Quebec: Defence lawyer says police should not be using curfew as excuse to search personal property


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Ontario is currently in a shutdown that becomes more extreme starting tomorrow. Quebec might be providing some insight into what we might experience soon.

The creepy covert Canadian police already get away with human right abuses reserved for Third World Nations, so why not give them some more? I laughed at the lawyer pretending his client has Constitutional Rights. LOL. Dumb Canadian.

Sarah Vresk was heading to work at around 4 a.m. Tuesday when she was stopped near her home by Montreal police and asked to prove she had the right to be on the road during curfew.

"I got my letter out of my glove compartment and he asked for my ID. I gave him that," said Vresk. "He then asked me what was in my bag."

Vresk demanded to know why that mattered, and why she wasn't free to go after showing a letter from her employer stating she works for a snow-removal contractor and needs to be on the job during curfew.

The officer questioned the validity of that letter, saying it's just a piece of paper, and threatened to give her a ticket anyway, Vresk said. The officer accused her of delaying detainment by not co-operating and showing the bag's contents.

Vresk finally gave into the officer's demands, allowing him to inspect her lunch bag.

The officer then returned to his cruiser to check her credentials while his partner took over questioning. Finally, Vresk was let go without a ticket.

A police intervention should end as soon as a citizen shows proof that they're allowed to be out during curfew hours, said Jeffrey Boro, a criminal defence lawyer in Montreal.

"It's none of his business what's in the bag," said Boro.

"He has no reasonable or probable grounds to search. He hasn't got the power to do that and the woman has certain constitutional rights to be free of an abusive search."
Ontario is currently in a shutdown that becomes more extreme starting tomorrow. Quebec might be providing some insight into what we might experience soon.

The creepy covert Canadian police already get away with human right abuses reserved for Third World Nations, so why not give them some more? I laughed at the lawyer pretending his client has Constitutional Rights. LOL. Dumb Canadian.

Sarah Vresk was heading to work at around 4 a.m. Tuesday when she was stopped near her home by Montreal police and asked to prove she had the right to be on the road during curfew.

"I got my letter out of my glove compartment and he asked for my ID. I gave him that," said Vresk. "He then asked me what was in my bag."

Vresk demanded to know why that mattered, and why she wasn't free to go after showing a letter from her employer stating she works for a snow-removal contractor and needs to be on the job during curfew.

The officer questioned the validity of that letter, saying it's just a piece of paper, and threatened to give her a ticket anyway, Vresk said. The officer accused her of delaying detainment by not co-operating and showing the bag's contents.

Vresk finally gave into the officer's demands, allowing him to inspect her lunch bag.

The officer then returned to his cruiser to check her credentials while his partner took over questioning. Finally, Vresk was let go without a ticket.

A police intervention should end as soon as a citizen shows proof that they're allowed to be out during curfew hours, said Jeffrey Boro, a criminal defence lawyer in Montreal.

"It's none of his business what's in the bag," said Boro.

"He has no reasonable or probable grounds to search. He hasn't got the power to do that and the woman has certain constitutional rights to be free of an abusive search."

What in the hell happened to your country? As an American (who has visited Canada many times) I always viewed your nation as a genuinely benevolent, clean place—if that makes any sense. One of my wife's aunts lives just outside of Vancouver. I am guessing we will not see her again or visit her again for quite some time. While it doesn't help the situation up there saying so, I never would have imagined Canada of all places going fascist. Is anyone attempting to stand up for their rights and freedoms?
This has been the Status Quo in Canada for decades, we just have the best PR on our side, with assistance from Britain and others.

Ultimately, as a nation is in waning, civil liberties and human rights become after thoughts, nice theories from people who feel ALL citizens are their enemy After all, they are the police. I've fought this ystem much longer than I should have, and they feel "oh well, we will win, we have endless resources and time". They gloat about it, the most cowardly among us. In the long run, they will all lose. These are the types of tactics we employ in other nations via foreign influence, not something we should import.

The entire positioning of Trump supporters being painted as domestic threats should worry some as it is a sign of what may follow. Anything to keep the eyes off of China and other foreign threats not named Russia.

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