Protesters disrupt foreclosure auctions in Sacramento


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Published: Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 1B

Protesters disrupted several foreclosure auctions Tuesday on the Sacramento County Courthouse steps, winning a temporary cancellation of one and sending an unidentified auctioneer to the hospital with chest pains.

Bidders on dozens of foreclosed Sacramento-area homes, all declining to provide their names, called the ACORN protest the first major disruption of an established auction schedule that plays out every weekday at the courthouse following 37,000 foreclosures in the capital region since January 2007.

About 75 statewide members of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, in the capital for a lobbying day on housing bills, delayed at least three auctioneers from selling foreclosed homes starting in the low $100,000s and below.

Protesters disrupt foreclosure auctions in Sacramento - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

but let's not pour water on anybody cause we got morals :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Possible solution to foreclosure: Don't buy more house than you can afford. Plan for possible emergencies. Exercise common sense. Don't go with 100% financing.

I suppose that's too easy for us, though, right?

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