Psycho State Health Secretary


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017

Remember in the movie Psycho where the guy dressed up as his mother and killed people?

"Levine’s transgender status has insulated him from criticism for his policies which have resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths in the state. Like New York, Pennsylvania ordered long-term care facilities to admit coronavirus-positive patients despite warnings that it would unnecessarily cost lives."

"Dr. Levine enforced his state’s policy while also pulling his 95-year-old mother out of such a facility during the outbreak—an undeniable admission that his policy had deadly consequences."
“My mother requested and my sister and I, as her children, complied to move her to another location during the COVID-19 outbreak,” Levine said during a press conference in May. “My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions,” he added.

He's probably wearing his Mum's clothes.....So, a guy on the Left can dress as a woman an kill with impunity.

View attachment 373809
Remember in the movie Psycho where the guy dressed up as his mother and killed people?

"Levine’s transgender status has insulated him from criticism for his policies which have resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths in the state. Like New York, Pennsylvania ordered long-term care facilities to admit coronavirus-positive patients despite warnings that it would unnecessarily cost lives."

"Dr. Levine enforced his state’s policy while also pulling his 95-year-old mother out of such a facility during the outbreak—an undeniable admission that his policy had deadly consequences."
“My mother requested and my sister and I, as her children, complied to move her to another location during the COVID-19 outbreak,” Levine said during a press conference in May. “My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions,” he added.

He's probably wearing his Mum's clothes.....So, a guy on the Left can dress as a woman an kill with impunity.

View attachment 373809
Remember in the movie Psycho where the guy dressed up as his mother and killed people?

"Levine’s transgender status has insulated him from criticism for his policies which have resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths in the state. Like New York, Pennsylvania ordered long-term care facilities to admit coronavirus-positive patients despite warnings that it would unnecessarily cost lives."

"Dr. Levine enforced his state’s policy while also pulling his 95-year-old mother out of such a facility during the outbreak—an undeniable admission that his policy had deadly consequences."
“My mother requested and my sister and I, as her children, complied to move her to another location during the COVID-19 outbreak,” Levine said during a press conference in May. “My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions,” he added.

He's probably wearing his Mum's clothes.....So, a guy on the Left can dress as a woman an kill with impunity.

According to the Pennsylvania Constitution, the Secretary of Health serves at the pleasure of the governor, who can fire him at any time.

Now, I could really give a crap less what a man wears in the privacy of his own home. If Dr. Levine wants to hang out at night with the other homosexuals at the local LGBTQ+ bar, or highway rest stop, or gay film house, that's his own affair. But Gov. Wolf should really insist that if Levine is going to be working in his administration, he needs to be wearing men's clothes, suit and tie when he's on the job. Especially when making public announcements or appearances.
So, a guy on the Left can dress as a woman
So who gives a fuck as long as the person's private parts are adequately covered with an appropriate measure of fabric to prevent the possibility of indecent exposure?
an kill with impunity
Well, if you're a man, you probably don't need to go to bed with a man who is dressed as a woman. The Bible verse is peculiar.
If a man is stealing a woman's clothes to put them on himself, that is one thing, but if he presumably bought the clothes with his own money or made them himself, he cannot reasonably be considered to be violating the law of Moses by wearing a woman's clothes — they're his clothes if he's a man, and by law he is permitted to wear them even if they look like other garments owned by women.
View attachment 373809
Remember in the movie Psycho where the guy dressed up as his mother and killed people?

"Levine’s transgender status has insulated him from criticism for his policies which have resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths in the state. Like New York, Pennsylvania ordered long-term care facilities to admit coronavirus-positive patients despite warnings that it would unnecessarily cost lives."

"Dr. Levine enforced his state’s policy while also pulling his 95-year-old mother out of such a facility during the outbreak—an undeniable admission that his policy had deadly consequences."
“My mother requested and my sister and I, as her children, complied to move her to another location during the COVID-19 outbreak,” Levine said during a press conference in May. “My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions,” he added.

He's probably wearing his Mum's clothes.....So, a guy on the Left can dress as a woman an kill with impunity.

Being a resident of Pennsylvania Dr. Levine's act is getting old fast.
It's government, and it's something to do with health, universial gun control, birth control, population control, and forced sterilization of "mentally ill" individuals. It's cattle car territory. They're promoting LGBT as vice and compelling "straight" prostitution. People can't socialize or date without having sex or charging money for sex anymore. Guys are being railroaded in court if they can't have sex and move on fast enough. They're professionals with all the sex skit, straight out of city hall.

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