Publishing Communist Chinese Propaganda


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. On the one hand, there is the Global Times:
Global Times. The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party's People's Daily newspaper, commenting on international issues from a nationalistic perspective.
Format: Tabloid
Circulation areas: China
Global Times - Wikipedia
Global Times - Wikipedia

2. They publish exactly what one would expect:
"US President Donald Trump said on Thursday the US "could cut off the whole relationship" with China, ...
Such lunacy is a clear byproduct, first and foremost, of the proverbial anxiety that the US has suffered from since China began its global ascension. It is also a combination of envy and panic on behalf of Washington elites who recognize the substantial gap between the US and China in how both countries responded to the pandemic. And finally, Trump's threat is linked directly to the upcoming US presidential election this November. The Trump administration's response to COVID-19 was weak and inefficient. It seems the White House strategy is to risk it all by passing the buck to China. Trump's behavior is a desperate attempt to safeguard against the possibility that US public opinion could turn against him due to his lack of accountability."

3. What is not to be missed is how lock-step the DNC media outlets do exactly the same thing.

China Bought the West Time. The West Squandered It.
Why did so many countries watch the epidemic unfold for weeks as though it was none of their concern?
March 13, 2020”

4. While refusing to acknowledge the vast numbers of American lives that Trump has saved by his rapid response to the Chinese flu….covered up by the Chinese Communist government…..the NYTimes is dutifully publishing the propaganda from their communist masters.

Its Coronavirus Cases Dwindling, China Turns Focus Outward

Beijing is mounting a humanitarian aid blitz in countries struggling with their own outbreaks. In doing so, it’s stepping into a role the West once dominated.
China is mounting a diplomatic offensive to help as the rest of the world struggles to get the virus under control.” Its Coronavirus Cases Dwindling, China Turns Focus Outward

Somehow…..according to the media…Communist China is the hero?

5. And here is CNN praising the Communist dictatorship:
"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector

China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive

On Sunday, Andrew Adonis, a member of Britain's House of Lords and onetime cabinet minister, took aim at the idea that the coronavirus pandemic was causing a crisis of capitalism.

They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.

Vote Democrat, is this is what you are voting for.
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The Global Times is most definitely a Chinese Party propaganda organ, interestingly though on their Internet comment sections they do not censor.

I have criticised Red Emperor Xi on many issues, not only the pandemic and they always leave it. Some times they actually discuss it.

As for the West squandering time concerning the pandemic, we did, but January it was clear there was a uncontrollable outbreak in China, only one nation acted then and there, fast.

Taiwan, while much the West pretended it was just the common cold.
The Global Times is most definitely a Chinese Party propaganda organ, interestingly though on their Internet comment sections they do not censor.

I have criticised Red Emperor Xi on many issues, not only the pandemic and they always leave it. Some times they actually discuss it.

As for the West squandering time concerning the pandemic, we did, but January it was clear there was a uncontrollable outbreak in China, only one nation acted then and there, fast.

Taiwan, while much the West pretended it was just the common cold.

The Chinese Communists are spending millions of dollars trying to establish a media empire in other countries.

They are actually deluding themselves into believing that people in other countries want to waste their time and money reading Chinese propaganda.

Even people in China itself do not read Chinese propaganda. Companies are forced to subscribe to newspapers, which then are dumped as soon as they arrive.

How pathetic!
The Chinese Communists are spending millions of dollars trying to establish a media empire in other countries.

They are actually deluding themselves into believing that people in other countries want to waste their time and money reading Chinese propaganda.

Even people in China itself do not read Chinese propaganda. Companies are forced to subscribe to newspapers, which then are dumped as soon as they arrive.

How pathetic!

Unfortunately, P, there are an awful lot of easily manipulated people in this world.

The major party in this country had had both an admitted communist and a disguised one running for the presidency.

Communism has had a fairly good record with propaganda.
Top Chinese Diplomats Call for ‘Wolf Warrior’ Army to Push Diplomatic Agenda Abroad

“Senior Chinese diplomats have called for more ‘Wolf Warriors’ to defend the country” amid coronavirus pandemic.

Top Chinese diplomats are now calling for an army of “Wolf Warriors” to be unleashed aboard to push Beijing’s aggressive foreign policy. Some of these “warrior” diplomats can already be seen in action throughout the West, bullying and threatening journalists, politicians, and experts who dare to question Beijing’s handling of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

The term ‘Wolf Warrior’ is a reference to a 2015 Chinese propaganda movie in which an elite team of China’s People Liberation Army fights an ex-US Navy SEAL.

“Senior Chinese diplomats have called for more ‘Wolf Warriors’ to defend the country abroad,” Hong Kong-based newspaper the South China Morning Post reported on Monday.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi backed this new “Wolf Warriors” approach at a press conference on Sunday. He “defended the country’s combative “wolf warrior” diplomacy, saying the country will stand firm in defending the national interest,” the Hong Kong daily added.

Talking to the state broadcaster CCTV, China’s Ambassador to Britain, Liu Xiaoming, said that “there are many ‘wolves’ out there in the world now. If there are ‘wolves,’ we must have ‘Wolf Warriors’ to fight.”

The ‘wolf’ here is an apparent reference to the United States, as the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece, The Global Times recently explained. “In terms of ‘wolf warrior,’ the US has peaked in its diplomacy,” the Communist newspaper claimed in an editorial on May 25. “Trump administration has launched the trade war against China, which is indeed bullying. (…) This is typical international hooliganism.”

On Monday, the South China Morning Post reported the unveiling of this new belligerent approach..."

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