Question to conservative brothers and sisters-Is it OK to use foul language in political discussions?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
As a Catholic, as an American as someone who believes in strength and dignity I think that foul language is off limits in political conversation. I think it makes people weak and that’s the ironic thing about it people think it’s all macho and strong to use this type of rude language from behind a computer board. But because it’s around us so much…. it’s infiltrated our movies and literature who can blame us. I have engaged in using rude language but each time I do it I feel bad afterwards as if I have given into the devil. I feel that constant using swearwords and rude language would make me the same thing as a Black Lives Matter protester who gets in the face of police officers yells at them who goes around public areas acting very aggressively….. well that’s not the kind of man I want to be that’s not the kind of man my parents raised me to be and how could I ever look up to Jesus and act like that.

To my friends I ask who uses foul language, yelling and rude tactics the most? . Well I would say it is far left if we look at the fact that they’ve been able to through having groups of people use loud language and intimidation…. shut down conservative speakers at college campuses or public spaces. At the same time conservative and left-wing radio hosts have engaged in the politics of resentment …..they try to fire up their listeners by rattling them up. But I’ve never heard of a group of ie “white lives matter” people or any group of conservatives going to a left-wing college campus or public area and shutting down the free-speech of a liberal left-wing speaker.
In other words, you don't want to talk to democrats

Sounds good to me, and you will be a happier person for it.

But to vote for a party of infanticide and grooming children and robbing them financially for the future with their massive spending, you kind of are required to park you morality at the door.
There are no more rules of decency in our ugly and tribal political climate. Tribe irrelevant.

Christians -- or at least those who claim to be Christian -- are no better or more moral.
I think advocating genocide/infanticide qualifies as less moral compared to someone who does not advocate it

You would disagree, but that's just me.

The use of foul language is of course a tool of the lowest level of intelligence....they use it for access to gravitas they do not have with their ideas.

And where language is has no bearing on what you are saying or how you are saying it. A person using salty language can be much kinder to others (generally speaking) than someone who never uses a foul word.

And that is the crux of the matter.
Are you mean, vicious, accusatory and derogatory with your speech or kind, grace, generous, and uplifting?
I think advocating genocide/infanticide qualifies as less moral compared to someone who does not advocate it

You would disagree, but that's just me.

There are plenty of people who claim to be Christian who don't support a 100% ban on all abortions.

And you know that.

So, clean your own house first. Maybe starting with intellectual honesty. Not holding my breath.
There are plenty of people who claim to be Christian who don't support a 100% ban on all abortions.

And you know that.

So, clean your own house first. Maybe starting with intellectual honesty. Not holding my breath.
You know (is that Ok to say?) well what I meant.


But the disingenuous ranting continues and will continue

Carry on.
There are no more rules of decency in our ugly and tribal political climate. Tribe irrelevant.

Christians -- or at least those who claim to be Christian -- are no better or more moral.
So how many decades have you been immaturely rebelling against your Christian parents?
Fuck yeah, it's OK to use foul language when discussing the foul, dirty and corrupt business of politics. Not for vulgarity's sake but for emphasis. Basically, I don't see anything below the bar that our government has established.
The person who created this post obviously if from an older generation, a generation that was more heavily influenced by Judeo-Christian teachings instead of a drug induced woke orgy of lunatics.
There are no more rules of decency in our ugly and tribal political climate. Tribe irrelevant.

Christians -- or at least those who claim to be Christian -- are no better or more moral.

I'm fairly certain you will not find in all my post where I cussed at anyone.
I would suggest many are far more immoral, and I would point to their devotion to Donald Trump as evidence.
Trump spent the larger part of his life advocating for abortion on demand but changed his tune when he ran for President. That is the best the GOP can do now.

In fact, he spent the larger part of his life giving to the democrat party and Schumer and company, lavishing them with millions of dollars.

So yea.

But also know, had Trump not finally put Justices on the bench like he did, Roe vs. Wade would still be law of the land.
Trump spent the larger part of his life advocating for abortion on demand but changed his tune when he ran for President. That is the best the GOP can do now.

In fact, he spent the larger part of his life giving to the democrat party and Schumer and company, lavishing them with millions of dollars.

So yea.

But also know, had Trump not finally put Justices on the bench like he did, Roe vs. Wade would still be law of the land.

And we would still have a nationwide late term abortion ban.
I would suggest many are far more immoral, and I would point to their devotion to Donald Trump as evidence.

You are not an authority.

You are only marginally on topic.

Your cult lies, cheats and steals and this is the reason no one believes a word you say.

You know this and are terrified.

Besides, the question was directed to conservatives. Fix your reading comprehension, BibleBoy.

I would suggest many are far more immoral, and I would point to their devotion to Donald Trump as evidence.
The Trump administration brought down the pecentage of Ameracans living in poverty down to an all-time record low in the entire history of the USA.

Why do you hate it when Americans escape poverty?

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