Prove racism is real.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
When most of our white nationalists fathers fought to end REAL racism and died under the heel of REAL Fascism at Pearl Harbor and on D day and liberated NAZI death camps. What the fu*k did liberal jewish college professors like Noam Chomsky do? Those that can, do... those that can't...teach.
Racism is alive and thriving with Affirmative Action discrimination against whites. As many more dark-skinned people enter the country, allowed in by Joe Biden, the situation will get worse and worse.

I am thankful to be old enough now to be out of the job market, and no longer needing college or business loans. I feel really sorry though for white kids who are going to be facing all this discrimination, while at the same time having reparations being paid to the beneficiaries (blacks) of the AA racism.
When most of our white nationalists fathers fought to end REAL racism ...
No, they didn't. You are making that up from your own fantasy.
... and died under the heel of REAL Fascism at Pearl Harbor and on D day ...
Not because they wanted to fight Fascism.
... and liberated NAZI death camps.
First of all the Soviets probably liberated more death camps and secondly entering the war had nothing to do with death camps.
What the fu*k did liberal jewish college professors like Noam Chomsky do? Those that can, do... those that can't...teach.
Naom Chomksy (who worked in a military laboratory) does more to combating racism than Joan Wayne (who didn't serve a single day in the armed forces) ever did, yet which one of them do you worship? The mere fact that you think it is necessary to say that Naom Chomsky is a "liberal jewish college professor" is proof that whatever efforts "your white nationalist fathers" did "to end REAL racism" has failed miserably.
When most of our white nationalists fathers fought to end REAL racism and died under the heel of REAL Fascism at Pearl Harbor and on D day and liberated NAZI death camps. What the fu*k did liberal jewish college professors like Noam Chomsky do? Those that can, do... those that can't...teach.
Some places where racism is hard to argue with:

1. When comparing news stories of missing persons,
people who are Black evoke difference responses than
when a crime victim or missing person is White, in particular
a young White Female. This is hard to argue with.

(This is similar to the bias when Teachers are caught having sex
with underaged students. If the Teacher is a Younger White Female, this is
perceived quite differently than if the Teacher is an Older Man of any race.)

2. In politics, Joe Biden as an Older White Male Liberal can get away
with saying Black people who don't vote for him "ain't really Black."

But Black Men or Women who complain about exploitation of Black voters,
get attacked if they are Conservative.

This bias is more against Political Creed.

But it's amazing the friends of mine who are liberal who "don't see Biden
or themselves as racist" when they basically "tell Black people how
they need to vote in order to win approval" and if Black people vote
conservative, they get bullied and treated as inferior. A good friend of mine
actually SAID this to me (and about my friend who is a Black Republican),
that we both needed to stop supporting Conservative Republicans and
support Biden: White Liberal Males TELLING a Black Woman and an Asian Woman we need to think and vote like HE does or our views don't count.

That is just as racist to demean someone and not consider them
of equal value, intelligence, or morality "based on their political affiliation."

3. With police violence cases, the liberal politics and media jump all over cases of White police or attackers assaulting or abusing Black victims.

But didn't protest the Black officer who killed a White woman after she called for help and was mistaken for a threat.

As the Family of Michael Brown pointed out, after the BLM movement "used" this case to get political and financial backing, they moved on and didn't go back and help the community around Ferguson still in need of support.

So this is just USING people for their RACE to push for political agenda.

4. This reminds me of the mess and abuse I tried to address in Freedmen's Town, where private developers and party and govt leaders colluded to censor and destroy the unpopular Black History and property, in order to favor Corporate Developers and interests competing for downtown real estate that are the Influencers who determine who gets to run and keep their offices.

Again, this was more discrimination by class, where corporate and political interests with MORE POWER RESOURCES and POLITICAL/LEGAL BACKING
were able to run over the rights and plans of lower income community residents, leaders and programs without equal ability to defend their status.

But it "happened" to be tied to BLACK church and Freed Slave history, as insult added to injury.

One of the native freed slave descendants calls it out as RACISM against Black history and community interests.
But it is also political discrimination by class and sexism mixed in.
No, they didn't. You are making that up from your own fantasy.

Not because they wanted to fight Fascism.

First of all the Soviets probably liberated more death camps and secondly entering the war had nothing to do with death camps.

Naom Chomksy (who worked in a military laboratory) does more to combating racism than Joan Wayne (who didn't serve a single day in the armed forces) ever did, yet which one of them do you worship? The mere fact that you think it is necessary to say that Naom Chomsky is a "liberal jewish college professor" is proof that whatever efforts "your white nationalist fathers" did "to end REAL racism" has failed miserably.
Blithering FOOL. If those white nationalist soldiers in World War 2 did not fight and thousands died STOPPING RACISM & FACISM, that facism probably would have kept you from even being born. Go to a World War 2 cemetary and walk among the gravestones giving thanks, if you have any brain left after all the indoctrination you apparently are suffering from.

And whether entering the war had anything to do with death camps or not, without white nationalist Russians, and white nationalist Brits & Americans, the death camps would have proliferated, and killed every Jew in Europe.
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No, they didn't. You are making that up from your own fantasy.

Not because they wanted to fight Fascism.

First of all the Soviets probably liberated more death camps and secondly entering the war had nothing to do with death camps.

Naom Chomksy (who worked in a military laboratory) does more to combating racism than Joan Wayne (who didn't serve a single day in the armed forces) ever did, yet which one of them do you worship? The mere fact that you think it is necessary to say that Naom Chomsky is a "liberal jewish college professor" is proof that whatever efforts "your white nationalist fathers" did "to end REAL racism" has failed miserably.
Blithering FOOL. If those white nationalist soldiers in World War 2 did not fight and thousands died STOPPING RACISM & FACISM, that facism probably would have kept you from even being born. Go to a World War 2 cemetary and walk among the gravestones giving thanks, if you have any brain left after all the indoctrination you apparently are suffering from.

And whether entering the war had anything to do with death camps or not, without white nationalist Russians, and white nationalist Brits & Americans, the death camps would have proliferated, and killed every Jew in Europe.
White Britans and White Australians and White Free French and White Canadians and White Americans that fought white fascists' Nazis, that is of no consequence? Oh all those whites that stood against slavery and fought and died against slavery, their lives matter too. How many whites died to free the slaves? Their lives should matter in the long run.
No, they didn't. You are making that up from your own fantasy.

Not because they wanted to fight Fascism.

First of all the Soviets probably liberated more death camps and secondly entering the war had nothing to do with death camps.

Naom Chomksy (who worked in a military laboratory) does more to combating racism than Joan Wayne (who didn't serve a single day in the armed forces) ever did, yet which one of them do you worship? The mere fact that you think it is necessary to say that Naom Chomsky is a "liberal jewish college professor" is proof that whatever efforts "your white nationalist fathers" did "to end REAL racism" has failed miserably.
Blithering FOOL. If those white nationalist soldiers in World War 2 did not fight and thousands died STOPPING RACISM & FACISM, that facism probably would have kept you from even being born. Go to a World War 2 cemetary and walk among the gravestones giving thanks, if you have any brain left after all the indoctrination you apparently are suffering from.

And whether entering the war had anything to do with death camps or not, without white nationalist Russians, and white nationalist Brits & Americans, the death camps would have proliferated, and killed every Jew in Europe.
White Britans and White Australians and White Free French and White Canadians and White Americans that fought white fascists' Nazis, that is of no consequence? Oh all those whites that stood against slavery and fought and died against slavery, their lives matter too. How many whites died to free the slaves? Their lives should matter in the long run.
White people were not the only people fighting the Nazis. want me to prove to you that Racism is real?

Well, okay, I mean the entire history of human Western civilization aside, racism is real because America had black people as slaves for 200 years.
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Well, okay, I mean the entire history of human Western civilization aside, racism is real because America had black people as slaves for 200 years.

The Native Americans also had slaves. It's not really about racism but supply and demand.

The Racism tactic is what the Elite have used for thousands of years to divide and conquer. They will get people to fight because of the color of their skin. This is again what they are trying to do now. They want black and white people to hate each other and even hate themselves.
It's not really about racism but supply and demand.

What a disgusting post. Bye, bye.

Prove racism is real.
Black Lives Matter co-founder appears to label white people ‘defects’

A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out,” according to a post on what appears to be her Facebook page.

Yusra Khogali has faced increased scrutiny over the past year after BLM Toronto gained political influence following their disruption of the Toronto Pride parade and confrontations with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

On Friday, Toronto Police announced they would not participate in this year’s upcoming parade. This has been a longstanding demand of BLM TO and one that the board of Pride Toronto recently backed in a controversial vote.

Khogali has a track record of inflammatory, divisive rhetoric.

Only last week during a protest in front of the US consulate Khogali shouted into a microphone that “Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist” and urged the crowd to “rise up and fight back.”

“Look at us, we have the numbers,” she said.

She also faced controversy in the news for a tweet posted a year ago stating: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

While these remarks alarmed many Canadians, they pale in comparison to a statement numerous sources forwarded to the Sun that Khogali appears to have posted on Facebook in late 2015.

“Whiteness is not humxness,” the statement begins. “infact, white skin is sub-humxn.” The post goes on to present a genetics-based argument centred on melanin and enzyme.

“White ppl are recessive genetic defects. this is factual,” the post reads towards the end. “white ppl need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves. black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to.”

Khogali did not respond to requests for comment from the Sun. But if she did in fact write the post, her thesis doesn’t pass muster for one of America’s leading scholars of the history of eugenics.

“The document mirrors the racism of American eugenicists who claimed in the first third of the 20th century that native whites were genetically superior not only to blacks but also to immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe,” Daniel Kevles, a professor at Yale University, wrote to the Sun. “Their claims were without any scientific foundation and added up to expressions of naked white racism.”

Kevles’ book “In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity” is considered a leading text in the field.

“The anger and frustration that animates the Black Lives Matter movement is altogether understandable, but the way to contest pseudo-science and white prejudice is not with an alternative pseudo-science and black prejudice,” notes Kevles. “It is with moral argument and political action.”

The BLM TO website explains their stated goals are “to dismantle all forms of state-sanctioned oppression, violence and brutality committed against African, Caribbean, and Black cis, queer, trans, and disabled populations in Toronto.”

There is no indication the group or any of its other members supports the sentiments expressed in the alarming post.

The Sun did not hear back from BLM TO and the main Black Lives Matter umbrella group in the United States following various requests for comment.

Blithering FOOL. If those white nationalist soldiers in World War 2 did not fight and thousands died STOPPING RACISM & FACISM, that facism probably would have kept you from even being born. Go to a World War 2 cemetary and walk among the gravestones giving thanks, if you have any brain left after all the indoctrination you apparently are suffering from.

And whether entering the war had anything to do with death camps or not, without white nationalist Russians, and white nationalist Brits & Americans, the death camps would have proliferated, and killed every Jew in Europe.
If you knew anything about war you would have discovered that soldiers fight to stay alive not for some moral obligation. Furthermore, your racist attitude is why you have deliberately left out the fact that many non-white people served in those wars wearing the same uniform as those "white people" who you like to talk about. But I am not surprised that you have taken that tact. You own a dog in this race and it is all about being white.
White Britans and White Australians and White Free French and White Canadians and White Americans that fought white fascists' Nazis, that is of no consequence? Oh all those whites that stood against slavery and fought and died against slavery, their lives matter too. How many whites died to free the slaves? Their lives should matter in the long run.
My oh my. You have asked in your OP to prove that racism really exists. You just have.
No, they didn't. You are making that up from your own fantasy.

Not because they wanted to fight Fascism.

First of all the Soviets probably liberated more death camps and secondly entering the war had nothing to do with death camps.

Naom Chomksy (who worked in a military laboratory) does more to combating racism than Joan Wayne (who didn't serve a single day in the armed forces) ever did, yet which one of them do you worship? The mere fact that you think it is necessary to say that Naom Chomsky is a "liberal jewish college professor" is proof that whatever efforts "your white nationalist fathers" did "to end REAL racism" has failed miserably.
Blithering FOOL. If those white nationalist soldiers in World War 2 did not fight and thousands died STOPPING RACISM & FACISM, that facism probably would have kept you from even being born. Go to a World War 2 cemetary and walk among the gravestones giving thanks, if you have any brain left after all the indoctrination you apparently are suffering from.

And whether entering the war had anything to do with death camps or not, without white nationalist Russians, and white nationalist Brits & Americans, the death camps would have proliferated, and killed every Jew in Europe.
White Britans and White Australians and White Free French and White Canadians and White Americans that fought white fascists' Nazis, that is of no consequence? Oh all those whites that stood against slavery and fought and died against slavery, their lives matter too. How many whites died to free the slaves? Their lives should matter in the long run.
My father and 3 uncles fought in the European theatre. My father took a bullet for this country that crippled his left arm for the rest of his life. His brother camee back in a casket and got buried in the segregated cemetary. So Mary, I suggest you shut the hell up. All you do is post racist trash. This thread is evidence of racism and if you really want to see proof that racism exists, look in any mirror.

Whites like you, the trash of the race, run your mouths about whites dying, when blacks have died in every war. And blacks had to fight with whites to even be able to serve. So if you're ignorant of the real history of the United States stop talking about what whites have done, because you won't like the whole story.

Lastly, Mary you want us to give whites credit for taking 200 years to do the right thing. And you can just forget about that one. If I set your house on fire then call the fire department, I don't deserve to ask for credit. Whites never should have had to die for freeing anyone because they never should have made people slaves. We are in the 21st century. This is the 3rd decade of this century and we still have obtuse white racists asking people to be grateful to whites for ending a problem they created.
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