viewing men as women's moral equals, and mentioning discrimination against men is considered sexist. By the new definition, I am sexist. Thus I do not look down on anyone.

In 1921, Racism and anti-Semitism were acceptable and respectable. In 2021, Misandry and viewing all men as oppressors is acceptable and respectable.
When Thomas Jefferson stated that "all men are created equal" he was referencing the ideals of the age of Enlightenment and that all men are equal in a political sense and that divine rule of monarchy is not a reason for aristocrats to rule without question or without approval of the masses(mostly men with land that is), Thomas did not mean that all humans are born with the same sized appendages or equity..
Patriarchy is the norm, patriarchy gave birth to technical progress and the concept of justice, matriarchy gave us only bloody orgies, slavery, savagery and madness of the cults of the Mother Goddess. Btw Matriarchy is a typical for pig herd
Patriarchy is the norm, patriarchy gave birth to technical progress and the concept of justice, matriarchy gave us only bloody orgies, slavery, savagery and madness of the cults of the Mother Goddess. Btw Matriarchy is a typical for pig herd
At least Equality would be very good. I doubt Patriarchy will ever come back.
The only sexism that I see is against men. The entire system overlooks us and rewards women in court, with jobs and in college.
-93% of work place death are men. We take all the risk.
-Men are never encouraged and if anything we're spat at by people like you.
-Men can easily lose our children from our lives and it is nearly always by the women.
-The women starts 80% of divorces. It doesn't matter how much damage it does to the children. Women profit greatly.

The only racism I see is against whites. We're the only ones that don't get points added in college, we're the only one that are blamed for all the wrongs of history while everyone else is made to look perfect. Whites ended slavery for fuck sakes but yet we're to blame for an institution that stood for probably the entirety of human civilization up to that point.

So sick of this crap. Please wake up.
Reverse Racism is much more rare then Misandry. Racism against Black people and other Minorities is still very common. It seems to become mainstream in some Conservative circles.

You are not more Politically Incorrect then me, but I disagree with you.
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A normal woman does not try to be a man, she is born a woman and cares about being a woman. A woman is valuable not for masculinity, but for femininity. Feminists are often joined not by those who have a clear political position, but by those who envy the beautiful feminine women who are liked by men.
There is uncertainty in the use of this term. Strictly speaking, racism has nothing to do with it. Racism is only racial segregation. If someone does not want interracial crossing or does not want to mix his culture with an alien one, wants to preserve the appearance and culture of his people, does not want colonization of his land, then this is his legal right, he does not force another people or race to do something. International law does not deny the right of peoples to sovereignty, self-determination and preservation of their culture.
The problem here is that this term is used by demagogues not in the normal sense, but instead of the word chauvinism, and precisely for hidden chauvinistic purposes.
I believe All Humans Are Created Equal. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington understood it, but sadly their actions were very different.

I disagree with Racism. As a Jew I am not interested in White Nationalism. Jokes about Slavery and Plantations are wrong. Count Dankula joking about "gas the Jews" are even worse. PewDiePie had a very similar joke about Jews.

Even though I disagree with racists, I do not look down on them and I do not consider them more cancelled then myself. In USA 2021, opposition to male bashing, viewing men as women's moral equals, and mentioning discrimination against men is considered sexist. By the new definition, I am sexist. Thus I do not look down on anyone.

In 1921, Racism and anti-Semitism were acceptable and respectable. In 2021, Misandry and viewing all men as oppressors is acceptable and respectable.

Mehh. Not all white nationalists are anti-Semitic. Most every one of them I know is pro-Israel.

You do love Israel, don't you?
There is uncertainty in the use of this term. Strictly speaking, racism has nothing to do with it. Racism is only racial segregation. If someone does not want interracial crossing or does not want to mix his culture with an alien one, wants to preserve the appearance and culture of his people, does not want colonization of his land, then this is his legal right, he does not force another people or race to do something. International law does not deny the right of peoples to sovereignty, self-determination and preservation of their culture.
The problem here is that this term is used by demagogues not in the normal sense, but instead of the word chauvinism, and precisely for hidden chauvinistic purposes.
There are other men who are on the extreme feminist views and the sense you are typing is looked at as being a so called incel. I see people involved in the Western World. And it is increasingly controlled among others groups also by Progressive Women. And it is self destructing. With the media in cahoots with it. Covid reactions is proof of it.
I believe All Humans Are Created Equal. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington understood it, but sadly their actions were very different.

I disagree with Racism. As a Jew I am not interested in White Nationalism. Jokes about Slavery and Plantations are wrong. Count Dankula joking about "gas the Jews" are even worse. PewDiePie had a very similar joke about Jews.

Even though I disagree with racists, I do not look down on them and I do not consider them more cancelled then myself. In USA 2021, opposition to male bashing, viewing men as women's moral equals, and mentioning discrimination against men is considered sexist. By the new definition, I am sexist. Thus I do not look down on anyone.

In 1921, Racism and anti-Semitism were acceptable and respectable. In 2021, Misandry and viewing all men as oppressors is acceptable and respectable.
so you bring up white nationalism, but not the black racists ..blacks are a lot more racist than whites
all humans are NOT created equal
All mankind is created equal before the law.
Mark Meadows, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Dan Scavino, former Defense Department official Kashyap Patel and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. The four men are among Trump’s most loyal aides.
they are above the law

or the poor who can't post bail.

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