Question about Noah.

The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.
The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?
The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?

The God people. :)
The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?

The God people. :)

Then they are making foolish and uneducated statements.
The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?

The God people. :)

Then they are making foolish and uneducated statements.

Ya thanks. There was a memo...:)
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?

The God people. :)

Then they are making foolish and uneducated statements.

I agree.

Just like those who think Noah's Ark was literally true.

Mankind shouldn't have pissed off Enlil, maybe he wouldn't have made them swim with the fishies.

If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
The Bible is a tool for understanding God. Is that what you are indeed seeking to do?
Yes. And I want to know whether the bible is just made up stuff or really the word of god written down by men and edited several times. So if there were 8 people on the Ark, Noah, his wife and two children, which leaves 4 other people to safeguard Asians, blacks, pigmies, eskimos, indians, bush people and all the other different kinds of people that we now have on earth. What say ye?
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Here's the answer to the question:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Two of EVERY FLESH, male and female.

No, that does not address the question of where various ethnicities came from after god drowned everyone except drunken Noah and his family.

Noah and his family were not "of every sort".

Noah and his family were direct descendants of Adam (formed on the 8th day). The other races were created on the 6th day. Know your Bible before addressing it.

The Command to take "two of every flesh" is crystal clear.
As clear as mud. Per the fable, Noah and his immediate family were left to repopulate the planet after the flood. That suggests some.... Um... creepy inter-familial relationships. In many places on the planet, those types of relationships are deemed illegal.

It's you thumpers who should know your bibles before addressing these issues.
There were 8 humans on that boat, and God. We are not privy to the ethnicity of the wives of Noah's children, only that their DNA had not been altered by having sex with fallen angels.
Noah drank to much wine once. Which does not a drunkard make. And no incest occurred.
2 of every species were saved. The clean animals, that numbered more than 2 were used as sacrifices.
Gen. 8:20 "Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar."
Interesting, no?

We can See the lineage of Christianity wherein the inventors of the religion identified the pagan rituals of earlier religions from which christianity was invented: making ritual sacrifice to the gods.
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Mankind shouldn't have pissed off Enlil, maybe he wouldn't have made them swim with the fishies.

Only a wack job Satanic worshiper would bring up ancient paganism and Enlil... Ninlil followed him to the underworld where she bore his first child who may be your ancestors from the satanic underworld...
Genesis 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens, the male and his female."

So which is it, two of every clean animal or fourteen of every clean animal?

"Two of every flesh" (unclean) vs. seven of every clean animal (which means animals that were clean/edible for consumption).

It doesn't say two of every (unclean) flesh. It says two of every flesh and then changes later in the story.

If it's crystal clear, there shouldn't be any wiggle room.

Two of every flesh WAS taken aboard the ark. Of the clean animals, an additional 5 of each was included. Problem solved.
Except that there was no flood, no Ark and no 6,000 year old planet.

Did you realize that the alleged biblical flood would have occurred around the time of Mayan civilization?

That puts something of a kibosh on your flood tales.
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?
probably the same place they came from when you claim the first living thing crawled out of a mud puddle......
Genesis 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens, the male and his female."

So which is it, two of every clean animal or fourteen of every clean animal?

"Two of every flesh" (unclean) vs. seven of every clean animal (which means animals that were clean/edible for consumption).

It doesn't say two of every (unclean) flesh. It says two of every flesh and then changes later in the story.

If it's crystal clear, there shouldn't be any wiggle room.

Two of every flesh WAS taken aboard the ark. Of the clean animals, an additional 5 of each was included. Problem solved.
Except that there was no flood, no Ark and no 6,000 year old planet.

Did you realize that the alleged biblical flood would have occurred around the time of Mayan civilization?

That puts something of a kibosh on your flood tales.
Absolutely correct...It is a fairy tale to subjugate their own people into line...
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Here's the answer to the question:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Two of EVERY FLESH, male and female.

No, that does not address the question of where various ethnicities came from after god drowned everyone except drunken Noah and his family.

Noah and his family were not "of every sort".

Noah and his family were direct descendants of Adam (formed on the 8th day). The other races were created on the 6th day. Know your Bible before addressing it.

The Command to take "two of every flesh" is crystal clear.
As clear as mud. Per the fable, Noah and his immediate family were left to repopulate the planet after the flood. That suggests some.... Um... creepy inter-familial relationships. In many places on the planet, those types of relationships are deemed illegal.

It's you thumpers who should know your bibles before addressing these issues.

Nope. Noah had a wife. Ham had a wife. Shem had a wife. Japheth had a wife. When you read the description of Noah you'll find that he was "perfect in his generations" (Genesis 6:9) which means that he had no genetic imperfections; therefore, there were no genetic weaknesses that would cause handicapped offspring as a result of marriage between cousins. Plus, when God's will and presence is involved He could have supernaturally assured that the seed of Noah remained strong and healthy.
Genesis 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens, the male and his female."

So which is it, two of every clean animal or fourteen of every clean animal?

"Two of every flesh" (unclean) vs. seven of every clean animal (which means animals that were clean/edible for consumption).

It doesn't say two of every (unclean) flesh. It says two of every flesh and then changes later in the story.

If it's crystal clear, there shouldn't be any wiggle room.

Two of every flesh WAS taken aboard the ark. Of the clean animals, an additional 5 of each was included. Problem solved.
Except that there was no flood, no Ark and no 6,000 year old planet.

Did you realize that the alleged biblical flood would have occurred around the time of Mayan civilization?

That puts something of a kibosh on your flood tales.

And yet you believe this fairy tale: First there was nothing then **poof** there was everything. All one, big, chaotic, miraculous mistake based on pure happenstance. Talk about fairy tales.
The Tower of Babel, of course. When God made everyone speak different languages, He also made them all different races and sent them all over the world.

When a story simply doesn't make sense, just insert the phrase "God did it" and it'll all work out.

Better than my answer: evolution. But of course it the planet's less than 6,000 years old evolution wouldn't have had time to create the myriad of ethnicities.

Who says it only 6,000 years old? The city of Jerico itself has been dated to 11000 - 9000 BCE. Where do you people get this stuff from?
If there was a flood and Noah didn't have any asians or blacks on his boat, where did all the asians and blacks come from?

Here's the answer to the question:

Genesis 6:19, "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

Two of EVERY FLESH, male and female.

No, that does not address the question of where various ethnicities came from after god drowned everyone except drunken Noah and his family.

Noah and his family were not "of every sort".

Noah and his family were direct descendants of Adam (formed on the 8th day). The other races were created on the 6th day. Know your Bible before addressing it.

The Command to take "two of every flesh" is crystal clear.
As clear as mud. Per the fable, Noah and his immediate family were left to repopulate the planet after the flood. That suggests some.... Um... creepy inter-familial relationships. In many places on the planet, those types of relationships are deemed illegal.

It's you thumpers who should know your bibles before addressing these issues.

Nope. Noah had a wife. Ham had a wife. Shem had a wife. Japheth had a wife. When you read the description of Noah you'll find that he was "perfect in his generations" (Genesis 6:9) which means that he had no genetic imperfections; therefore, there were no genetic weaknesses that would cause handicapped offspring as a result of marriage between cousins. Plus, when God's will and presence is involved He could have supernaturally assured that the seed of Noah remained strong and healthy.
Ah yes, the "supernatural", weasel. "the gawds did it... by supernatural means", resolves all unresolvable biblical tales and fables.

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