Putting Islam In Its PROPER Place


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
That truly is the first thing we need to do. And that means this question of a Palestine needs to be finished. It amounted to NOTHING in world history either in any form of existence or education or any civilization of a people. NOT a damn thing.

The "SUPPOSED" and often LIED about birth place of islam quite simply is NOT true NOR its place in the birth order of religion IF and I say IF you wish to even grant it standing as a religion.

Islam LIES to you and Democrats lie to you. Why? Control, cheaply wrapped as your "betterment". The president of the United States belongs to a third rate "religion" that has NO standing NO claim and NO relevant history other then death, poverty and the destruction of civilization.

If we as a people a country have any desire to ever settle the question of Palestine OR islam we MUST start at the beginning. and that starts here....

We have been FORCED to accept a third world leader with a third rate religion in a modern civilized world. And now democrats seek to FORCE a choice on us of a weak kneed Socialist Communist Democrat OR an Angela Merkel wanna be who also just happens to have Communist training just LIKE our current leader.

JFK would be vomiting right now to see his parties best offerings were a socialist and a communist. RFK killed by a muslim {Sirhan Sirhan} would be aghast. For those who do not know Sirhan Sirhan CLAIMED to be born in Palestine, a country that does NOT exist.

And the NAME Sirhan just happens to be islamic for Wolf.

  1. Muslim Meaning: The name Sirhan is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim themeaning of the name Sirhan is: Wolf.
    Sirhan name meaning - SheKnows
    As I sit here behind my screen and view and think about the history of democrats and how at one time they TRIED to better themselves with JFK and RFK only to sell out to the very groups that killed them one has to ask.
    If the lives of JFK and RFK meant NOTHING to democrats why should I expect any better treatment with mine?

That truly is the first thing we need to do. And that means this question of a Palestine needs to be finished. It amounted to NOTHING in world history either in any form of existence or education or any civilization of a people. NOT a damn thing.

The "SUPPOSED" and often LIED about birth place of islam quite simply is NOT true NOR its place in the birth order of religion IF and I say IF you wish to even grant it standing as a religion.

Islam LIES to you and Democrats lie to you. Why? Control, cheaply wrapped as your "betterment". The president of the United States belongs to a third rate "religion" that has NO standing NO claim and NO relevant history other then death, poverty and the destruction of civilization.

If we as a people a country have any desire to ever settle the question of Palestine OR islam we MUST start at the beginning. and that starts here....

We have been FORCED to accept a third world leader with a third rate religion in a modern civilized world. And now democrats seek to FORCE a choice on us of a weak kneed Socialist Communist Democrat OR an Angela Merkel wanna be who also just happens to have Communist training just LIKE our current leader.

JFK would be vomiting right now to see his parties best offerings were a socialist and a communist. RFK killed by a muslim {Sirhan Sirhan} would be aghast. For those who do not know Sirhan Sirhan CLAIMED to be born in Palestine, a country that does NOT exist.

And the NAME Sirhan just happens to be islamic for Wolf.

    • Muslim Meaning: The name Sirhan is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim themeaning of the name Sirhan is: Wolf.
      Sirhan name meaning - SheKnows
      As I sit here behind my screen and view and think about the history of democrats and how at one time they TRIED to better themselves with JFK and RFK only to sell out to the very groups that killed them one has to ask.
      If the lives of JFK and RFK meant NOTHING to democrats why should I expect any better treatment with mine?

Levin is that whiney little bitch with the annoying voice, isn't he? He's nuts.
What an arrogant slob, too bad Levin doesn't know history. Zionist are the ones who are the intruders.
Mark takes no prisoners.

But has a voice best suited to playing one of the sidekick characters in a pixar movie.

My own, personal version of hell would be to be stuck forever at a dinner party between Mark Levin and Gilbert Gottfried.
I don't listen to Levin but I did go to you tube to listen to the video in the OP, and

Pay attention I'm educating you in a few of those videos. I suspect these are just set up callers, to specifically ask the right questions and act dumb so Levin can appear and sound like he knows, when instead he sounds like the ignorant one.
That truly is the first thing we need to do. And that means this question of a Palestine needs to be finished. It amounted to NOTHING in world history either in any form of existence or education or any civilization of a people. NOT a damn thing.

The "SUPPOSED" and often LIED about birth place of islam quite simply is NOT true NOR its place in the birth order of religion IF and I say IF you wish to even grant it standing as a religion.

Islam LIES to you and Democrats lie to you. Why? Control, cheaply wrapped as your "betterment". The president of the United States belongs to a third rate "religion" that has NO standing NO claim and NO relevant history other then death, poverty and the destruction of civilization.

If we as a people a country have any desire to ever settle the question of Palestine OR islam we MUST start at the beginning. and that starts here....

We have been FORCED to accept a third world leader with a third rate religion in a modern civilized world. And now democrats seek to FORCE a choice on us of a weak kneed Socialist Communist Democrat OR an Angela Merkel wanna be who also just happens to have Communist training just LIKE our current leader.

JFK would be vomiting right now to see his parties best offerings were a socialist and a communist. RFK killed by a muslim {Sirhan Sirhan} would be aghast. For those who do not know Sirhan Sirhan CLAIMED to be born in Palestine, a country that does NOT exist.

And the NAME Sirhan just happens to be islamic for Wolf.

  1. Muslim Meaning: The name Sirhan is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim themeaning of the name Sirhan is: Wolf.
    Sirhan name meaning - SheKnows
    As I sit here behind my screen and view and think about the history of democrats and how at one time they TRIED to better themselves with JFK and RFK only to sell out to the very groups that killed them one has to ask.
    If the lives of JFK and RFK meant NOTHING to democrats why should I expect any better treatment with mine?

More ridiculous lies from the reprehensible right.
That truly is the first thing we need to do. And that means this question of a Palestine needs to be finished. It amounted to NOTHING in world history either in any form of existence or education or any civilization of a people. NOT a damn thing.

The "SUPPOSED" and often LIED about birth place of islam quite simply is NOT true NOR its place in the birth order of religion IF and I say IF you wish to even grant it standing as a religion.

Islam LIES to you and Democrats lie to you. Why? Control, cheaply wrapped as your "betterment". The president of the United States belongs to a third rate "religion" that has NO standing NO claim and NO relevant history other then death, poverty and the destruction of civilization.

If we as a people a country have any desire to ever settle the question of Palestine OR islam we MUST start at the beginning. and that starts here....

We have been FORCED to accept a third world leader with a third rate religion in a modern civilized world. And now democrats seek to FORCE a choice on us of a weak kneed Socialist Communist Democrat OR an Angela Merkel wanna be who also just happens to have Communist training just LIKE our current leader.

JFK would be vomiting right now to see his parties best offerings were a socialist and a communist. RFK killed by a muslim {Sirhan Sirhan} would be aghast. For those who do not know Sirhan Sirhan CLAIMED to be born in Palestine, a country that does NOT exist.

And the NAME Sirhan just happens to be islamic for Wolf.

    • Muslim Meaning: The name Sirhan is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim themeaning of the name Sirhan is: Wolf.
      Sirhan name meaning - SheKnows
      As I sit here behind my screen and view and think about the history of democrats and how at one time they TRIED to better themselves with JFK and RFK only to sell out to the very groups that killed them one has to ask.
      If the lives of JFK and RFK meant NOTHING to democrats why should I expect any better treatment with mine

Hell...the Republicans assassinated JFK and RFK. I thought everybody knew that Richard Nixon and old man Bush hated his guts and both of them were in Dallas the day JFK was killed. No doubt getting the most bang for their buck.

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That truly is the first thing we need to do. And that means this question of a Palestine needs to be finished. It amounted to NOTHING in world history either in any form of existence or education or any civilization of a people. NOT a damn thing.

The "SUPPOSED" and often LIED about birth place of islam quite simply is NOT true NOR its place in the birth order of religion IF and I say IF you wish to even grant it standing as a religion.

Islam LIES to you and Democrats lie to you. Why? Control, cheaply wrapped as your "betterment". The president of the United States belongs to a third rate "religion" that has NO standing NO claim and NO relevant history other then death, poverty and the destruction of civilization.

If we as a people a country have any desire to ever settle the question of Palestine OR islam we MUST start at the beginning. and that starts here....

We have been FORCED to accept a third world leader with a third rate religion in a modern civilized world. And now democrats seek to FORCE a choice on us of a weak kneed Socialist Communist Democrat OR an Angela Merkel wanna be who also just happens to have Communist training just LIKE our current leader.

JFK would be vomiting right now to see his parties best offerings were a socialist and a communist. RFK killed by a muslim {Sirhan Sirhan} would be aghast. For those who do not know Sirhan Sirhan CLAIMED to be born in Palestine, a country that does NOT exist.

And the NAME Sirhan just happens to be islamic for Wolf.

    • Muslim Meaning: The name Sirhan is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim themeaning of the name Sirhan is: Wolf.
      Sirhan name meaning - SheKnows
      As I sit here behind my screen and view and think about the history of democrats and how at one time they TRIED to better themselves with JFK and RFK only to sell out to the very groups that killed them one has to ask.
      If the lives of JFK and RFK meant NOTHING to democrats why should I expect any better treatment with mine

Hell...the Republicans assassinated JFK and RFK. I thought everybody knew that Richard Nixon and old man Bush hated his guts and both of them were in Dallas the day JFK was killed. No doubt getting the most bang for their buck.


Pogo, is that you???
That truly is the first thing we need to do. And that means this question of a Palestine needs to be finished. It amounted to NOTHING in world history either in any form of existence or education or any civilization of a people. NOT a damn thing.

The "SUPPOSED" and often LIED about birth place of islam quite simply is NOT true NOR its place in the birth order of religion IF and I say IF you wish to even grant it standing as a religion.

Islam LIES to you and Democrats lie to you. Why? Control, cheaply wrapped as your "betterment". The president of the United States belongs to a third rate "religion" that has NO standing NO claim and NO relevant history other then death, poverty and the destruction of civilization.

If we as a people a country have any desire to ever settle the question of Palestine OR islam we MUST start at the beginning. and that starts here....

We have been FORCED to accept a third world leader with a third rate religion in a modern civilized world. And now democrats seek to FORCE a choice on us of a weak kneed Socialist Communist Democrat OR an Angela Merkel wanna be who also just happens to have Communist training just LIKE our current leader.

JFK would be vomiting right now to see his parties best offerings were a socialist and a communist. RFK killed by a muslim {Sirhan Sirhan} would be aghast. For those who do not know Sirhan Sirhan CLAIMED to be born in Palestine, a country that does NOT exist.

And the NAME Sirhan just happens to be islamic for Wolf.

    • Muslim Meaning: The name Sirhan is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim themeaning of the name Sirhan is: Wolf.
      Sirhan name meaning - SheKnows
      As I sit here behind my screen and view and think about the history of democrats and how at one time they TRIED to better themselves with JFK and RFK only to sell out to the very groups that killed them one has to ask.
      If the lives of JFK and RFK meant NOTHING to democrats why should I expect any better treatment with mine?

Just cruising by and noticed this drivel. FYI "Sirhan" may mean wolf and might even be a name used by Muslims, but it originates from Africa, not the Middle east, "Aldhdhib" is Arabic for wolf. Oh, and that Mark Levin clip just demonstrates he knows nothing about history either, but that's nothing to do with religion.

Interesting article I came across about Odin text analysis software; they tried an experiment to see which was the most "negative" i.e. most violent, bigoted, etc and which was the most "positive" hopeful, spiritual, inspirational, etc.

Guess which "holy text" won? Yeah you are ahead of me The Quran.

"Of the three texts, the content in the Old Testament appears to be the most violent. Killing and destruction are referenced slightly more often in the New Testament (2.8%) than in the Quran (2.1%), but the Old Testament clearly leads—more than twice that of the Quran—in mentions of destruction and killing (5.3%).

-The concept of ‘love’ appears most often in the New Testament (3.0%), significantly more than in either the Old Testament (1.9%) or the Quran (1.26%).

-The concept of ‘forgiveness/grace’ occurs significantly more often in the Quran (6.3%) than in the New Testament (2.9%) or the Old Testament (0.7%).

-On the concept of ‘faith/belief,’ the Quran leads (7.6%), followed by the New Testament (4.8%) and the Old Testament a distant third (0.2%)."

OdinText Text Analysis Answers: Is the Quran Really More Violent than the Bible?

I suppose that puts Islam in it's proper place. ;)

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