Question for white liberals


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
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I'm not trying to agitate. Honestly, I want to know.

Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

So do you support your own decline, or do you believe it won't happen? Do you believe you are invincible from demographic factors?

It's an honest question. I just don't understand why you side with people who aren't like you. I don't understand why you want infinite immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe.
White numbers are already declining, from what I understand.

What I don't really understand are some of the assumptions you are making. What exactly is wrong with other races now?

Or are you somehow implying that whites will eventually disappear? lol

"Oh noes!!! Other races are coming to America!!!"
Self hate... just look at her:

Looking like a feminist gay lesbian, why would the opinion be any different? She would only have a chance of attracting a third world person with the generous welfare benefits.
I'm not trying to agitate. Honestly, I want to know.

Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

So do you support your own decline, or do you believe it won't happen? Do you believe you are invincible from demographic factors?

It's an honest question. I just don't understand why you side with people who aren't like you. I don't understand why you want infinite immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe.
It is a cold simple truth...not racism. The demographic groups hold opposite political beliefs. When 90% of blacks vote for one party, and that party always plays the race card, then race and politics have become inseparable.
I'm not trying to agitate. Honestly, I want to know.

Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

So do you support your own decline, or do you believe it won't happen? Do you believe you are invincible from demographic factors?

It's an honest question. I just don't understand why you side with people who aren't like you. I don't understand why you want infinite immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe.

I sure as fuck don't, but America has been doing so rather it is republicans or democrats for a very long time. Reagan was the only president in our history to grant amnesty! So I guess it will likely continue no matter what. I just don't think libertarian crap is the best way to stop it and I must vote for clinton as I am not a singe issues voter. Why you may ask? Think about the Roman empire, Greece, and all the great innovations and ideas that the white man have given to this world and all the generations of white men that said we're MORE CIVILIZED!. Do you really fucking think loserterianism is the horse to ride? A economic and political belief system that believes in the opposite of everything the white man built!!! What a disgrace! Such a system that goes against civilization and encourages hunter gatherism, and has a hatred of everything I stand for.

White men have been collecting taxes to build roads, investing in science, built great centers of learning and supported their government with their goddamn honor. Whites created republicanism and democracy(Greece), so you're going to freaking tell me that the people shouldn't have a voice in the government because they may want a little bit of the wealth for the little white guy??? Go back two generations into time when whites were fighting for unions to give them better pay and demanded their governments to provide a cleaner environment. This is what Superior looks like.

I'd rather have a feminist man hating bitch as my president then the dishonor and the idiocy of losertieranism. Maybe in the future we can find our self respect and become superior again...Only then will I support a president that will stand up and demand our right to survive. But we must be worth fucking saving!
A lot of these so called liberal ideas are why the white race became superior in the first place. Laws, regulations and human rights are a part of a civilized people.

Yes, a liberal can be what you're thinking!

Tons of liberal presidents like Woodrow Wilson believed in the betterment of their country and were extremely racist.
I'm Indian myself, but, if I was in India, and a bunch of people were coming in, I sure wouldn't be a liberal or pro-immigration.

As it is, I'm not too political given the circumstance, but I do want to understand the psychology of the white, guilty liberal.

Matthew: laws and regulations? Then do you support a border and deporting illegal immigrants? Do you support cops doing their jobs to detain and use force against criminals if necessary? If you don't, you don't subscribe to the rule of law, but rather to anarchy.
I'm Indian myself, but, if I was in India, and a bunch of people were coming in, I sure wouldn't be a liberal or pro-immigration.

As it is, I'm not too political given the circumstance, but I do want to understand the psychology of the white, guilty liberal.

Matthew: laws and regulations? Then do you support a border and deporting illegal immigrants? If you don't, you don't subscribe to the rule of law, but rather to anarchy.

Being Liberal or an pro-immigration supporters isn't the same thing. A liberal certainly doesn't need to be pro-immigration,just as a conservative like Reagan or Bush doesn't need to be either, but are!. I fully support having a border and deporting the illegals. ;) It takes laws and money to pay the Border portal to do so. President Obama has deported more illegals then BUSH!

The loserterians that want to cut funding for our infrastructure, science and education are the real anarchy supporters.
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A lot of these so called liberal ideas are why the white race became superior in the first place. Laws, regulations and human rights are a part of a civilized people.

Yes, a liberal can be what you're thinking!

Tons of liberal presidents like Woodrow Wilson believed in the betterment of their country and were extremely racist.
Woodrow Wilson loved the movie "Birth of a Nation" no doubt about it. Not sure how much he weighed though.
I'm not trying to agitate. Honestly, I want to know.

Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

So do you support your own decline, or do you believe it won't happen? Do you believe you are invincible from demographic factors?

It's an honest question. I just don't understand why you side with people who aren't like you. I don't understand why you want infinite immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe.
It's a great question, and you'll never get an honest answer. Guilt and self-loathing are the foundation of this, clearly.

Many of us from mixed-race families are insulted by this behavior, but it's not going to stop.

Instead of challenging minorities to improve themselves and maintain higher standards & expectations, they'd rather bring whites down.

I can't imagine going through life like that.
You've got it weird, Bro'..... Liberals don't want to disadvantage themselves... liberals want to see that no one is disadvantaged.

The Republicans may have prosecuted the bloody civil war that put America on the pathway to genuine Equality Under the Law as dictated to the states from D.C., but it was the liberals who finally began to put action behind the concept by getting the paperwork done in the 1964 - 1965 Civil Rights legislation.

It's a question of fairness.

The system should treat everyone the same. It shouldn't matter what you are when it comes to dealing with governments and participation in the economy.
I'm not trying to agitate. Honestly, I want to know.

Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

So do you support your own decline, or do you believe it won't happen? Do you believe you are invincible from demographic factors?

It's an honest question. I just don't understand why you side with people who aren't like you. I don't understand why you want infinite immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe.
It's a great question, and you'll never get an honest answer. Guilt and self-loathing are the foundation of this, clearly.

Many of us from mixed-race families are insulted by this behavior, but it's not going to stop.

Instead of challenging minorities to improve themselves and maintain higher standards & expectations, they'd rather bring whites down.

I can't imagine going through life like that.

It's not a great question, it's a baiting question.

That's why he'll get few answers that aren't offensive in their defense of liberalism and the usual support from the right wing.
I'm not trying to agitate. Honestly, I want to know.

Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

So do you support your own decline, or do you believe it won't happen? Do you believe you are invincible from demographic factors?

It's an honest question. I just don't understand why you side with people who aren't like you. I don't understand why you want infinite immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe.
It's a great question, and you'll never get an honest answer. Guilt and self-loathing are the foundation of this, clearly.

Many of us from mixed-race families are insulted by this behavior, but it's not going to stop.

Instead of challenging minorities to improve themselves and maintain higher standards & expectations, they'd rather bring whites down.

I can't imagine going through life like that.

It's not a great question, it's a baiting question.

That's why he'll get few answers that aren't offensive in their defense of liberalism and the usual support from the right wing.
I think he's being sincere, and as a person of mixed race who leans left it's one of the short list of issues I find abhorrent about liberals.

It's not exactly a secret that liberal whites are happy to see their influence decline, just as he said. You can deny that all you want. The best example of this on USMB is certainly guno, who posts celebratory threads on the decline of whites multiple times a day.

Another obvious example is the "White Privilege" crap spreading around the culture, particularly our colleges - literally, aggressively, BLATANTLY isolating and shaming white kids over the color of their skin. I'd rather see that effort put into challenging and inspiring minorities to raise their standards. But of course, that might hurt their "feelings". So, whites are shamed and isolated for the color of their skin, with the knowledge that minorities will only rise by default. Fabulous.

As I told him, he won't get honest answers on this.
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I'm Indian myself, but, if I was in India, and a bunch of people were coming in, I sure wouldn't be a liberal or pro-immigration.

As it is, I'm not too political given the circumstance, but I do want to understand the psychology of the white, guilty liberal.

Matthew: laws and regulations? Then do you support a border and deporting illegal immigrants? Do you support cops doing their jobs to detain and use force against criminals if necessary? If you don't, you don't subscribe to the rule of law, but rather to anarchy.

While you're here attempting to lecture white liberals .. perhaps you need to pay more attention to your own.

For Indian Americans, hate finally has a name: Trump
For Indian Americans, Hate Finally Has a Name: Trump

Only 22% of Indian Americans like Donald Trump: Survey
Only 22% of Indian Americans like Donald Trump: Survey - The American Bazaar

YOU aren't white you fucking moron. If a race war began tomorrow in this country, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY would be targeted .. not by white liberals or any liberals at all .. and not by Black people. YOU AND YOUR FAMILY and your religious institutions would be targeted by the very same racists you're standing next to.

The name of my song is, "Not white enough, not as white as you think you are."
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Why do you support your own displacement? I mean, you do realize that you are white, right? That you aren't black, mexican, jewish, chinese, indian, or whatever other ethnicity? And you do realize that as those other people grow in numbers, your numbers and influence will decline?

I support displacement of white power in favor of human power. It is wrong to assume that humans cannot evolve beyond divisions such as race and religion.

It is the very fact that those divisions exist that creates racism, poverty and war. It is also the reason mankind may not survive long enough to realize maturity.

So no, I do not support division.
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