psychology of opinion ghosts


VIP Member
Nov 24, 2015
Ever since I started tracking my thoughts specifically those that have to do with opinion, I've noticed several types of common thought that have to do with opinions. For one almost every word that I hear from voices is opinion or opinion related. Sometimes its a positive opinion like when voices like something original or something is highly logical, they give me grandeur with their positive opinion, I then feel like a schizo failure and feel a positive and negative at the same time. My own opinion, usually a negative one, is sometimes trying to match the strength of the voices to sort of try to cover them up. I think that one is going to go down as I get stronger from watching for opinions. Sometimes I feel myself trying to force people into my mind to make an opinion of them, usually to cover up some sort of other emotion. If the voices don't express opinion they are almost dormant. It is quite from them since I started calling them opinion ghosts. Their ability to immitate people goes down when you track thoughts like this. Sometimes it will seem like silence forms the opinion and my mind creates running a mile a minute thoughts. Usually the racing thoughts are from fear. There is a lot of fear that opinion voices can create where you fear going back to something you once couldn't avoid. It's probably most courteous for everyone if when you feel the rambling of opinion coming on being around others, that you stifle it and move on. opinion ghosts can sort of be relieved by thinking to yourself 'I won't be hard on other people as I wish they aren't hard on me'

If ghosts are too fast or too salty with an opinion, that I can't even imagine a real person who would care so much, then I might not even take it on as real. But its hard to just let it go when its sharp. Still the hallucination of opinion comes with name labeling. Even if you aren't sure who. Opinion ghosts might make you say 'welp I'll tally you up' or something similar just to try to let go, but the anger swims inside of you. It may just be that anger of deep subconscious state like opinion ghosts is more effective then a debate at a city hall. It's attacks on your quite state of peace. Anger might be resolved only by concentrating on better thoughts from the deep sub conscious for meditative periods of time. Learning to fall asleep a little with a 3D eye stare can generate calmer answers from the mind that effect it without even interpreting.

opinion ghosts seem highly correlated with people crossing the mind. For me its sometimes like they pop up one after another like a chess game they appear as moves to fool myself or be hard on myself or perhaps to relieve boredom.

treating your thoughts like conversation, and the reaction of the opinion voices, might be a huge flaw for s achizo. Sitting in silence without an opinion and watching the chess game play out is the way to go. Don't form opinions about opinion voices, don't provoke them responding with what you think of them.
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tracking my opinion I find some stuff has a much stronger opinion in me then others, I think that's why people like music so much is that the opinion is lighthearted and friendly. Opinion in other places like sex or drugs is going to be a lot more serious in me.
the fan makes a continuous noise, your auditory nerve's signal to the vestibular keeps it quiet from hearing the continuous noise of the fan, but its still there. The vestibular or the cochlea has the ability to turn on and off the noise of the fan. commands to your vestibular to operate a body function like 'breathe through your mouth' the vestibular follows logically. Thought commands about vision can control turning on and off the fan noise coming into the mind. I'll list others if I come up with any.
aww the spaces between your words in thought seem to be good at sparking and stifling the fan noise, I wonder if this is related to the mysterious timing at which the ear has a spasm type reaction of allowing the fan noise in.
The failure felt when ghosts are saying positive things or seem to be trying to be nice, when you are conditioned to give up on high hopes might condition the mind to bring negative things out to balance your happiness. If you go back to liking voices, which isn't taboo, but if you overpower your beliefs settled from a rabbit hole where you fought evil vs good and decided the whole thing was evil, you might harmonize with the acceptance of the OpGhs and drop anger this way too.

The fact is that you are stronger now then the last time you liked them before. You don't have to take on the beliefs they give you now that you are firm in yours, just like them and reward them for their opinion and make a game of imagining nice things to give them like I give mine opinion gravy and tell them 'drink up'.

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