One question for Trumpers

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In my opinion only the numbnuts post insulting memes with zero basis in fact. Most especially when they declare those memes to be evidence for something. The only thing they are evidence for is that the person posting them is devoid of any intelligent argument.

I think your one question for Trumpers should be why they bother to even respond to that kind of thing and that might be at least something to use to call into question their intelligence.

So I am guilty of that. But I have this compulsion to teach facts that counter the fake news memes. Problems. Problems.
Memes (which is what I supplied) are not meant to be seen as fact but as irony that "represents" thoughts and beliefs of the person putting up the meme. Simply stated, the meme is what I believe and I am as entitled to my opinion as you are.
Over the past 8 years, I have been debating (mostly fighting) with Trump supporters and during all this time, I have never seen one single Trumper that I have talked to, change his mind about Trump. That has led me to believe this to be true:

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With him starting his 2nd term next week, I do have a serious question for all Trump supporters"

"what would Trump need to do to have you stop supporting him? Or will you support no matter what he does?"

Please be specific!

Thanks for your replies (if you answered the question truthfully)!
Govern like Joe Biden? That would do it for me, Lucky! I'd dump his ass in a heartbeat! :)
Indirectly. Financial markets ripple around the globe, you're clapped across our news and quiz shows. I doubt it I'll visit NC ever again, but I've experienced a few months of the US before.
Not being someone that will strongly benefit or suffer the actions done by Trump, lowers your credibility to that of a critic and not a participant.
Over the past 8 years, I have been debating (mostly fighting) with Trump supporters and during all this time, I have never seen one single Trumper that I have talked to, change his mind about Trump. That has led me to believe this to be true:

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With him starting his 2nd term next week, I do have a serious question for all Trump supporters"

"what would Trump need to do to have you stop supporting him? Or will you support no matter what he does?"

Please be specific!

Thanks for your replies (if you answered the question truthfully)!
Nothing is nuttier than Trump's approach to foreign affairs. An associate of mine says he has CBS aka Crazy Bastard Strategy. When I heard that I said to myself that's a keeper. About as " Perfect " as you can get !
In other words, you will give Trump the benefit of the doubt to the nth degree (as to what he said he will do), in spite of the fact that he has always tried to do what he has said he is going to do.
He didn't say he would arrest people for disagreeing with him. That was your claim and you failed to back it up. Because it was not true.

If Trump really says such horrible things, why do you have to change them or spin them? Just let his horrible words speak for themselves.
Going after people like Schumer and Pelosi, who have always simply been representatives of the Democrat Party and have done many good things doing that and who have never done anything to warrant such persecution as Trump is saying he will do, is find with you
If they are innocent, they have nothing to fear from the career prosecututors at the DOJ.

That's what you kept saying about people who disagreed with the Democrats.
Nothing is nuttier than Trump's approach to foreign affairs. An associate of mine says he has CBS aka Crazy Bastard Strategy. When I heard that I said to myself that's a keeper. About as " Perfect " as you can get !

he has CBS aka Crazy Bastard Strategy

Which is better than Biden's "Senile Weak Failure Strategy"
"what would Trump need to do to have you stop supporting him?
1. Let 15 million filthy POS asshole illegals flood across our border
2. Wage war on fossil fuels jacking up the price of everything
3. Pass mind blowing DUMB regulations on everything.
4. BAN household appliances, combustion engines, and other crazy ass shit.

So basically become a stupid shit corrupt lying POS Democrat. You sorted out now fool?
Actually commit a crime.
And do so while in his official capacity as President.

Hell the leftist Democrat's tried to make it a crime if he had consensual sex with a woman outside of his becoming the president back in the day, and it was being done for political reasons in trying to cast bogus crimes upon him while he was either serving before in a presidential capacity or not.
And do so while in his official capacity as President.

Hell the leftist Democrat's tried to make it a crime if he had consensual sex with a woman outside of his becoming the president back in the day, and it was being done for political reasons in trying to cast bogus crimes upon him while he was either serving before in a presidential capacity or not.
No, if he were simply a criminal I wouldn't support him.

He's not.
People's personalities can be determined after a period of time of seeing/studying them and are generally "set-in-stone" when older (like Trump at age 78). As such, determining what he is likely to do (or will do) has a very high degree of probability.

It has already been determined by a lot of renowned psychologists that he is a narcissist and that means he does not care about others (only about himself) and that he only helps others when it is personally helpful to himself.

There are a lot of things that Conservatives want and Trump is offering those to them because it helps him and raises his ego. Nonetheless, the narcissistic personality does bring a lot of big negatives as narcissists always blame others when things go wrong, narcissists believe they are better than everyone and narcissists are selfish to an extreme degree. This means that even if some (or most) of the things that the Conservatives want and will get with Trump, the costs of getting them is way too high.

Leading a country has a lot of factors involved that require the ability to compromise, the ability to understand reality, and the ability to be humane and defend human rights (which is something our country has been #1 in the world for centuries). A narcissist does not have the ability to do any of those.

As such, the "probabilities" are high that Trump will end up doing big and permanent damage to our country. The thing that I think about and the reason why I try so much is that under these circumstances, prevention is the only thing that will work. Taking the chance and waiting for it to happen and trying to change it then, is not a good option.

This is the reality of the situation, or at least it is more than 90% probable. I cannot accept such a high probability, especially when there are other options that have a smaller probability of causing so much "and permanent" damage.
Is that why Obama was so bad?
Over the past 8 years, I have been debating (mostly fighting) with Trump supporters and during all this time, I have never seen one single Trumper that I have talked to, change his mind about Trump. That has led me to believe this to be true:

View attachment 1064667

With him starting his 2nd term next week, I do have a serious question for all Trump supporters"

"what would Trump need to do to have you stop supporting him? Or will you support no matter what he does?"

Please be specific!

Thanks for your replies (if you answered the question truthfully)!
Looks like projection to me.
He didn't say he would arrest people for disagreeing with him. That was your claim and you failed to back it up. Because it was not true.

If Trump really says such horrible things, why do you have to change them or spin them? Just let his horrible words speak for themselves.

If they are innocent, they have nothing to fear from the career prosecututors at the DOJ.

That's what you kept saying about people who disagreed with the Democrats.
You are giving him the benefit of the doubt and he done enough Bad things in his life, that he has lost that ríght
No, if he were simply a criminal I wouldn't support him.

He's not.
I think I worded the last part of that post wrong. Writer's fatigue is real.. 😆

Anything Trump done outside of his Presidency be it prior to 2016 was absolutely none of anyone's business. Not unless it would cause him to fail a background check in which nothing he had done arose or amounted to anything of the sort, otherwise anything that would cause him to fail a background check or a bid for the presidency was not evident just like it isn't now.

Many leftist who went all out to harass Trump, attempted to murder him indirectly, derail his presidency by way of lawfare, attacked his friend's and family members in a bid to distract him, told other leftist or any Democrat that if they were to see Trump follower's in the street, in a resteraunt etc, then get in their face's and tell them they aren't welcome here anymore, and on top of all that told lie after lie on Trump - then they should be investigated, and indicted for their criminal behaviors against Trump and the millions of good Americans that voted for him (Trump).

Let's see what happens next.
If a billionaire pays 100 times more tax than the wage earner, is it okay that he gets
50 times the savings in dollars?
Let's use % Todd.

If I pay a 16% ETR, no matter what is my income, then a billionaire should pay at least the same ETR as me, NEVER less.

Why do you protect the rich?
Some time the stench is just bad
I can smell the stench of trump from here.
The dude is a C*#^.
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