Allied and other nation’s prosecution of Nazi war crime” or crimes against humanity after the Germany’s surrender.
Transcribed excerpts from the thread “How trade deficits reduce their nation’s annual GDPs and numbers of jobs”:
My question was if you’re contending all the “prosecuting” nations were entirely guilty of crimes that were of similar degrees and extents consequentially detrimental to the world?
There were significant differences within various nations as to the degree of Nazi power and authority and control within those nations. In some cases, Germany was not or was pretending not to be occupying the other nation.
There were differences as to the diligence, degrees, and extents consequentially detrimental to world within those nations other than Germany; there was certainly differences between the extent of official and unofficial support the Nazi’s obtained within differing other nations.
In some cases, post war governments did make some efforts, and did to some extent carry out their own prosecutions of those that were too helpful to the Nazis.
Respectfully, Supposn
Transcribed excerpts from the thread “How trade deficits reduce their nation’s annual GDPs and numbers of jobs”:
Great. Now we are sending people to prison for making the most profitable business decisions of the time of their work. Disgraceful. By the way, the U.K. has laws proposed at this time for sending executives to prison if they lose too much of their corporate value. Great. The Nazis are now replaced by entente communists doing the same or worse, globally. Hehehe.Most people that are aware of the German political party’s actual name, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, aka Nationalsozialist Party, aka Nazi Party, consider that name to be ironic. ...
... The [Nazi] Party was from its beginning funded primarily by Gemany's capitalists and they thrived under the Nazi administration.
AnotherLife, you’re equating the direct benefits derived by individuals from their own and the corporations’ they controlled directly participation with Nazi Party’s crimes of mass murders, tortures, and atrocities, with what you and others contend was the crimes due to the allies redrawing the map of Europe after World War Two?
Are you accusing some individuals of all allied nations’ to having been direct participants and beneficiaries of such crimes? ... Respectfully, Supposn
If we are looking for explanations, then we can find explanations for hitler too. I think it is more interesting to look at the prosecution itself. The victorious entente invented, that as long as you are a public servant, you have the license to commit the same crimes as the Nazis did. Therein lies those individuals that you are asking about. Is it logical to accept one criminal to prosecute another by a public servant title?
AnotherLife, I asked if you’re accusing ALL allied nations’ to having been direct participants and beneficiaries of such crimes as the Nazis and their accomplices were tried for?
Are you contending all the “prosecuting” nations were entirely guilty of crimes that were of similar degrees and extents consequentially detrimental to the world?
What precisely are you contending?
Respectfully, Supposn
The answer is a yes. Logically. The same crimes, only one year later. For example, the Nazis deported Jews in 1945. One year later, the entente countries deported the German, the Italian, the Hungarian, and so on. Same crime, almost the same place, one year later. The first one is prosecuted, the second one is excused. So the prosecutions and the criminal nature of the prosecutions themselves are of judicial interest, historically as well as for current practice, because they keep providing an ongoing license to restart European deportations any time as long as it is organized by the ww2 entente nations, currently.
My question was if you’re contending all the “prosecuting” nations were entirely guilty of crimes that were of similar degrees and extents consequentially detrimental to the world?
There were significant differences within various nations as to the degree of Nazi power and authority and control within those nations. In some cases, Germany was not or was pretending not to be occupying the other nation.
There were differences as to the diligence, degrees, and extents consequentially detrimental to world within those nations other than Germany; there was certainly differences between the extent of official and unofficial support the Nazi’s obtained within differing other nations.
In some cases, post war governments did make some efforts, and did to some extent carry out their own prosecutions of those that were too helpful to the Nazis.
Respectfully, Supposn