Protestor Using Freedom of Speech Fighting Against Gov Shutdown Not Protected by First Amendment


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

First Amendment applies to speech against the government. Says nothing about your employer....
'Looting', 'Burning', & 'Destruction of property' are not protected under Constitutional Free Speech....

just sayin'...


When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

Speech which incites violence isn't protected. Hanging someone in effigy probably comes under that heading.
When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

You have a right to free speech. You don't have a right to a job.

Free speech can get you fired, but you still have the right to speak.

When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

Speech which incites violence isn't protected. Hanging someone in effigy probably comes under that heading.
But, it is not an issue of unprotected speech (inciting violence), he has first amendment protections from government. That does not guarantee him a job.

When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

Speech which incites violence isn't protected. Hanging someone in effigy probably comes under that heading.
Hanging in effigy as protest is as old as the republic itself

but maybe Huffines is a democrat
'Looting', 'Burning', & 'Destruction of property' are not protected under Constitutional Free Speech....

just sayin'...


And it would not surprise me if fire bombing looting protesters identified, lost their civilian jobs also. My basic understanding (right or wrong) is that in right to hire, right to fire states, an employer can fire just about at will if they are a mind to and only have to pay their share of unemployment and cannot post anything to future employers not related to their work and sometimes not even that, depending on their willingness to risk liability of litigation.
You have a right to free speech. You don't have a right to a job.

Free speech can get you fired, but you still have the right to speak.

And it would not surprise me if fire bombing looting protesters identified, lost their civilian jobs also. My basic understanding (right or wrong) is that in right to hire, right to fire states, an employer can fire just about at will if they are a mind to and only have to pay their share of unemployment and cannot post anything to future employers not related to their work and sometimes not even that, depending on their willingness to risk liability of litigation.

I find, myself torn between two conflicting principles.

On the one hand, I want to believe in an absolute right of freedom of association, as strongly implied in the First Amendment, which would necessarily include a right to discriminate against anyone for any reason, in any matters of hiring or otherwise doing business.

On the other hand, I do recognize a legitimate societal need for at least some limits on discrimination. On this basis, given how many things we have accepted as criteria on which one is prohibited from legally discriminating, I have a difficult time seeing how it is acceptable or legitimate to discriminate against an employee for participating in a legitimate exercise of his First Amendment rights to freedom of expression.
You have a right to free speech. You don't have a right to a job.

Free speech can get you fired, but you still have the right to speak.

And it would not surprise me if fire bombing looting protesters identified, lost their civilian jobs also. My basic understanding (right or wrong) is that in right to hire, right to fire states, an employer can fire just about at will if they are a mind to and only have to pay their share of unemployment and cannot post anything to future employers not related to their work and sometimes not even that, depending on their willingness to risk liability of litigation.

I find, myself torn between two conflicting principles.

On the one hand, I want to believe in an absolute right of freedom of association, as strongly implied in the First Amendment, which would necessarily include a right to discriminate against anyone for any reason, in any matters of hiring or otherwise doing business.

On the other hand, I do recognize a legitimate societal need for at least some limits on discrimination. On this basis, given how many things we have accepted as criteria on which one is prohibited from legally discriminating, I have a difficult time seeing how it is acceptable or legitimate to discriminate against an employee for participating in a legitimate exercise of his First Amendment rights to freedom of expression.
Let's change the facts just a little:

  • Suppose he was hanging an effigy of his boss, rather than the governor?

Change it again:

  • Suppose he were to do everything he did in the incident above, but did so wearing his work uniform that clearly identifies the company who employs him.

Those are legitimate exercises of First Amendment rights to expression. Are you saying he should be shielded from the consequences of his freedom?

When someone protests the government, isn't that protected free speech? Apparently not when you're protesting against the Democrat governor of Kentucky.

---The protester who hanged an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear from a tree outside the Kentucky State Capitol during a rally supporting Second Amendment rights and protesting coronavirus restrictions has been fired from his job.---

I actually agree with that. I think that hanging effigy, and all of that, is less about political speech, and is more about you just being scum bag.

Because what are you saying? Kill people? That's "Free speech" in your dumb crap world? Can I threaten to kill you? Is that free speech? Because you people really suck, and I have free speech, so I think I should just tell everyone to go murder your butt.

No... no. You want to say something, say it. You don't like the governor, there are appropriate ways to do that without threatening their lives with hanging.

So yeah, fire that guy, and get rid of him. He's trash.

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