R. Kelly's privilege finally runs out


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Finally justice has caught up with this piece of shit.

R. Kelly found guilty on all counts in sex-trafficking trial, faces decades in prison​

After decades of sexual abuse allegations, R. Kelly has been held legally accountable for the first time. The 54-year-old R&B singer was found guilty on all counts with a Brooklyn, N.Y. jury of seven men and five women returning the verdict on Monday afternoon after less than two full days of deliberations.

Kelly was found guilty on one count of racketeering and eight counts of violating the Mann Act, an interstate anti-sex trafficking law. He stood accused of sexual exploitation of a child, bribery and kidnapping among other disturbing crimes.

I just read that his sentencing won't be until May. Why so long?

God bless you always!!!


There could be any number of reasons, but generally it's because sentencing on charges like these is as complex as the jury trial itself. Both sides will be presenting nuanced facts and argument, much of which may not have been admissible during the guilt phase, and addressing multiple statutory factors that the court can consider. Because it's such a complex undertaking and because the stakes are so high (compare the difference between the minimum possible sentence and the maximum), the court wants to make sure that both sides have as much time as they need.
Black priveledge of course. He was even able to piss on an underage girl on camera and he STILL didnt get in trouble. The black community thought the incident was funny.
Show me a black person that thought it was funny Fuck boy, I won't wait on it though. The only reason it took this long for him to go down is because the victims were black. He deserves every year he gets, good riddance.
Show me a black person that thought it was funny Fuck boy, I won't wait on it though. The only reason it took this long for him to go down is because the victims were black. He deserves every year he gets, good riddance.
As usual, im right and youre wrong.

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I saw it said earlier today that Bill Cosby believes that R. Kelly was railroaded. Wow, who didn't see that coming no pun intended considering the fact that its also been said that Bill Cosby may be going blind.

God bless you and their victims always!!!

There could be any number of reasons, but generally it's because sentencing on charges like these is as complex as the jury trial itself. Both sides will be presenting nuanced facts and argument, much of which may not have been admissible during the guilt phase, and addressing multiple statutory factors that the court can consider. Because it's such a complex undertaking and because the stakes are so high (compare the difference between the minimum possible sentence and the maximum), the court wants to make sure that both sides have as much time as they need.

Don't forget now this is Brooklyn NY. Mayor De Blasio is emptying Riker's Island and the New messianic governor may over rule the Judge and pardon Kelly.
Guess if the judges in NYC can slap the wrists of Lawyers that fire bomb NYPD police cruisers anything can happen.
Then again Kelly is not Hunter Biden and only the sons and daughters of Democrat politicians can get away with Violating RICO and the Mann Act with underage girls.
Show me a black person that thought it was funny Fuck boy, I won't wait on it though. The only reason it took this long for him to go down is because the victims were black. He deserves every year he gets, good riddance.

Oh bullshit, the only reason he didn't go down years ago is because he had the privilege of being rich and he was able to buy his freedom.
Of course it didn't hurt that in his original trial he had people on the jury who wouldn't have convicted him if they had video evidence right in front of them.
Oh bullshit, the only reason he didn't go down years ago is because he had the privilege of being rich and he was able to buy his freedom.
Of course it didn't hurt that in his original trial he had people on the jury who wouldn't have convicted him if they had video evidence right in front of them.
That is more bullshit, had any of those victims been white Kelly would have went down years ago. I hope they crush his ass and he never sees the light of day again.
I saw it said earlier today that Bill Cosby believes that R. Kelly was railroaded. Wow, who didn't see that coming no pun intended considering the fact that its also been said that Bill Cosby may be going blind.

God bless you and their victims always!!!

Considering Bill Cosby's history...that's to be expected. He was convicted for numerous instances of drugging and raping multiple women.
Oh the privilege to be discriminated against, the privilege to be the victims of racism, the privilege to be subjected to an Unjust Justice System. Oh those privileges.
The priviledge to commit crime at horrendous levels while the media ignores it and instead focuses on "Karens" who were rude.

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