Rachel Maddow proves the case why we shouldn't have voted for Clinton


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC is trying to explain Clinton's take on Russia in 2011 where Hillary Clinton says she doesn't think Russia ever had free or fair uncorrupted, non controlled elections, remember this is the same woman who's party controls the liberal media bias which supresses third parties rights and access and controls media flow to manipulate and control elections including controlling debates through supressing third parties and getting the questions in advance. This is the same lady who's CONTROLLED ELECTIONS AND CORRUPTED THEM.
From dead voters to illegal votes by non residents, to double identity votes, to rushing imigration for votes, and swap state votes to circumcent the electorate. Escaping prosecution for refusing and tanpering with required processing of emails.
From demonizing the opponent and threatening people (Comey's wife blackmailed) to whistle blowers mysteriously murdered. If that doesnct sound like Putin then what does?
Yes Maddow and the rest claims Russia hacked The DNC because they despised Clinton, (leaving out the fact they hack(ed) everyone or tried to.
What this says is that you admit Clinton did such a bad job as Secretary of State and The Dem administration defending our net security and her defending her server were failures, so much so that they got pushed back by those she caused the despised reactions from.
Brilliant Ms Maddow, you just proved why she was not competant to be leader in chief.
Even her and her party's moves out of office frightfully show the propensity to start a war with Russia. If they hate her so much then why would you
want someone they'd most despise to start a war or have them not cooperate with us?
Clear cut stupidity!
This is why you guys are bot fit to make decisions for us, just step aside and let the real leaders bring us back tovwherexwe cpuld and should be without your Communist Clintonian Ideology & KGB tactics.
In a free world with free speach Russians are allowed to Hate Clinton, to claim half of us here who also hate her corruption are tied to Russia through hate of Clinton is like saying You guys have ties to Hassad because you and him hate Isis.-oops wait a second- (in my best Russell Dunbar voice:
"you kinda do".

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