Proud Boys Civil War

“Normies”? :auiqs.jpg:



You mean being well adjusted and well socialized?
Most of these guys are overgrown children with self esteem issues (gee, just like orange buffoon) who are far better at making threats than actually accomplishing anything.

The question is whether another McVeigh makes it through. Fortunately, the Feds are paying attention now.

They repeatedly marched in lefty strongholds and defeated their attackers.
The Nazis tried it back in the early 40's. They burned the Reichstag building and blamed it on Jewish terrorists. It's no secret that the FBI is the motivation behind the "Proud Boys" these days and they need to keep the image alive to avoid focusing on the failures of the Biden administration.

Well, if the current leader is an FBI informant, it does raise questions about the 1/6 riot.

It is very suspcious then that he was arrested ON HIS WAY to the protest and thus was prevented from being there.
That should be lauded? :cuckoo:

Well, yes on multiple counts.

The first is, as opposed to be "overgrown children...unable to accomplish anything",

and secondly, as their attackers were violent criminals, and they were thus defending themselves, yes, very laudable, by any normal western or American standards of morality.

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