Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

The most telling stat that is NOT listed on leftwing Guttmacher's profile is 84% of abortions are had by single women. These are people who shouldn't be having sex anyway. THAT is the true underlying problem, and sex outside marriage is also encouraged by the Marxist leadership and for the same reason; to break down the family.
Maybe this post tells the real story,
Ban abortion then return to making women responsible for having sex, & take the blame for any situation that results from it. YOUR WORDS, SINGLE WOMEN SHOULD NOT BE HAVING SEX.
That's a nice fantasy you live in. People are perfectly thoughtful, only have sex to procreate, condoms never break and partners never break up and divorce.

But here in real world people are at times faced with a pregnancy when they do not want and are not ready to have a child.

You want to force them to have that child, want to intrude in their life so drastically? YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD REASON, and I have never seen a good one given for why a even a few cells can over-ride people's freedom in such fundamental way.
if you make a mistake, the morning after pill works. if you wait for 3 months to deal with your mistake, then you have made the choice to bring another life into the world. this issue is mostly about whether people are responsible for their actions or if the government should constantly bail them out. you favor negligence and bail outs. I favor responsibility, thats what this really comes down to-----------------------------and if you think about it for a minute you have to agree.
Let's cut to the chase, and re-visit your reputation as a lying ignoramus:

Which party is for life, and which party demands the "right" to slaughter innocent human beings?

Here's a hint:

Infanticide now mainstream Democrat policy.

"Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills"
Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills

"Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’
The former [Democrat] governor of Colorado, who has expressed support for population control and said that the elderly have a “duty to die,” has come out against a state amendment that would recognize the rights of unborn children, calling the pro-life measure “a monster.”
Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’ — The Rights Writer

The Democrats are true to their forebears:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

. The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

4. The Democrat governor of Virginia agreed with the bill for infanticide.

5. "New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

6. "Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

Spend some time reforming yourself from scummy low-life liar.
if you make a mistake, the morning after pill works. if you wait for 3 months to deal with your mistake, then you have made the choice to bring another life into the world.
Are you saying abortion should be legal before 3 months?
Question: If you make the decision to jump off an 11-story building, should you be forced to hit the ground? What if you're not ready to die? Should you be made to?
I've never seen such a bunch of whining childish ignoramuses as leftwingers acting like they should be absolved for ANY responsibility of having sex and bringing a child into the world. The WOMAN made the decision up front. It is HER responsibility. I get so sick of "it's the woman's body; it's her choice". No, it is NOT her body. It's the baby's body. And her selfish desire for convenience doesn't hold a candle to importance of that baby's life.
Pure idiocy.

Unlike laws of physics, abortion policy is whatever we as a country decide it is.

You can get sick of people's rights all you want, but if you want to take them away lets have a good reason.

You can take your silly "baby's body" somewhere else. We are not discussing a person capable of owning something, there is no desire, or any other higher brain function to speak of.

You are saying that even in the earliest stages of pregnancy, those few cells over-ride what person wants to do with their life and you will never convince the public at large of this.
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Pure idiocy.

Unlike laws of physics, abortion policy is whatever we as a country decide it is.
No, the consequences of abortion are harmful just as those of jumping from a building. It's just that that harm is slower and more subtle and more pervasive with abortion. It damages all of society.
You can get sick of people's rights all you want, but if you want to take them away lets have a good reason.
You're talking about the baby's right to live?
You can take your silly "baby's body" somewhere else. We are not discussing a person capable of owning something, there is no desire, or any other higher brain function to speak of.

You are saying that even in the earliest stages of pregnancy, those few cells over-ride what person wants to do with their life and you will never convince the public at large of this.
So by that logic, you'd be fine with a newborn being put do death. They're pretty much blobs that can't do anything. Arbitrary markers are meaningless, so you have to protect the child from the moment is becomes alive which is at conception.

I do realize the atheist pro-abortion left has to try to dehumanize these children to justify killing them. Nazi Germany did the same thing.
thats because your reading those trashy right wing sites

"Excruciating decision" my butt. Most leftwingers who have abortions do so as easily as you or I go through the McDonald's drive-thru. 84% unmarried. Different baby daddy each time. They don't give it a second thought. Their lives are trainwrecks, and the Democrat left wants to keep it that way.

Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?​

Is this a serious question? Okay, here's my serious answer:

For the same reason African Americans are so adamant about civil rights remaining legal - because they are civil rights.
Unlike laws of physics, abortion policy is whatever we as a country decide it is.
Abortion rights were not decided by a country, they were decided by a court.

If you want a country to decide what abortion rights are or aren't, you let that rest with the citizens in each state.

When Roe is overturned, that is exactly what happens. The issue is left for the entirety of the US to decide on its own.

Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?​

Is this a serious question? Okay, here's my serious answer:

For the same reason African Americans are so adamant about civil rights remaining legal - because they are civil rights.
Wait, are you arguing that abortion is a civil right? Please tell me you're not.
Abortion rights were not decided by a country, they were decided by a court.

If you want a country to decide what abortion rights are or aren't, you let that rest with the citizens in each state.

When Roe is overturned, that is exactly what happens. The issue is left for the entirety of the US to decide on its own.
The right for a black to marry a white was decided by the Court. The right for a black kid not to have to attend a segregated school was decided by the Court. The right for a native american to use peyote in a religious ceremony was decided by the Court. The right to buy a condom was decided by the Court.
The right for a black to marry a white was decided by the Court. The right for a black kid not to have to attend a segregated school was decided by the Court. The right for a native american to use peyote in a religious ceremony was decided by the Court. The right to buy a condom was decided by the Court.
So? Your point?

Those rights were based on things and rights that already existed in the Constitution.

Show me where in the document abortion is a constitutional right, without citing the 14th Amendment.

The SCOTUS essentially amended the constitution to give a right that it did not guarantee. What it will (possibly) now do is send that issue back to the states, in accordance with the 10th Amendment. There is no national regulation or constitutional delegation of abortion regulation to the government.

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