Psaki Violated Ethics Law by Promoting Democrat for VA Governor

Psaki did when she stood behind the podium and announced support for the anti-parent Democrat. (For those who don’t know, he basically announced that he will side with the leftist Education and Teachers unions over parents appalled by the radical-left turn.)
Well, there's a runaway Jewish public health district on a yellow bus holding the kids hostage for covid shots. And all the U.S. Congress critters keep cheering, "Israel! Israel! Israel!" in defiance of the Constitution of the United States of America.
So now you rightist like to obey the law?
If the Marine will go to prison for telling the truth, what should happen to the red headed liar?
So you say...Trump woke up and was accused of lefties blew your reputation for honesty....not one Trump aid accused of violating the Hatch act actually did or they would have all been in jail....and I think even a dumbass like you knows it....
You dumb piece of shit. Look it up if you dont believe me. Or dont. I dont give a fuck what you animals do.
So you say...Trump woke up and was accused of lefties blew your reputation for honesty....not one Trump aid accused of violating the Hatch act actually did or they would have all been in jail....and I think even a dumbass like you knows it....
You don’t go to jail for violating the Hatch Act
You get fired
When a rouge administration has that many crooks, and ignores that many laws and standards, a lot of people will end up hating them. What did you expect?
I know that's why so many people hate Biden....Lets go Brandon!!!!
When a rouge administration has that many crooks, and ignores that many laws and standards, a lot of people will end up hating them. What did you expect?
Where do you lawless liberals come up with all these "norms" and "standards" you keep punishing us for in defiance of the Constitution and Supreme law of the land?
Where do you lawless liberals come up with all these "norms" and "standards" you keep punishing us for in defiance of the Constitution and Supreme law of the land?
I guess that explains a lot. If trump and his supporters aren't even aware of our laws and standards, there is no way they will bother to uphold them. That's probably why trump lost so bad.
Well, there's a runaway Jewish public health district on a yellow bus holding the kids hostage for covid shots. And all the U.S. Congress critters keep cheering, "Israel! Israel! Israel!" in defiance of the Constitution of the United States of America.

What in the world does your anti-Israel sentiment have to do with this topic, other than you recall I am Jewish and want to get in a dig?
Violation of Hatch is NOT an offense where you go to jail, it's where you LOSE your job.
Kelly Ann and Ivanka violated the Hatch Act time and time and time again, but Donnie,
who is the overseeing authority and is supposed to hand out punishment, did NOTHING!
A significant difference is that the "all of two" people charged in the fake Russia Dossier, neither had to do with actual politics or Russia. Whereas your Marxist political shill, Psaki, is violating a law and able to get away with it, because the corrupt administration in power controls all three houses, the DOJ and FBI.
Don’t forget the media. That’s the main reason demleftist can do anything they want.
Violation of Hatch is NOT an offense where you go to jail, it's where you LOSE your job.
Kelly Ann and Ivanka violated the Hatch Act time and time and time again, but Donnie,
who is the overseeing authority and is supposed to hand out punishment, did NOTHING!

Great story. Of course you’ll post the proof right?

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